Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,801 to 18,820 of 55,814
  1. Pratiche relative ai cittadini di origine ebraica Practices relating to citizens of Jewish origin

    Selected records concerning the discrimination and persecution of foreign and Italian Jews in Pesaro, Italy. Consists of list of Jews and seizures of Jewish assets in Pesaro.

  2. Intelligence reports re Nazi atrocities

    This collection comprises 3 separate deposits, of which the provenance of only 2 can be identified. 809/1 was deposited by R D Gray in November 1988 along with a number of books and pamphlets, which have been catalogued separately as part of the Wiener Library book and pamphlet collections. The material in this deposit relates mainly to the interrogation of German prisoners of war. It appears that the depositor (a retired academic at the time of deposit) was a member of an interrogation team during the war: Some original pencil notes on the interrogation of prisoners of war in the summer of...

  3. Processo de pedido de visto para Eugéne Keel, Emilienne Keel, Denise Keel, filha de Eugéne Keel, Adolphe Gelber e Pinscus Licman

    Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Bruxelas para Eugéne Keel, de nacionalidade suíça e residente na Bélgica, com destino a Portugal. Sem informação de atribuição de visto. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Bruxelas para Emilienne Keel, de nacionalidade suíça e residente na Bélgica, com destino a Portugal. Sem informação de atribuição de visto. Processo de pedido de visto ao Consulado de Portugal em Bruxelas para Denise Keel, de nacionalidade suíça e residente na Bélgica, com destino a Portugal. Sem informação de atribuição de visto. Processo de ped...

  4. Alejandro Landman family papers

    Consists of two memoirs, one of Alejandro (Elhanan) Landman, born in Poland in 1933. Mr. Landman reconstructed by memory his childhood diary, which relates his life in German-occupied eastern Poland between 1941-1945 (25 pages). The other memoir is of Mrs. Pepe Landman, mother of Alejandro, written from Montevideo in 1986-1987, relating the Holocaust experiences of herself and her family (67 pages). The family moved from Stanislawow to Lwow in 1941 and lived there until 1943, when they went into hiding in Buczacz. After the war, they emigrated to Uruguay. Collection also contains copies of ...

  5. Liberating Soviet soldier

    Voice over in Russian. Tank driving up the street as people on either side wave. Soviet soldier with bouquet of flowers gives woman a kiss. She pours from a bottle into the mug of a Soviet soldier. CU soldier drinking. CU of man in uniform smoking.

  6. Thomas W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Thomas W., who was born in Prague in 1917 in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. He recalls his parents' total assimilation; moving to Hamburg; his parents' divorce in 1934; their return to Prague; studying English literature and linguistics; teaching at a Swiss boarding school; returning to Czechoslovakia; German occupation; futile efforts to emigrate through Poland; obtaining a refugee fellowship at Harvard University; receiving exit documents; parting from his mother; traveling on a train full of German soldiers; arriving in Holland; crossing to England; leaving for the...

  7. Van Geuns family papers

    The papers document the Holocaust-era experiences of the van Geun family, originally of Rotterdam, Netherlands. Included are passports, identification cards, photographs, and a baby album. The baby album documents Marianne van Geuns' childhood and was compiled by her mother, Rozia Vreede van Geuns. The other photographs in the collection depict Marianne’s parents Rozia and Simon van Guens at the time of their wedding, Marianne’s birth, and various extended family members, most of whom perished in the Holocaust.

  8. Archive of the Federation of Swiss Jewish Communities (SIG) Schweizerischer Israelitischer Gemeindebund (SIG)

    Pertains to the activities of the Federation of Swiss Jewish Communities (SIG). Contains records relating to immigration and emigration of Jews; to the rescue of Jews from Nazi-occupied areas of Europe; care of the refugees’ financial needs; founding of the Hilfe und Aufbau commission, which goal was to support and rebuild the ravaged, remaining Jewish communities in Europe and to assist stateless Jewish Holocaust survivors with emigration to Palestine, Israel, and to other destinations.

  9. Peasants; village in Caucusus?

    CU, old man with white beard, church in BG left, boy walking in field in BG right. Peasants on boat, hair on donkey barely seen in FG. Peasants in field, hut in BG, CUs. Dirt road, horse/cart, walking, church in BG, more horses with carts. [in Caucusus?]

  10. Комісія з історії Великої Вітчизняної війни при Академії наук УРСР.

    Стенограми бесід з бійцями і командирами партизанських загонів і з'єднань, учасниками підпільних партійних і комсомольських організацій. Звіти, доповідні записки окремих підпільних і партизанських груп, надіслані до Комісії. Документи окупаційних нацистських установ, що діяли на території України: накази, розпорядження німецьких властей про окупаційний режим в областях України, про реєстрацію і відправку радянських громадян до Німеччини; зведення і звіти німецької поліції, 'СС' про діяльність партизанів; списки громадян 1922-1925 рр. народження, які підлягали відправці до Німеччини. Малюнки...

  11. Nanu D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Nanu D., who was born in Bucharest, Romania in 1928. He recalls his family's relative wealth; his father's death in 1933; generous uncles providing for him and his brother; being taken daily for forced farm labor outside Bucharest in summer 1943; clearing bombing rubble in Bucharest in the fall; bombing by Germans after Romania broke with Germany; liberation by Soviet troops; postwar antisemitism under the communists; emigration to the United States in 1961 (he left his mother and brother who died in 1970 and 1971 respectively); marriage; and visiting family graves in...

  12. Hillebrecht, Edor. - Sammmlung zur deutschen Militärgeschichte

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Die Herkunft der in dieser Sammlung zusammengefaßten Unterlagen ist nicht mehr feststellbar. Aufgrund der ursprünglichen äußeren Gestalt der Sammlung ist davon auszugehen, daß die Sammlung geschlossen an das Militärarchiv abgegeben wurde, vermutlich Ende der 1960er Jahre. Sie wurde hier als "Schenkung Hillebrecht" aufgenommen. Nachlasser ist Edor Hillebrecht (1890-1964). Hillebrecht war gemäß Angaben zur Person in der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, Subdirektor der Victoria-Versicherung und darüber hinaus ein versierter Sammler von Autographen, und Schriftstück...

  13. Komendant Policji Bezpieczeństwa i Służby Bezpieczeństwa Dystryktu Warszawskiego [Der Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD im Distrikt Warschau]

    • akta administracyjne (zarządzenia Głównego Urzędu Bezpieczeństwa Rzeszy dot. jeńców wojennych, traktowania młodocianych robotników wschodnich, okólnik w sprawie podróży służbowych; korespondencja dot. nielegalnej polskiej prasy, organizacji służby rozpoznawczej, szkolenia policjantów żydowskich dla służby rozpoznawczej w getcie, poszukiwań zbieg łych jeńców wojennych, żebractwa wśród dzieci w Warszawie; rozkazy dot. spraw organizacyjno-służbowych, odpis rozkazu Heinricha Himmlera w sprawie przesłuchiwania kobiet, akta w sprawach naruszenia dyscypliny służbowej przez członków SS, wykaz fun...
  14. Amtsgericht (District Court) of Vrchlabí

    The archival fonds of the Amtsgericht (district court) in Vrchlabí contains judicial administration records and includes the following relevant sources: the confiscation of Jewish property – general matters from 1939–1944, appendices from 1939–1943 (Box 1); a list of forced administrators in the jurisdiction of the Amtsgericht in Vrchlabí (Box 5), Jewish legal advisers, 1939–1943 (Box 25), care of property in absentia (Box 116), instructions for working meetings, circulars (including instructions for the handling of Jewish bank accounts, a list of Jews from 1941, instructions for the handli...

  15. Bulgarian People's Bank, Giumiurdzhine (Fond 1254, Opis 1)

    The collection consists of Jewish property declarations and information regarding Jewish valuables.

  16. Fundraising newsreel for postwar rehabilitation in the Netherlands

    Volkshertsel Amsterdam, 1945. Dutch newsreel containing retrospective footage from throughout WWII, aimed at inciting the Dutch public to give money to support government postwar rehabilitation programs. Narration of the misery of war, accompanied by scenes of people pushing their belongings in the street, soldiers scrambling, burned out buildings, and blindfolded corpses. A train arriving, followed by men walking out of the station under a Dutch flag, changes the tone to the present, and scenes outline various government programs ("Joodische Ontvangst Commissie"-- "Jewish Reception Committ...

  17. Chris Lerman photograph collection

    The collection consists of eight photographs of Chris and Miles Lerman, their friends, and their family, during their time in the Berlin Schlachtensee displaced persons camp in Germany after liberation and their voyage to the United States on board the "Marine Perch." Also included in the collection are three photographs of the Lermans' friends in Bergen-Belsen.

  18. Selected records from Ministerul de Razboi, Cabinetul Ministrului

    Contains records concerning the policies of local offices on Jewish matters, including records relating to movements of the Third and Fourth Armies, antisemitism, and Jewish forced labor. Also contains list of Jews from Neant forced labor camp, and records from Vspnisska camp.

  19. A letter in honor of deceased American GI who experienced atrocities at Buchenwald

    Contains a typescript copy of a letter in the form of a memoir written by Franklin P. Shaw in honor of William Malsh's contribution to the liberation of Buchenwald. Shaw explains that Lieutenant William R. Malsh commanded a Military Intelligence Interrogation team that was ordered to Buchenwald on April 12, 1945. On General Patton’s orders, Malsh instructed the mayor of Weimar to arrange for one thousand Weimar citizens to visit the liberated Buchenwald concentration camp, and Shaw describes the reactions of the German visitors to the scenes at Buchenwald.

  20. Hugo Steinhardt Collection

    Printed material relating to The Cedar Boys (N.d); Printed material relating to Hugo Steinhardt (1998); 1 photograph.