Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,781 to 2,800 of 3,431
  1. Ewert, Arthur und Ewert, Minna

    Bestandsbeschreibung Arthur Ewert 13. November 1890 in Heinrichswalde bei Tilsit geboren 1908 Mitglied der Gewerkschaft und der SPD vor 1914-1920 nach Kanada ausgewandert 1920 Mitglied der KPD 1922/23 Sekretär und Bezirksleiter der KPD Hessen 1923-1929 Mitglied der Zentrale, ab 1925 des ZK der KPD Mai 1928 Mitglied des Reichstages 1928 auf VI. Weltkongress der Komintern Kandidat des Präsidiums des EKKI 1932-1934 EKKI-Vertreter beim ZK der KP Chinas 1934 im Auftrag des EKKI in Brasilien, um die Kommunistische Partei anzuleiten Ende 1935 zusammen mit seiner Frau Elisabeth Saborowski (14.11.18...

  2. Blenkle, Conrad

    Bestandsbeschreibung 28. Dez. 1901 in Berlin-Neukölln geboren 1908 - 1916 Besuch der Volksschule in Berlin-Neukölln 1916 - 1919 Bäckerlehre in Berlin-Schöneberg Anfang 1919 Mitglied der Freien Sozialistischen Jugend (FSJ), später Kommunistische Jugend Deutschlands (KJD), und der KPD 1920 - 1922 2. Vorsitzender der FSJ bzw. der KJD in Berlin-Neukölln bzw. Berlin-Süd Ende 1922 - Herbst 1923 Vorsitzender der Bezirksleitung Berlin-Brandenburg der KJD 15. - 25. Juli 1924 Teilnahme am IV. Kongress der Kommunistischen Jugendinternationale (KJI) in Moskau 1924 - 1928 Vorsitzender des KJVD 1924 - 19...

  3. Paul, Elfriede und Küchenmeister, Walter

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Küchenmeister, Walter (1897-1943) Bestandsbeschreibung Elfriede Paul 14. Jan. 1900 in Köln geboren 1919-1921 Mitglied in der Freideutschen und in der Monistischen Jugend, der KPD und der Internationalen Arbeiterhilfe (IAH) 1918-1924 Ausbildung zur Lehrerin am Kloster St. Johannis in Hamburg, Lehrerin an der Mädchen-, Berufs- und Handelsschule in Hamburg-Harburg 1924-1925 Wanderschaft durch Nord- und Mitteldeutschland zur Vervollkommnung sozialpädagogischer Erfahrungen 1925-1928 Leiterin des Städtischen Kinderheimes am Großen Dahlem bei Hamburg, Besuch von Leh...

  4. Axen, Hermann

    Bestandsbeschreibung 6.3.1916 in Leipzig geboren 1932 Mitglied des KJVD, Mitglied der UB-Leitung Leipzig Nov. 1934 Verhaftung und im Oktober 1935 Verurteilung durch das OLG Dresden wegen Vorbereitung zum Hochverrat" 1935-1937 Inhaftierung im Zuchthaus Zwickau 1938 Emigration nach Frankreich/Paris 1940-1942 Internierung, u.a. in Le Vernet, und Auslieferung an die Gestapo Aug. 1942-1945 Inhaftierung im KZ Auschwitz, ab Jan. 1945 im KZ Buchenwald, Leiter der illegalen Lagerleitung in Auschwitz und Mitglied der illegalen KPD-Leitung in Buchenwald Okt. 1945-Febr. 1946 Leiter des Jugendausschusse...

  5. Wollweber, Ernst

    Bestandsbeschreibung Biografische Angaben Ernst Fritz, Karl Wollweber 29. Okt. 1898 in Hannoversch-Münden geboren 1913-1916 Schiffsjunge bei der Mindener und Bremer Schifffahrtsgesellschaft 1916-1918 Matrose und Soldat bei der Kaiserlichen Marine, U-Bootabteilung 1918 Teilnehmer am Matrosenaufstand in Kiel, Mitglied des Obersten Soldatenrates 1919-1923 Mitglied der KPD-Bezirksleitung Niedersachsen, Bezirkssekretär der KPD-Bezirksleitung Hessen-Waldeck 1923 Aufbau und Leitung der illegalen Militärorganisation der Partei in den Bezirken Hessen-Waldeck, Thüringen und Schlesien 1924 Verurteilun...

  6. Heinz Golessa

    Bearbeitungshinweis unbearbeiteter Nachlass Bestandsbeschreibung 4. September 1917 Geburt in Magdeburg 1923 - 1932 Besuch der weltlichen Versuchsschule Magdeburg-Buckau 1929 Mitglied der "Roten Falken" 1931 Mitglied der Sozialistischen Arbeiter-Jugend (SAJ) 1932 - 1937 Lehre als Maler 1934 Mitglied des Kommunistischen Jugendverbandes Deutschlands (KJVD), als Leiter des Stadtteils Magdeburg-Buckau des KJVD war er an der Herstellung und dem Vertrieb illegaler Schriften und Flugblätter beteiligt August 1935 wegen politischer Tätigkeit für den KJVD in Schutz- und Untersuchungshaft, nach fünfwöc...

  7. The Ball-Kaduri Collection: Contemporary testimonies and reports regarding the Holocaust of the Jews of Germany and Central Europe, 1943-1960

    The Record Group includes memoirs of Jewish leaders in various areas of Jewish life in Germany. Although there is much documentation regarding the fate of individual Holocaust victims, the main emphasis of the Record Group is on the different Jewish organizations. There is much information about local community organizations and the central Jewish organizations of German Jewry, including general, Zionist, and religious organizations. There is also documentation regarding emigration preparations and relations with the Nazi authorities as seen by the Jews. There are over 300 files in the reco...

  8. Documentation regarding Austrian Jews who were active in the French Resistance movement, 1941-1965

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Documentation regarding Austrian Jews who were active in the French Resistance movement, 1941-1965 - Testimony of Dr. Selma Steinmetz, the fighter, regarding her experiences in Resistance movement activities until her arrest, tortures she endured and her release; her testimony mentions Tucek, the Gestapo interrogator, and his cruel treatment of the prisoners; -Names of Jewish resistance fighters and their families, and their fate; - Separate list of Jews who were active as agents for and collaborators with the Gestapo who handed over Jewish fighters to the Gestapo; the reports were prepared...

  9. Letter of appointment of Dr. Josef Loewenherz as Chairman of the Altestenrat (Council of the Elders of the Jews) in Vienna

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Letter of appointment of Dr. Josef Loewenherz as Chairman of the Altestenrat (Council of the Elders of the Jews) in Vienna - Advisory members: Wilhelm Bienenfeld; Dr. Heinerich Dessauer and Dr. Benjamin Murmelstein; - Copy of an official letter from Gestapo Stapo (Statepolice) Engelbert Huber in Vienna to Dr. Josef Loewenherz, 01 January 1943; - Photocopy of the Letter of Appointment.

  10. Review of events and happenings regarding the situation of Austrian Jewry, 1938-1944, and personal notes and evaluations made by the reviewer

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Review of events and happenings regarding the situation of Austrian Jewry, 1938-1944, and personal notes and evaluations made by the reviewer - Summary description of the events and happenings that determined the fate of the Jews of Austria from the Anschluss (Annexation to the Reich), 1938, to the liquidation of Austrian Jewry through emigration abroad of most of the Jews and deportation of Jews to concentration and extermination camps (with the exception of Jews who had intermarried and the children of intermarriages). The review includes: statistical data, anti-Jewish legislation, mass d...

  11. Personal documentation belonging to Moritz Baecker from Vienna

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Personal documentation belonging to Moritz Baecker from Vienna - Personal documentation and a personal photograph; - Heimatschein (Residence certificate) in the city of Vienna, 1935; - Exemption from military service because he is a Jew, 1938; - List of personal travel equipment approved by the Devisenstelle (Foreign Currency Authority) for emigration needs; - Income Tax exemption certificate; - Voucher for sending mail to the Gestapo, 1939; - Personal letter sent by Moritz Baecker from Buchenwald to his father, 15 January 1939; - Negative photograph of the above letter; - Correspondence wi...

  12. Appointments of notable people to serve as leaders of the Viennese Jewish community, 1938

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Appointments of notable people to serve as leaders of the Viennese Jewish community, 1938 - Copy of a document issued by the "Besonderes Stadtamt Wien" regarding the appointments of Dr. Josef Loewenherz as Chairman of the Viennese Jewish community and an eight member advisory committee, 28 May 1938; - Granting of exclusive authority to the Community Chairman; - The appointments, guidelines and granting of authority in accordance with the decision of the Gestapo in Vienna.

  13. Regulations of the Aeltestenrat der Juden in Wien (Council of Elders of the Jews in Vienna)

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Regulations of the Aeltestenrat der Juden in Wien (Council of Elders of the Jews in Vienna) The regulations are applicable to all the Jews of Austria (Two copies) - Description of the territorial area of Aeltestenrat activity, its authority, membership in the community, the leadership, the positions, its subordination to the Gestapo, disbanding of the Aeltestenrat.

  14. Two documents issued by the Jewish community in Linz to Rudolf Gans-Schiller, including certification of his appointment as Director of the Emigration Bureau in Linz, 1938

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Two documents issued by the Jewish community in Linz to Rudolf Gans-Schiller, including certification of his appointment as Director of the Emigration Bureau in Linz, 1938 - Thank-you letter to Rudolf Gans-Schiller from the Jewish community in Linz for the donation of 4,000 Reichsmark in support of needy Jews and assistance to the emigration of needy Jews; - Certificate from the Jewish community in Linz that Rudolf Gans-Schiller was appointed by Max Hirschfeld, Chairman of the Jewish community, as Director of the Emigration Bureau in Linz, and responsible for the entire Oberdonau area, and ...

  15. List of synagogues and houses of worship in Vienna, 10 November 1938, and an invitation to a ceremony in honor of the 120th anniversary of the Wiener Stadt Tempel, 1946

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    List of synagogues and houses of worship in Vienna, 10 November 1938, and an invitation to a memorial ceremony in honor of the 120th anniversary of the Wiener Stadt Tempel, 1946 In the file: List of synagogues and houses of worship as prepared by the Gestapo attached to the Vienna STAPO headquarters, 30 November 1938. The list is arranged by urban districts (Bezirke) and the names of the streets have been erased; the list is signed by Johann Pelz [Filz?]; within the list, there is a note that according to orders of Gauleiter Josef Buerkel the place of worship (Tempel) on Seitenstettengasse ...

  16. Personal documentation belonging to Liane Bertl Podhorcer and her parents, Arthur and Helene Podhorcer, from Vienna, and their emigration to England, 1939

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Personal documentation belonging to Liane Bertl Podhorcer and her parents, Arthur and Helene Podhorcer, from Vienna, and their emigration to England, 1939 The documentation includes birth certificates of members of the Podhorcer and Langer families; a psychiatric evaluation testifying to the fact that Arthur Podhorcer was held by the Gestapo and as a result of his detention suffers from emotional disturbances, 1958; transit certificate belonging to Liane Podhorcer, 1946; nationalization document belonging to Liane Podhorcer and Oath of Allegiance to the British monarchy. All the documents w...

  17. Official documentation of the Linz community regarding emigration, prayer times, registration of Jews who have converted and more, 1938-1945

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Official documentation of the Linz community regarding emigration, prayer times, registration of Jews who have converted and more, 1938-1945 - Information pages regarding emigration matters, September 1938; - Appeal from the local Zionist movement chapter to contribute to the JNF (Jewish National Fund); - Prayer times for the High Holydays, religious holidays, Shabbatot and weekdays, September-October; 1938 - Obligation of Nichtglaubensjuden (Jews who have converted) to register according to orders from the Gestapo; - Reminder with a request from the Chairman of the Community (with no name ...

  18. NSDAP (Nazi party) and Gestapo documentation regarding travel permits, arrests, confiscation of property of the Jewish community and its library and looting the contents of synagogues during the Novemberaktion (November "Aktion"), 1938

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    NSDAP (Nazi party) and Gestapo documentation regarding travel permits, arrests, confiscation of property of the Jewish community and its library and looting the contents of synagogues during the Novemberaktion (November "Aktion"), 1938 Nazi documentation regarding the Novemberaktion, 1938: - Arrests of Jews following the Kristallnacht riots among the Jews of St. Poelten; the Eichgraben vocational training camp and the Talheim vocational camp; confiscation of the archives of the Jewish community of Vienna; issuing of passports; detention of Jews with a previous conviction in the Dachau conce...

  19. Nazi documentation regarding Judenumsiedlung (Resettlement of Jews) and seizing real estate belonging to the Jewish community of Vienna for the needs of the Waffen-SS

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Nazi documentation regarding Judenumsiedlung (Resettlement of Jews) and seizing real estate belonging to the Jewish community of Vienna for the needs of the Waffen-SS In the file: - Written notices from the Gauleitung (Area Administration) of Vienna regarding an operation to evict the Viennese Jews from their apartments which would then be handed over for the use of [Nazi] party members; Gestapo opposition to the initiative taken by the party in this matter; continuation of the "Aktion" could be carried out only through the Wohnungsant (Office for Residential Matters); - Correspondence betw...

  20. Varied documentary material from the Innsbruck community and the Tyrol district regarding antisemitism before the war, confiscation of property, anti-Jewish legislation and disbanding of the communities in the Tyrol district

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Varied documentary material from the Innsbruck community and the Tyrol district regarding antisemitism before the war, confiscation of property, anti-Jewish legislation and disbanding of the communities in the Tyrol district - Performance of the antisemitic play, "Das Anderle von Rinn", based on the blood libel from the Middle Ages, and the reaction of the public and the press to the play; - Confiscation of property and use of assets and personal belongings for the needs of senior Nazi party officials - seizure of real estate, mansions and villas; - Suicide of Friedrich Reitlinger, owner of...