Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21 to 40 of 107
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Finnish
Country: Romania
  1. Remarks

    Requests for lists of all military personnel, divided by categories in accordance with their activities, belonging to a political movement, or who committed acts of terrorism, maiming or killing. Follow lists from various Units.

  2. Instructions

    for Jewish forced labor brigades, forced labor, guards, field work, instructions for procurement of cattle food, concurrence between the base units and the spread-out formations for improving the situation of the villages. April 1 - August 3, 1944. Instructions for the formation of guard units. Documents related to the above.

  3. Reports

    Reports related to the legionary rebellion on January 1941. 24 - 28 Jan. 1941. 2 pages of lists w/o explanation or title. Detailed report of the events that took place on 21-23 January 1941. A note indicates that a number of pages were taken out by the security services.

  4. Remarks

    Terrorist activities, sabotage, espionage, partisans, Atrocities committed by German-Hungarian troops. Dec. 20, 1944 and up to April. 25, 1945.Capture of two Hungarian partisans. Information regarding creation of a school of partisans in Hungary, to commit acts of sabotage in Romania. Hungarian partisans and terrorists infiltrated into Romanian territory. Material based on interrogations of apprehended terrorists. Reports of atrocities committed by German troops in the battle against the Soviet troops, killing and wounding a great many Romanian military. Information on the activity of the G...

  5. Suspicious elements in the Army

    Communists, Legionnaires, Irredentists, Sectants, terrorists. Due to the international situation, an increase in the activities of various factions requires higher vigilance in the detection of suspicious elements in the armed forces. Under suspicion are officers of German origin (Saxons, swabs). Reports and analyses of personnel from various minorities and provinces: German, Ukrainian, Hungarian, Bessarabia, Transylvania.

  6. Working brigades.

    Instructions for organization. Reports of activity from groups. Units composed of minority citizens; special instructions.

  7. Study

    of retrenchment (repliere) of the 4-th Army from Bessarabia into Moldova over the Pruth under enemy pressure.

  8. Declarations

    of ethnic origin for commissioned and non-commissioned officers. Rules for establishing the ethnic origin as Jew. Individual declarations.

  9. All Army officers

    must certify by word of honor of not being affiliated to a franc Masonic loge. Follow declarations of officers from all Units.

  10. Exceptional measures. Various Orders of the Day to be issued. Orders regarding refugees.

    No Jews or Russians allowed to cross the Prut into Romania. Vigilance for foreign agents Report of operations. Hostile attitude of the local population. The attitude of the Jews and the reaction to it by the troops. Solution proposed to protect (by internment) the Jews from the troops. Requests for information regarding the hostile acts against the Army and the population, by the “jewish-communists”.

  11. Odessa.

    Organization of military command and of the administration.

  12. The Communist and Anti-communist movements.

    The communist propaganda. Informative notes regarding the activity of Jewish industrialists. Copies of communist manifests. Synthesis of the organization and activity of the communist movement. The anti-communist propaganda in the Army. Anti-communist manifests.

  13. Communications, authorizations, reports.

    Factories owned by Jews. Voided authorizations for work and free movement.

  14. The Jews and their evacuation.

    Letter of Horia Sima. Relax attitude vs. the “Jidani”.

  15. Misc. Propaganda. Juridic.

    Instructions for the Propaganda units. Instructions for the Services of propaganda and counter-propaganda in the Army.

  16. Dispositions

    regarding the creation of a new Zionist organization, for the Jews from Romania. Information bulletin of the Pretorate in Odessa. 247 Jews in Shmerinca are taken over by German authorities. A German lieutenant is found to be a Jew from Cernauti.

  17. Problems related to Jews.

    Proposal to evacuate Jews ages 15 - 50 from towns in operation zones of the Army. On 30/6 Antonescu orders a curfew for Jews and placing them in guarded places during the night hours. Also hostages will be taken from Jews, communists, to be shot at the first signs of rebellion. The problem of transferring masses of Jews East of the Dniester and the Germans turning them back on the West banc. The Jews already in Transnistria will stay there until taken over by the Germans with whom a convention in this matter was signed. (Tiraspol, Oct.11, 1941). Orders to prevent contacts between Jews and t...

  18. Occupation troops between the Dniester and Dnieper.

    Orders and instructions given to the occupation troops of the 4-th Army, for guarding the territory between the two rivers. Decree of administrative organization of the province Transnistria. List of military units allocated. Text of the “accord” determining the safety, administration and economical development in Transnistria and the territory between the Bug and the Dnieper. Letter from Hitler to Antonescu. Organization of the administration, lines of communication. Infrastructure and military preparedness in Transnistria. The explosion of the military headquarters in Odessa: results, cle...

  19. Various

    The rebellion of 21.I, 1941. Orders received. 21.I - 31.I, 1941. Reports of military activity. Conclusions and further instructions to prevent unrest and rebellions.

  20. Notes and information.

    Instructions by the Soviet army for partisan groups: organization, fighting tactics, objectives etc. Instructions for conduct of the army toward the civil population.