Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 841 to 860 of 3,431
  1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period The collection is primarily comprised of original documents: typewritten documents, manuscripts, surveys and duplicated reports entrusted to the Yad Vashem Archives over the years, mostly by private bodies. The internal division of the Record group was changed a few years ago, and the original division has been entered in the "Previous File" field. The diverse material contains official documents, personal documentation, statistical material, reports and surveys, articles and journalistic pieces from Jewi...

  2. Documentation, mainly of the Gestapo, regarding Soviet and Polish foreign laborers in Germany from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1941-1943

    Documentation, mainly of the Gestapo, regarding Soviet and Polish foreign laborers in Germany from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1941-1943 Most of the files in the collection are files from the Duesseldorf Gestapo and its neighboring branches (Krefeld and Moenchen-Gladbach) relating to specific foreign laborers for whom Gestapo intervention was requested. - File of the Krefeld Gestapo regarding foreign laborers from eastern Europe, including correspondence concerning police handling of specific laborers, and documentation regarding the implementation of the guideline from the Duesseldorf Ges...

  3. Documents, letters and articles published in the Israeli and foreign press regarding the libel trial conducted by Erich Kulka in the Prague Court against Josef Sebesta, the author of the book, "V zemi zaslíbené?" (In the Promised Land?) and the Melantrich

    1. P.25- Archive of Erich Kulka, Historian of Czech Jewry and Author

    Documents, letters and articles published in the Israeli and foreign press regarding the libel trial conducted by Erich Kulka in the Prague Court against Josef Sebesta, the author of the book, "V zemi zaslíbené?" (In the Promised Land?) and the Melantrich publishing house, 1987-1989 Correspondence with various bodies and articles published in Czechoslovakia and various countries regarding the trials initiated by Erich Kulka in his struggle against Josef Sebesta and his book, "V zemi zaslíbené?" (In the Promised Land?), in which Kulka is presented as a Gestapo agent during World War II and a...

  4. Dodd presents evidence at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 386) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany. HSs, MSs Thomas J. Dodd of the American prosecution, tells of the great mass of evidence presented during the trial and the criminal tendencies of the Gestapo, SA, SS. HS Col. Andrus, Provost Marshal, speaking to prisoners in dock at end of session. HS prisoners conversing after the court adjourns; Col. Andrus is standing at the left.

  5. Doily printed with the portrait photograph of a young bride in a displaced persons camp

    1. Rosa and Zygmunt Schleichkorn collection

    Doily featuring a photographic portrait of Rosa Freimann Schleichkorn. It was created to commemorate her wedding to Zygmont Schleichkorn around 1947 in the Zeilsheim displaced persons camp in Germany. In 1940, Rosa escaped from the Łódź (Litzmannstadt) ghetto and hid in a convent. She later moved to Warsaw and assumed a false identity as a Catholic. When that ghetto was about to be destroyed in spring 1943, she paid someone to smuggle her out. Zygmont was interned by the Germans in the ghetto in Bochnia, Poland. It was emptied by the summer of 1943, but Zygmont and his family had hidden in ...

  6. Doily printed with the wedding photograph of a young couple married in a displaced persons camp

    1. Rosa and Zygmunt Schleichkorn collection

    Doily featuring a photographic portrait of Rosa Freimann and Zygmont Schleichkorn. It was created to celebrate their wedding around 1947 in the Zeilsheim displaced persons camp in Germany. In 1940, Rosa escaped from the Łódź (Litzmannstadt) ghetto and hid in a convent. She later moved to Warsaw and assumed a false identity as a Catholic. When that ghetto was about to be destroyed in spring 1943, she paid someone to smuggle her out. Zygmont was interned by the Germans in the ghetto in Bochnia, Poland. It was emptied by the summer of 1943, but Zygmont and his family had hidden in the forest w...

  7. Doily with a gray and red cross stitched couple with flowers recovered postwar by a Polish Jewish girl

    Embroidered doily with crocheted trim recovered by 17 year old Masza Senderowksi after the war from the house of a non-Jewish neighbor who had looted the Senderowksi home. It was likely embroidered by her younger sister Sonia, 13, who was killed during the liquidation of the Jewish ghetto in Zdzieciol, Poland (Dziatlava, Belarus.) Masza, her parents, and three sisters lived in Zdzieciol, which was occupied by German troops in June 1941. In August 1942, as the Germans prepared to liquidate the ghetto, the residents were ordered to the village center. Masza, then 14, and her two older sisters...

  8. Doily with embroidered yellow, red, and pink flowers recovered postwar by a Polish Jewish girl

    Doily with embroidered flowers recovered by 17 year old Masza Senderowksi after the war from the house of a non-Jewish neighbor who had looted the Senderowski home. It was likely embroidered by one of her older sisters, Frieda or Lea, who were presumed killed during the liquidation of the Jewish ghetto in Zdzieciol, Poland (Dziatlava, Belarus.) Masza, her parents, and three sisters lived in Zdzieciol, which was occupied by German troops in June 1941. In August 1942, as the Germans prepared to liquidate the ghetto, the residents were ordered to the village center. Masza, then 14, and her two...

  9. Dokumentation zum Schicksal der Juden in Deutschland 1933-1945

    Bestandsbeschreibung Die Zeitgeschichtliche Sammlung „Dokumentation zum Schicksal der Juden in Deutschland 1933 - 1945" gelangte 1969 in das Bundesarchiv und bildete die Quellenbasis für die Herausgabe des „Gedenkbuches - Opfer der Verfolgung der Juden unter der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft 1933 - 1945". Seit 1960/61 bestand auf Initiative der Gedenkstätte Yad Vashem in Jerusalem ein diesbezüglicher Auftrag des BMI an das Bundesarchiv unter Einbeziehung des Internationalen Suchdienstes des Roten Kreuzes in Bad Arolsen (ITS). Im Gegensatz zum Bundesarchiv befinden sich im ITS zah...

  10. Dokumentationsarchiv des Österreichischen Widerstandes records relating to Roma in Austria

    Consists of copies of various letters and government-generated documents relating to the fate of Roma in Austria during and after the Holocaust. The documents focus on topics such as deportations, establishment of concentration camps for Roma, forced labor of Roma, and transports of Roma to Mauthausen and Auschwitz.

  11. Dokumente betr. weibliche Gefange in KLn und Arbeitserziehungslagern (in dieser Sammlung erscheinen Gestapo-Dok. betr. die folgenden KL: Auschwitz, Lichtenburg, Ravensbrück sowie die Arbeitserziehungs ...

    1. Allgemeines
    2. Dokumente/Schriftwechsel zu Verfolgung/Haftstätten

    Dokumente betr. weibliche Gefange in KLn und Arbeitserziehungslagern (in dieser Sammlung erscheinen Gestapo-Dok. betr. die folgenden KL: Auschwitz, Lichtenburg, Ravensbrück sowie die Arbeitserziehungslager: Ahaus (Münster), Watenstedt, 38/44; ferner versch. Gestapo-Befehle betr. Einlieferung von Schwangeren sowie die Herstellung von Identifizierungsfotographien bei weiblichen Gefangenen 42/44);Dokumente betr. Sicherheismassnahmen in KLn und Kriegsgefangenenlagern 36/44.

  12. Dokumente vornehmlich der Gestapo Düsseldorf betr. einen Befehl des Chef der Sipo und des SD 17.12.42, auf Grund des Befehls des Reichsführers SS, 14.12.42, betr. die Einlieferung von min. 35 000 arbe ...

    1. Allgemeines
    2. Dokumente/Schriftwechsel zu Verfolgung/Haftstätten

    Dokumente vornehmlich der Gestapo Düsseldorf betr. einen Befehl des Chef der Sipo und des SD 17.12.42, auf Grund des Befehls des Reichsführers SS, 14.12.42, betr. die Einlieferung von min. 35 000 arbeitsfähigenen Gestapo-Gefang. in die Konzentrationlager.

  13. Dokumente zu Deportationen

    1. Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien

    Abwanderung (Deportationen); Deportationen ab 1941; An die Gestapo gerichtete Rapporte ueber die Umsiedlung juedischer Krankenbehandler, sowie ehemaliger Aerzte und Aerztinnen; a. fuer die Zeit vom 15.02. - 15.03.1941, 16.03.1941,; b. fuer die Zeit vom 15.10. - 02.11.1941, 11.11.1941;

  14. Dokumente zur Auswanderung

    1. Fürsorgezentrale der IKG Wien, Auswanderungsabteilung

    Auswanderung; Abfertigung; Liste von Personen, die sich in Gewahrsam befinden und eine Einreisemoeglichkeit besitzen (Ordner, alph.; inkl. Liste der verhafteten Leiter von Umschulungskursen und Liste des Palaestinaamts, sowie Kopien von an die Gestapo gerichteten Enthaftungsgesuchen);

  15. Dokumente zur Auswanderung

    1. Fürsorgezentrale der IKG Wien, Auswanderungsabteilung

    Auswanderung; Berichte; An die Zentralstelle fuer juedische Auswanderung und die Gestapo gerichteter Bericht ueber die von Amtsdirektor Dr. Loewenherz und dem Leiter des Palaestinaamts Dr. Rottenberg vom 13.01. - 03.02.1939 in Paris, London und Amsterdam gefuehrten Verhandlungen;

  16. Dokumente zur Auswanderung

    1. Fürsorgezentrale der IKG Wien, Auswanderungsabteilung

    Auswanderung; Abfertigung; An die Gestapo gerichtete Ansuchen um Enthaftung derjenigen Haeftlinge, die eine Auswanderungsmoeglichkeit besitzen (alph.);

  17. Dokumente zur Auswanderung

    1. Fürsorgezentrale der IKG Wien, Auswanderungsabteilung

    Auswanderung; Devisenangelegenheiten; An die Gestapo gerichteter Bericht ueber die Verrechnung mit den fuer Auswanderungstransporte herangezogenen italienischen Schiffahrtslinien;

  18. Dokumente zur Auswanderung

    1. Fürsorgezentrale der IKG Wien, Auswanderungsabteilung

    Auswanderung; Devisenangelegenheiten; Kopien der als Beilagen zu Schreiben der Auswanderungsabteilung an die Gestapo beziehungsweise an die Zentralstelle fuer juedische Auswanderung gesandten Listen von Personen, denen Landungs- und Einreisegelder zuzuteilen sind, und Stornolisten (vereinzelt mit Beilagen); 11.08.1938 - 22.05.1939;