Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,741 to 6,760 of 55,838
  1. Bela M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bela M., who was born in Sharkowshchyna, Poland (presently Belarus) in 1931, the oldest of three daughters. She recalls her father was a Lubavitch Hasid; attending a Jewish school, then Polish school; antisemitic harassment; Soviet occupation; German invasion; ghettoization; a group escape; separation from her family; walking to Pastavy; her father finding her and bringing her to the Glubokoye ghetto; rumors of liquidation; a non-Jew hiding her family; returning to the ghetto when it became too dangerous; hiding in a bunker; escaping when the Germans bombed them (her ...

  2. Barbie Trial -- Day 7 -- Two experts testify

    15:52 Witnesses Streim and Holtfort, both German attorneys with experience evaluating Nazi documents and strong understanding of the Nazi and particularly SS command hierarchies, testify as to their knowledge of the SS officer school where Barbie received training in 1935-1937. Holtfort explains that a principal objective of the school was to inculcate an understanding and adherence to Nazi ideology. 15:58 The attorney asks Streim and Holtfort to testify to their understanding of the rules SS members had to obey in their day-to-day lives, as well as punishments handed out for disobedience. ...

  3. Fany K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fany K., who was born in Osijek, Yugoslavia in 1922. Ms. K. recalls cordial relations with non-Jews; belonging to Zionist groups; their strong Yugoslav identities; German occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions; round-ups of Jews, including relatives, who were never heard from again; feeding and helping prisoners who were in Djakovo; being rounded-up by Ustas?a in July 1942; her father arranging her and her mother's escape (they never saw him again); joining relatives in Tuzla; moving to a village, posing as non-Jews; becoming a courier for the partisans; fleeing from Ge...

  4. Vasilevsky family in Slovakia

    KODAK. Quick pan of workers in Spišská Nová Ves, Slovakia. The Vasilevsky family exits an automobile, including mother Elizabeth, daughter Emma, and son George. CUs. The children pick flowers and dance with George (the cameraman). Four schoolgirls on sidewalk and in town. An elegantly dressed man waves to the camera. Boy cries. Elizabeth and her children exit a building (possibly the Kvetnica Sanatorium where they visited Dr. Madziuk). Walking in the large park in the center of Kvetnice. Children, including Vitia and Peter Kalina, play in the garden with a rabbit at home in Spišská Nová Ves...

  5. Miriam T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Miriam T., who was born in Znojmo, Czechoslovakia in 1924, the older of two sisters. She recounts living in Pohořelice; attending Czech public school; her mother's illness in 1931; wonderful visits to her maternal grandmother; participating in Makabi ha-tsaʻir; her mother's death in 1936; attending boarding school in Brno; fleeing with her father to Luhačovice two days prior to the German invasion; returning to school in Brno; anti-Jewish restrictions, including her expulsion from school; participating in hachsharahs in Mělník, Prague, and another town; a brief fa...

  6. Zentralhandelsgesellschaft Ost für landwirtschaftlichen Absatz und Bedarf mbH/Zentrale

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Bestandsgeschichte Die als Bestand R 33 I früher im Bundesarchiv Koblenz verwahrten Unterlagen der ZHO sind 1977 im Zusammenhang mit der Übernahme der Abwicklungsbestände des Reichsnährstandes ins Bundesarchiv gelangt. Über den Zeitpunkt der Übernahme der als Bestand 34.02 im Zentralen Staatsarchiv der DDR verwahrten Unterlagen ins Archiv liegen keine Informationen vor. Archivische Bewertung Das vorliegende Findbuch umfasst sowohl die relevanten Akten der bis 1990 im Bundesarchiv Koblenz als Bestand R 33 I verwahrten Überlieferung als auch die früher im Zentr...

  7. 24 drawings from the concentration camps in Germany Print

    One of a set of twenty-three prints of drawings created by George Zielezinski

  8. Selected records of the Commune of Korabiewice, located in Puszcza Mariańska Akta gminy Korabiewice z siedzibą w Puszczy Mariańskiej (Sygn. 902)

    Records include ordinances and official correspondence from the period of the German occupation, statistics, lists of the Jewish and German population in the commune of Korabiewice, and records pertaining to the establishment of the Jewish Council and ghetto in Skierniewice.

  9. Sam M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sam M., who was born in Szyd?owiec, Poland in approximately 1920. He recounts his family's orthodoxy; their poverty, which led to the deaths of two brothers; attending yeshiva in Kon?skie; antisemitic harassment; attending a lecture by Vladimir Jabotinsky; moving to Warsaw in 1937; participating in Betar; German invasion in 1939; returning home; being caught in a round-up; transport to do slave labor constructing a dike; people in Szyd?owiec securing release of those from the town; returning home; deportation to Skarz?ysko-Kamienna; slave labor in a munitions factory;...

  10. Reichsluftschutzbund

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Der Aufgabenbereich des am 29. April 1933 gegründeten und dem Reichsluftfahrtministerium unterstehenden Reichsluftschutzbundes (RLB) beschränkte sich im Wesentlichen auf die Organisation des Luftschutz-Selbstschutzes. Er gliederte sich in 16 Landesgruppen und diese wiederum in Bezirks- und Ortsgruppen bis hin zu Revieren. Seine Leitung oblag einem Präsidium, dessen Vertreter vom Reichsminister der Luftfahrt (RdL) und Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe (ObdL) ernannt und abberufen wurden. Der RLB war für die Errichtung und Überwachung von Luftschutzräumen und -bun...

  11. Frank family at Kressendorf; high-ranking official visits Wawel castle

    The Frank family eats indoors at Kressendorf winter garden. Norman and his friend Voigt pretend to sleep on the balcony. 01:19:41 HAS exterior street views, and the Wawel castle inner courtyard. [Hans Frank set up residence in Wawel after being named Governor-General of the German-occupied Polish territories in October 1939.] Procession of marching band and troops in the courtyard. 01:20:06 A high-ranking Nazi official marches out and salutes the troops. Official photographers capture the moment. 01:21:20 In color, CU of document stating "An die polnische Bevoelkerung" [To the Polish Popula...

  12. Archiv města Kamenice nad Lipou

    • Archives of the Town of Kamenice nad Lipou / NAD 307

    The fonds contains documents, official books, and files. Jews are explicitly mentioned in the following documents: deprivation of the membership of Jew Leo Wertheimer in the council (inv. No. 328); refugees from Galicia (inv. No. 380); list of Jewish children as summer guests for recovery (inv. No. 383); apartments after Jews (inv. No. 526); lists of Jews (inv. No. 552); Jewish affairs - self-employed persons, teacher of religion, establishment of a canteen, resignation of a head, riots against Jews, kosher butcher's work, regulations regarding the origin and property of Jews 1851-1944 (inv...

  13. Zvláštní dopisovatel Československé tiskové kanceláře, Norimberk

    • Special Correspondent of the Czechoslovak Press Office, Nuremberg
    • NAD 1023
    • Národní archiv
    • 1023
    • English
    • 1945-1949
    • 6,2 linear metres of documents from which all are processed and inventoried. The fonds is fully accessible.

    The fonds consists of the documents and files created by Rostislav Kocourek the only special correspondent working for the Czech Press Office in Nuremberg in 1945 – 1949. The documents contains his correspondence with Bohumil Ečer, the Czechoslovak delegate in the Commission, stenographic records from the trials, hearings of witnesses, information to each defendant, Commission conclusions such as the list and the characteristics of Nazi organizations, crimes committed on the Czechoslovak territory, hand written notes, outlines and drafts etc. Documents were selected to be used for a journal...

  14. Court Grodzki in Warsaw, file Zg.1946 Sąd Grodzki w Warszawie, akta Zg.1946 (Sygn. 655)

    This collection contains selected files, so-called “Zg.” of the Sąd Grodzki w Warszawie, i.e. contains cases of establishing somebody as deceased or issuing a death certificate. Cases apply to those who had perished (99 per cent of cases) during the Soviet or, mainly, Nazi occupation: who were arrested either by the Soviets or Germans, deported to the USSR or the Third Reich, sent to concentration camps, or murdered in ghettos or places of extermination. The files (app. 5-20 pages) contain an application for establishing that someone had died, testimonies of two witnesses on standard forms,...

  15. 24 drawings from the concentration camps in Germany Print

    One of a set of twenty-three prints of drawings created by George Zielezinski

  16. Zentralstelle für Agrardokumentation und -information

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Die ZADI wurde mit Erlass des Bundesministers für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten (BML) vom 2. Juni 1969 (MinBl. BML 1969 S. 125, I A 4 - 1579.1) bei der damaligen Bundesanstalt für Vegetationskunde, Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege (BFANL) errichtet und war ihr bis zum 31. Juli 1986 verwaltungsmäßig angeschlossen. Seit dem Übergang der BFANL aus der Ressortzuständigkeit des BML in den Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit (BMU) durch Organisationserlaß des Bundeskanzlers vom 5. Juni 1986 wurde die ZADI a...

  17. Forschungsstelle für deutsche und gesamteuropäische Integrationspolitik

    • Bundesarchiv, Koblenz
    • B 137-II
    • German
    • 1959-1997
    • Schriftgut 25 Aufbewahrungseinheiten 3,4 laufende Meter

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Die Forschungsstelle wurde 1962 als „Forschungsstelle für gesamtdeutsche wirtschaftliche und soziale Fragen" als eingetragener Verein gegründet und erhielt institutionelle Förderung durch den Bund. 1989/1990 erfolgte ihre Umbenennung in „Forschungsstelle für deutsche und gesamteuropäische Integrationspolitik". Zum 31.12.1993 wurde die Forschungsstelle schließlich aufgelöst. Die Liquidationsversammlung fand am 8. Dez. 1994 statt. Die Forschungsstelle galt als wissenschaftlicher Unterbau des Forschungsbeirates für Fragen der Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands (B 13...

  18. Kuckhoff, Greta

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners geb. 14. Dez. 1902 in Frankfurt/Oder, gest. 11. Nov. 1981 in Berlin, Präsidentin der Deutschen Notenbank 1924-1929 Studium der Volkswirtschaft in Berlin und Würzburg sowie der Soziologie an der Universität Wisconsin/Madison (USA), Abschluss als Dipl.-Volkswirtin, 1928/29 "honorary fellow" der soziologischen Fakultät und Assistentin von Edward A. Ross, nach Rückkehr aus den USA freiberufliche Sprachlehrerin und Übersetzerin für englisches und amerikanisches Wirtschaftsrecht, 1930-1932 Assistentin bei einem Züricher Rechtsanwalt, danach Lehrerin für amerikanisc...

  19. Provincial President in Brno, Administration by the Order of the Reich (1939–1945)

    This fonds is important for finding out about the political, cultural and economic history of occupied Moravia. It contains plans for the gradual Germanisation and liquidation of the Czech nation, and in it we find records about the Aryanization of Jewish property and establishment of forced administrators. The following archival records relate to the Jewish history: In the presidium files marked PA (timeframe not given) – Regulation on Jewish houses in Moravská Ostrava for the needs of the Protectorate police; Investigation of Jewish origin of Dr. Felix Riess from Nový Jičín. Information a...

  20. Amalia P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Amalia P., who was born in Vištuk, Czechoslovkia (presently Slovakia) in 1922, one of six children. She recounts her family's move to Modra; living with her grandfather to attend school in Hustopeče; German occupation; moving to an uncle in unoccupied Kyjov; attending gymnasium until the expulsion of Jews in 1940; returning home; her mother's death in 1940; working in Bratislava; her father arranging to have her smuggled to Hungarian-occupied Nové Zámky, then Budapest; returning home to take her brother and two sisters with her after hearing of deportations from S...