Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 61 to 78 of 78
Holding Institution: Державний архів Сумської області
  1. Червоне районне управління Української допоміжної охоронної поліції с. Есмань Сумської області

    Списки громадян, які проживали на окупаційній території та громадян які отримали паспорти

  2. Magistrate of the town of Romny

    • Роменський магістрат

    The order about the city administration. The orders of the burgomaster about execution of the organizers and participants of the guerrilla movement. Postcard by Archbishop Nikanor, heard of Kyiv diocese. Collection includes anti-Jewish orders and antisemitic propaganda materials issued by the occupation authorities and local administration (file 2, pp. 3, 39, 48, 49, 52).

  3. Vlizky village administration in Lebedinskyi district

    • Влізьківська сільська управа Лебединського району
    • Vlizkivska silska uprava Lebedinskoho raionu

    The collection contains the order of the city commandant's office on the organization of the Ukrainian auxiliary police, on the activities of the city commandant's office, on the registration of persons to be sent to Germany, on the punishment of citizens who distributed leaflets and helped the partisans, on the registration of population. Certificates of confirmation of ethnicity. Collection includes order from Ortskommandantur to stamp letter "I" in the Jewish passports and IDs. (file 1, p. 164).

  4. District polyclinic at Romny Board of health

    • Роменська районна поліклініка Роменського відділу охорони здоров'я
    • Romenska raionna poliklinika Romenskoho viddilu ohorony zdorov`ia

    Collection contains orders, decisions of the mayor of Romny, and of the head of health department on the education of the labor force, the fight against typhus, cleanliness of the city of Romny and the villages. Instructions for treating tetanus. Applications, certificates. Collection includes order by the major of the town of Romny to register Jewish population not at town's Labor Registry Office but at the office of the Commissioner for the Jewish Labor (file 1, p. 1).

  5. Nursing home at the Romny town administration

    • Будинок інвалідів Роменської міської управи
    • Budynok invalidiv Romenskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains orders of the German command and the chairman of the city administration on the order of allocation land and gardens to the population, on the taxes. Property lists. Information on the payment of wages. Lists of disabled persons. Collection includes lists of the Jewish patients of the Romny nursing home (file 3, pp. 2,12), and materials about admission of the Jews to the nursing home (file 3, pp. 13-19).

  6. Communal farms during the German-Fascist occupation of Sumy oblast

    • Громадські господарства періоду тимчасової німецько-фашистської окупації Сумської області
    • Hromadsky hospodarstva periodu tymchasovoi nimetsko-fashistskoi okupatsii Sumskoi oblasti

    Collection contains orders, announcement of German military authority, civilian institutions, agricultural management bodies on the security issues and fight against partisans, provision of products and materials for the German army, recruitment of laborers to Germany, management of public utilities, property distribution, land plots, livestock. Plans, reports, records of workdays. Accounting documents, economic acts. Collection includes letter from the head of Romny district to elder of Kashpury village about identification and registration of the Jews and all those who were hiding under t...

  7. Липоводолинська районна управа с. Липова Долина Липоводолинського району Сумської області

    Цивільні справи по позовах про виплату аліментів, повернення майна, повернення одягу.

  8. Роменська районна управа м. Ромни Сумської області.

    Листування з старостами сільських управ, районною поліцією про видачу тимчасових посвідчень. Списки і заяви громадян. Персональні посвідчення громадян, списки неблагонадійних та особові посвідчення громадян з літерою 'К' - неблагонадійний.

  9. Zhytne village administration in Romny district

    • Житнянська сільська управа Роменського району
    • Zhytnianska silska uprava Romenskoho raionu

    Collection contains orders of the Romny town administration, orders and announcements on road repairs, milk delivery, population checks, taxes, and the creation of "Hiwi" units to assist the German army. Personal cards and livestock books. Lists of dwellers. Collection includes order by major of the town of Romny to struggle actively against Jewish masonry (file 1, p. 144); leaflet by the town administration addressed to citizens containing greetings with liberation from the power of Jews and Bolsheviks (file 2, p. 25).

  10. Clearing house No. 1 at the Romny town administration

    • Роменська перша розрахункова контора Роменської міської управи
    • Romenska persha rozrahunkova kontora Romenskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection includes statements from the Jewish individuals to give them apartments because their own apartments had been occupied by the German soldiers (inventory 1, file 4, p. 4); lists of the Jewish house-owners (inventory 2, file 3, pp. 34, 43).

  11. Clearing house No. 2 at the Romny town administration

    • Роменська друга розрахункова контора Роменської міської управи
    • Romenska druha rozrahunkova kontora Romenskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains petitions to grant apartments (file 3, p. 11); report about appropriation of the Jewish belongings (file 3, p. 57); order by the head of town's communal service to appoint a Jewish elder to each Clearing house in order to run effectively the census of the Jewish population (file 4, p. 3).

  12. Historical archive at the Romny town's Department of education and propaganda

    • Роменський історичний архів Роменського міського відділу освіти та пропаганди
    • Romenskyi istorychnyi arhiv Romenskoho miskogo viddilu osvity i propahandy

    Collection includes leaflets, announcements, appeals, orders by the German occupation authorities and local administration on various aspects of the life of the Jews (file 1, pp. 1, 10, 19, 23, 24, 31, file 4, pp. 1, 9, 16, file 6, pp. 6, 36, 98, file 27, pp. 44); Order by Ortskommandant of the town of Romny about the execution of the Jewish partisans (file 1, p. 25, file 2, p. 29); a poem flyer with a call to struggle against the Jews (file 4, pp. 2-5); the Easter letter of the Kiev bishop Panteleimon against the Jews (file 4, p. 13, file 27, p. 31).

  13. Romny Executive committee of the District council of people's delegates

    • Роменський виконавчий комітет районної ради народних депутатів
    • Romenskyi vykonavchyi komitet raionnoi rady narodnyh deputatov

    Collection includes statement by the Soviet extraordinary commission on investigating the German-Fascist crimes about the atrocities committed against Jews, prisoners of war, Soviet activists in the town of Romny and Romny district (inventory 3, file 2, pp. 2-7).

  14. Sumy city committee of the Communist party of Ukraine

    • Сумський міський комітет Комуністичної партії України
    • Sumskyi miskyi komitet Komunistychnoi partii Ukrainy

    The collection contains protocols of Communist party conferences, plenums, meetings of the bureau, materials to them. References, informations, reports on issues of organizational and propaganda, social and economic development. Information about the damage inflicted by the Nazi invaders. Inquiries, specifications, awards letters to the fighters of the Great Patriotic War. Statistical reports on the numerical composition and movement of the party organization. Accounting books, registration membership cards, candidate's and registration cards. Lists of communists left behind in the occupied...

  15. Sumy Regional committee of the Communist party of Ukraine

    • Сумський обласний комітет Комуністичної партії України
    • Sumskyi oblasnyi komitet Komunystychnoi partii Ukrainy

    Collection includes: Acts of damage and materials on crimes committed by German fascist invaders. Information about the mass graves (inventory 1). Documents about participation of the Jews in the Soviet partisan and underground movement during the WWII. Lists of Soviet partisans and underground fighters include individuals of the Jewish origin: inventory 3п, file 15, pp. 1-10, 12, 14-17, 19-21, 25, 26, file 88, pp. 13, 17, file 106, pp. 7-12, 21, 23, file 190, pp. 7, 18, file 238, pp. 19, 20, 22-24, 28, 33, 35, 38-40, 73, 74, 76, 77, 102, file 239, pp. 3, 6, 7, file 256, pp. 5, 6, file 257,...

  16. Konotop city committee of the Communist party of Ukraine

    • Конотопський міській комітет Комуністичної партії України
    • Konotopskyi miskiy komitet Komunistychnoi partii Ukrainy

    Collection contains minutes of conferences, plenums, meetings of the bureau, meetings of party and economic officials, city-wide meetings of secretaries of party organizations, heads of enterprises and materials to them. Plans, work reports. Information, memos, acts, correspondence on the implementation of the decisions of the highest bodies on issues of organizational, propaganda, social and economic development. Materials and correspondence about the underground activities of the sabotage group at the steam locomotive plant in 1942-1943. Acts of damage inflicted by the German invaders dur...

  17. Chervonyi partisan unit

    • Червоний партизанський загін
    • Chervonyi partyzanskyi zahin

    The collection contains lists of manpower, report on the political and military activities of the detachment. Collection includes lists of staff (including partisans of Jewish origin) of Chervonyi partisan unit, which operated in several regions of occupied Ukraine and Russia (file 1, pp. 1, 11, 23-26, 29).

  18. Operational group of the Ukrainian headquarter of partisan movement in Sumy region

    • Оперативна група Українського штабу партизанського руху Сумської області
    • Operatyvna hrupa Ukrainskoho shtabu partyzanskoho ruhu Sumskoi oblasti

    The collection contains lists of manpower, partisan autobiographies, personal files of agents in the Sumy region, reports of partisan units, commanders' orders, correspondence with the headquarters of the partisan movement and partisan groups and detachments. Information on weapons, ammunition, food for the units. Collection includes lists of wounded Jewish partisans (file 1, p. 41); lists of decorated Jewish partisans operated in Sumy region during the German occupation (file 1, pp. 53, 53).