Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 19,701 to 19,720 of 55,777
  1. March of Time -- outtakes -- American soldiers in Le Mans, France

    American troops in Le Mans, France. They congregate in the streets of the town and drink at outdoor cafes. Nice street scenes with troops and French civilians interacting happily. A group of several African American soldiers talk to a French colonial troop; they shake his hand and offer him a cigarette, which he accepts. American nurses look at dresses in a store window. Exteriors and interiors of shops. The exterior and interior of the Bar Americain, where a smiling woman pours drinks for American soldiers. Young French women exiting the palace of justice. Americans and French people shopp...

  2. Selected documents from the Departmental Archives of the Belfort Territory

    Contains documents pertaining to the expropriation of Jewish property in The Belfort Territory during the war and restitution and indemnification issues after the war. Also contains the diary of Henriette Bloch, a Jewish school teacher whose son, Julien, was captured as the Bloch family attempted to escape into the Jura.

  3. Stahl, Friedrich (Generalleutnant)

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Generalleutnant Bestandsbeschreibung geb. am 14. Juni 1889 in Darmstadt, gest. am 19. Dez. 1979 in Darmstadt, Verheiratet seit dem 5.Nov.1914 mit Katharina Stahl geb.Worzewski (gest. am 22. Feb. 1934) Wiederverheiratet seit dem 4. Apr. 1935 mit Herta Stahl geb. Schwarz Auszeichnungen: 15. Sept.1914 Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse; Jan. 1916 Österreichisches Militär-Verdienst-Kreuz mit der Kriegsdekoration; 1916 Württembergischer Friedrichs-Orden; 27. Jan.1917 Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse; Juli 1917 Türkischer lit. Halbmond; 23.Sept.1920 Rote Kreuz Medaille 3. Klasse; 18...

  4. Soviet Army partisan units, Ukraine

    Soviet Army partisan unit gathering in a village. VS of wooden homes, soldiers. The unit is preparing to leave the village. Soviet cavalry group also leaves the village, with soldiers marching behind them. CU marching Soviet soldiers. CU higher ranks of Soviet soldiers standing by a riverbank, preparing to cross. VS horse-drawn wagon and Soviet soldiers crossing a river by raft. Supporting paper documents from Ukrainian Central State Archives note that this footage shows: "the Kartenichi village in Lel'chevsk district (Belorussia), partisans are getting ready for an action. Crossing the Ubo...

  5. Világ [Newspapers]

    Independent liberal daily published immediately after the war. The publication includes many articles related the fate of the Hungarian Jewry and postwar war crimes investigations and trials of war criminals.

  6. Αρχεία του Κεντρικού Ισραηλιτικού Συμβουλίου της Ελλάδος, 1943-1990

    • Records of the Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece, 1943-1990
    • Archeia tou Kentrikou Israilitikou Symvouliou tis Ellados, 1943-1990

    Consists mainly of files of correspondence between various Greek Jewish communities, with Greek governmental authorities concerning the restitution of the property of Greek Jews, and with international Jewish organizations concerning remembrance. Also included is correspondence with various other, but primarily German, organizations and authorities concerning reparations.

  7. Kartoteka Więźniów Obozu Hasag Pelcery w Częstochowie

    • Card File of Prisoners in the Hasag-Pelcery Camp in Częstochowa

    Kartoteka więźniów obozu HASAG-Pelcery w Częstochowie z lat 1943-1945 obejmuje 4736 kart.

  8. Verbände und Einheiten der Nachrichtentruppe des Heeres

    Bestandsbeschreibung Der Bestand enthält neben Vorkriegsakten des Nachrichten-Regiments Nr. 7 (17 AE/1935-37), der Nachrichten-Abteilungen Nr. 10 (73 AE/1934-39), Nr. 17 (59 AE/1934-39), Nr. 19 (4 AE/1941-42) und Nr. 49 (60 AE/1934-39) Schriftgutsplitter zahlreicher Einheiten der Nachrichtentruppe. Die wenigen erhaltenen Unterlagen der Festen Funkstellen wurden den jeweiligen Wehrkreiskommandos, dort den Kommandeuren der Nachrichtentruppen, zugeordnet. Erschliessungszustand vollständig erschlossen Zitierweise BArch RH 44/...

  9. Fishing in China

    Various scenes of China - children, cleaning wok on small boat, fishing, traveling shots from rowboat, home, scenic landscape views, fishing on river, ducks.

  10. German campaign in Poland; trooops; Danzig

    Summary: The German viewpoint of events prior to and during the Polish campaign. Reel 4: German cavalry and motorized infantry advance. Civilians greet German columns. Armor advances through flaming ruins. An informer points out a Pole accused of war crimes. The Schleswig-Holstein shells Danzig.

  11. German invasion of Poland and USSR

    Title: The German Invasion of Russia Autumn of 1941. American narration describes the German invasion of the USSR. Fires and other devastation in USSR; Soviet POWs. Germans attack Poland in 1939. Clips of battle footage (from German newsreels) while the narrator enumerates the countries invaded by the Nazis. German bombers attack USSR. A German soldier tears down a banner containing a portrait of Stalin. A German soldier raises a barrier at the border. German soldiers enter the USSR on bicycle, foot and on tanks. Bombs dropped on Soviet territory. Nice shot of a long line of German tanks di...

  12. Oral history interview with Saul Manski

  13. Jodl interrogated at Nuremberg Trial

    05:17:48 (Munich 216) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 7, 1946. British prosecutor G B Roberts interrogates Alfred Jodl. His answers are translated and heard in English. MS, Jodl on stand, as Roberts reads an article on Norway from document book 7. Jodl speaks about the invasion of Norway. LS, prisoners' dock showing MPs in BG and FG. 05:23:18 (Munich 221) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 10, 1946. Dr. Gustav Steinbauer, Seyss-Inquart's attorney, speaking (translated into English). MCU, Seyss-Inquart being sworn in. MS, Seyss-Inquart is questioned by Dr. Steinbauer. MS...

  14. Sąd Okręgowy w Piotrkowie

    Akta organizacyjno-administracyjne Sądu: zarządzenia, okólniki, sprawy personalne, sprawozdawczość, akta rejonów śledczych, korespondencja z urzędami hipotecznymi, notariuszami i komornikami. Akta spraw Wydział Karny: kradzieże, zabójstwa, napady, pobicia,, posiadanie broni, gwałty, znęcanie się, usiłowanie zabójstwa, fałszerstwa, oszustwa, uchylanie się od alimentów, pogwałcenie obrzędów religijnych, nielegalne lecznictwo, porzucenie noworodka, spędzenie płodu, samowolne pozbawienie wolności, ucieczka z więzienia, wypadki drogowe, wyrób alkoholu.

  15. Kaiserliches Gouvernement in Deutsch-Ostafrika

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Die Originalakten werden im Nationalarchiv Tansania in Daressalam aufbewahrt. Das Bundesarchiv verfügt nur über eine auswahlweise Verfilmung des Bestandes. Erschliessungszustand Publikationsfindbuch 1984 Zitierweise BArch R 155/...

  16. Anthony Dotta photograph collection

    The Anthony Dotta photograh collection consists of photographs of the liberation of the Ohrdruf and Buchenwald concentration camps. The photographs depict United States soldiers standing among corpses in the camps, the burial of victims by German civilians, the gallows of Ohrdruf, and the crematoria at Buchenwald concentration camp. It is believed that the photographer was either John Pagotto or Louis Pagotta, friends of Anthony Dotta.

  17. Polizeipräsidium Kassel (Preußische Polizeidirektion für die Stadt Kassel)

    Akten (überwiegend nur bis 1930) über Hoheitswesen, Polizeiverwaltung, Sicherheit, politische Bewegungen, Ordnungswesen, öffentliche Gesundheit, Kirchen- und Schulsachen, Wohlfahrtspflege, Arbeit, Zünfte, Gewerbe, Handel, Verkehr, Bauaufsicht, Landwirtschaft, Kriegswesen, Juden; Personalakten. Die Hauptmasse der Akten ab 1930 sind beim Luftangriff auf Kassel 1943 verbrannt.

  18. Martha Fruchter Gulyas papers

    The papers consist of photographs and one identification card relating to Martha Fruchter Gulyas [donor's grandmother] and her family from the time period of the Holocaust. The identification card was issued to Martha Fruchter Gulyas from the Hungarian Jewish services in 1945 in Budapest, Hungary; this was the first identification papers she received her liberation.

  19. Kaufbeuren Institution

    "Agfa 1941" appears on the film leader. Young patients in a room who manifest signs of being severely mentally disturbed and/or disabled. Close up of a girl rocking back and forth and a boy repeatedly sticking out his tongue. Older patients are also present. Nurses attend to a crying female patient. A shot of an older man in what might be a different room. Patients in beds; the camera pans down to show the malformed and very thin legs of one of the patients. More than one of the patients is in a straightjacket. Some of the patients are shown eating. A couple of the patients talk animatedly;...

  20. German soldier and woman at cafe in Paris

    Brief shot of bride and groom. LS church, Basilica. Panning shot of Montmartre district street scenes; cafes, people in street. Another uniformed German and a woman with heavy makeup (not the same people as earlier) sit at an outdoor table. Signs on the bar (seen earlier in Story 4408, but more in depth here) are in German: "Der Wirt spricht Deutsch" "Speise Wirtschafte Belegte Brotchen." The German and the woman drink through straws. The next scene shows the same woman sitting at the same table with an elderly man in civilian clothes (seen earlier at 01:06:10 in Story 4409 and later in Sto...