Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,601 to 18,620 of 55,889
  1. Prewar map of Gdansk

    Prewar map of the "Free City" of Gdansk.

  2. Ardeatine Caves Massacre: burials

    Photographs and newspaper articles posted for 320 Italian civilians murdered in Ardeatine Caves massacre on March 24, 1944. It is likely that this film was recorded months later, during the summer of 1944. Blessing of bodies by priest, and burial of corpses. Crowds of Italians. Man in hospital bed.

  3. War Crimes Trials: Flick Case

    (Munich 535) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 5 (Flick Case), Nuremberg, Germany, March 15, 1947. HASs, MSs, defendants enter courtoom and take their places in prisoners' dock. Entering in order are: Hermann Terberger; Bernhard Weiss; Konrad Kaletsch; Otto Steinbrinck; and Friedrich Flick. LSs, people in courtroom rise as judges William C. Christianson, Frank N. Richman, Charles B. Sears, and Richard D. Dixon enter. HAS, judges as the president asks that the prosecutor read the indictment. Prosecutor Thomas E. Ervin reading the indictment. Ervin states that workers wer...

  4. 24 drawings from the concentration camps in Germany Print

    One of a set of twenty-three prints of drawings created by George Zielezinski

  5. Spanish Civil War; Munich Agreement; Nazi officials; Moscow Pact

    Reel 3 shows fighting and destruction during the Spanish Civil War. Daladier, Chamberlain, Mussolini and Hitler sign the Munich Pact. German troops are greeted in the Sudeten. Troops march into Prague and invade Albania. Hitler, addressing the Reichstag, ridicules Roosevelt's appeal for peace. Hitler confers with Goring, von Ribbentrop meets with Russian diplomats to negotiate the Moscow Pact. Contrasts Poland's military power with that of Germany showing the German pictures of aerial attacks.

  6. Ferencz lecture: Unitarian Forum

    Final lecture in the 1986 series, Unitarian Forum, San Francisco. Practical Programs for Peace. Benjamin Ferencz speaks about the evolution of the concept of world law, the role of the US constitution at Nuremberg, using law as the instrument for protection of peace, and what people can do today to effect peace. Ferencz emphasizes the need for social justice. He indicates law, courts, and enforcement as critical to the peace process. Responding to a question near the end of the session, Ferencz says, "It's my conviction that if humankind has the intelligence to develop the means of destroyi...

  7. Euthanasia

    Hanna, the wife of medical doctor Thomas Heyt, suffers from multiple sclerosis. He decides to 'redeem' her through a sleeping draught, giving her a 'merciful death.' Hanna thus voluntarily and peacefully ends her own life after unbearable suffering. Dr. Heyt's friend and colleague Dr. Lang (Mathias Wiemann) denounces him to the police, but changes his mind when a child he saved from death becomes mentally disabled. A court jury comprised of a cross-section of German society discusses all the moral, religious, and medical arguments in favor of and against euthanasia. Dr. Heyt argues, with gr...

  8. War Crimes Commission: Breendonck, Hanover, Arnstadt Concentration Camps

    "Breendonck" Views of Breendonck camp in Belgium. EXTs of prison used to house Belgian patriots. Blood-stained coffins are exhibited as evidence of brutality Inmates demonstrate the methods used against the prisoners, such as beatings with barbed wire poles, chaining them into a vise, thumb screws. Victims reveal results of beatings and cigarette burns; a woman also reveals scars on her hips. "Hanover Concentration Camp" General views of the camp where only 200 remained of 10,000 Poles. INTs of the camp, few remaining inmates mill about. VS, Red Cross clubmobiles enter, issue hot soup, ciga...

  9. Aerial views of Berlin devasted by bombs & shelling

    Aerial views from plane flying over severely bomb damaged Berlin, including shots of damage to marshalling yards, airstrip, and factories. Long travelling shot with clear views of buildings, housing, and ground from plane. More of other city areas, flying lower. Bomb craters on ground along canal or river. Flying lower over bomb damaged Berlin zoo, showing empty cages.

  10. Buchenwald; bombing of countryside

    Slate: "Mainzer / SFP 186 / Buchenwald / Roll MM-8 / 4-16-1945". MS, shirtless thin man sitting against red barn wall at Buchenwald camp. Another man, older with a shirt on. German civilians walking inside camp, forced to confront the atrocities. Two inmates in striped uniforms seated on a bench against barracks. Civilians walk through an opening in wooden barricade/wall. Slate: "Mainzer / SFP 186 / Buchenwald / Roll MM-9 / 4-16-1945". Pile of corpses with barracks in background. Bodies on flatbed, faces, feet, from various angles. German civilians touring the camp, survivors peering over w...

  11. Star of David badge with Juif printed in the center

  12. Jewish children return home

    "Going Home", Weimar, Germany, June 5, 1945. MSs, CUs, Jewish orphans boarding train and some saying goodbye; train pulls out as children wave from windows. LSs, MSs, CUs, Jewish flag hanging from train window. CU, signs on side of train. "Going Home", Buchenwald, Germany, June 5, 1945. LSs, MSs, Polish, Hungarian, Czechoslovakian and Jewish orphans board train with their belongings. CUs, of individual children. MCUs, children looking out of window of train. Jewish flag hangs beneath window. LSs, MSs, signs hanging from train: "Vive Truman, Stalin, Churchill"; and in French: "Our beginning ...

  13. March of Time -- outtakes -- Masaryk; Prague; destruction

    VSs, the late Thomas G. Masaryk, father of Czechoslovakia, at his desk signing a document presented to him by his secretary, Dr. Samal. MSs, CUs, same as above. CU, Masaryk talking with Edvard Benes. VSs, Masaryk in his library. HAS, pan of Prague. Pan, Prague Square with statue in picture at all times. Tracking shots of streets of old Prague. HASs, bridges in Prague. Tracking shots, statues in Prague. Tracking shots, street scenes in Prague. HAS, part of the city. MS, people walking on the street. LS, city, wipes to HAS of park. MS, from rear, people on park bench. LS, city, wipes to LS of...

  14. War crimes in Herzenheim

    (B-1190) War Crimes, Herzenheim, Germany, May 10, 1945. LSs, MSs, German civilians digging up bodies in concentration camp. CUs, bodies of men, women and children showing signs of violent death. EXTs, concentration camp buildings, crude and filthy interiors. CU, corpses laid out in field. INTs, camp buildings. CU, naked female corpses laid out. VS, Men burying corpses.

  15. March of Time -- outtakes -- Germany invades Austria; Vienna

    NAZI CONQUEST- AUSTRIA, Vol 4.9, 1938. Hitler entering Austria, March 13, 1938. German army trucks on the Ring, Vienna's most important street; crowds, Kurt Schuschnigg's house. LS, Mariahilferstrasse, street where most Jewish stores are located. Hitlerjugend parading; poster with Kurt Schuschnigg's picture; swastika flags and banners. Policemen and newsboys. Nazi war veterans marching. Reisebüro MITROPA - HAPAG (Travel agency MITROPA - HAPAG.) Crowd on the Ring. Officers marching. Hitler's picture. Chancellor's Palace. Opera House. Parade of German troops in the Ring at night. General Keit...

  16. March of Time -- outtakes -- US Embassy in Paris: Ambassador's office; Office of Counselor

    665 P: Using Camereclaire: US Embassy, Ambassador's Office. (Sequence depicting daily morning routine.) Ambassador William C. Bullitt enters office, sits at desk, rings for personal secretary Carmel Offie, lights Camel cigarette. Offie enters with cables and mail, converses with Ambassador. Ambassador reads mail. CU Ambassador at desk, talking on phone with Minister of Finance Marchandeau, reading Embassy document addressed to French Foreign Office, signing document, standing at bay window overlooking Place de la Concorde, talking with First Secretary and Acting Consul General Robert D. Mur...

  17. Nazi swastika armband acquired by an American soldier

    The armband was removed from a dead German soldier by the fiancé of Leslie Finch's mother. He sent the armband to his fiancé from Europe while serving in the US Army during WWII. He died in Europe.

  18. Calling card brought to the US by an Austrian refugee

    Calling card for Stefany Hammerschidt found in the autograph album, 1994.53.6.1, owned by Irene Rosenthal. Irene fled Nazi ruled Austria for the United States in March 1940. German troops marched over the border into Austria in March 1938. The next day, Austria was annexed to Nazi Germany. Anti-Jewish legislation was enacted to strip Jews of their civil rights. The November 1938 Kristallnacht pogrom vandalized Jewish businesses and homes and destroyed most of the synagogues in Austria. Irene received a visa to leave Austria in March and sailed that month from Genoa, Italy, to New York.

  19. War Crimes Trials: Malmedy; Jaeger testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    02:01:20 (Munich 194) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany, March 23, 1946. HSs, Camp Dachau. LS, entrance of War Crimes court building. LS, bunker in which defendants are quartered. 02:02:03 (Munich 206) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 3, 1946. Justices Parker, De Vabre and Falco. Dr. Robert Servatius, counsel for Sauckel, questions Dr. Max Wilhelm Jaeger. MSs, von Ribbentrop and Keitel; MP standing at left; Sauckel in BG. Pan, from prisoners' dock to Dr. Jaeger testifying. MS, two attorneys of the Russian staff at table. MS, Jacques Herzog, member of the French prosecuti...

  20. War Crimes Trials: Malmedy

    (Munich 167) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany, May 24, 1945. MS, military defense counselor questions Lt. Perl about the interrogation cells used by War Crimes Branch. Lt. Perl answering the questions. Mr. Elowitz, civilian employee of War Crimes Branch, wearing uniform, is questioned about prisoner Hermann Priess. MCU, Gen. Josiah T. Dalbey on bench approves numbering of documents for evidence. MLS, prisoner is sworn in and questioned about his background. MLS, another prisoner is questioned by Lt. Col. Barton J Ellis. Prisoner is asked to identify defendants. As Col Ellis calls ...