Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,501 to 18,520 of 55,889
  1. March of Time -- outtakes -- Buchenwald Concentration Camp

    Buchenwald Horror Camp, Buchenwald, Germany. (Via Universal) VSs, Buchenwald concentration camp showing inmates walking about, barracks in BG. PS (AV), entire prison showing barracks and barbed wire. Pan, INT of camp courtyard. CU, jeep and truck painted white and marked with Red Cross passing camera. HAS, GI's entering the camp. LS, barracks with GI inmates and barbed wire in FG. CU, sign on barracks, "All Polish Greet the Fraternal American Army." MS, flags above the sign. LS, crowd of inmates cheering picture of Stalin tacked to the barrack wall. MS, pile of pulverized bones. CU, concent...

  2. Atrocities at Dachau

    (LIB 6574) Atrocities at Dachau, Germany, May 3, 1945. LSs, CUs, freight and cattle cars containing bodies. MSs, German soldiers, possibly the enemy garrison of the camp, are marched through street. (LIB 6575) LSs, CUs, prisoners millling about camp street. CU, US soldier standing guard in front of prison gate (Arbeit Macht Frei); prisoners in BG. HSs, prison camp photographed from guard towers with mounted MGs in FG.

  3. Princess Elizabeth

    Newsreel footage unrelated to USHMM Film and Video Collection. Universal Newsreel, Vol. 21, No. 144, Part 1. Release date, 05/18/1948. "Princess Elizabeth Visits France" Wreath-laying at Arc de Triomphe.

  4. Flag

  5. 24 drawings from the concentration camps in Germany Print

    One of a set of twenty-three prints of drawings created by George Zielezinski

  6. March of Time -- outtakes -- Jewish Refugees in Paris

    Jewish Refugees in Paris. LS, Jewish hostel in Paris-16 rue Lamarck, Montmartre. VSs, Jews entering the hostel (four story plain concrete building). CU sign "Associations Philanthropique- Asile de nuit- Asile du jour et Creche Israelites." ES, class learning French. CU, teacher, pupils writing and listening. Refugees arriving at hostel and lining up near the director's office. Refugees in reception room. Director Beilin consulting index cards. ES, view of kitchen. Refugees entering the dining room. Plaque on wall of the Association.

  7. War crimes discussion

    Discussion of crimes against humanity and prosecuting Nazi war criminals today.

  8. German victories in East before invasion of W. Europe

    Reel 2: Vehicles move on an autobahn. British troops parade and drill. British recruits join up. Hitler reviews German troops. War materiel rolls from a German factory. Hitler rides through Vienna and across the Czech border. German troops and tanks parade. German refugees flee Polish oppression. Hitler speaks in the Reichstag. Panzer units invade Poland. Hitler looks through an artillery periscope. German railroads transport war materiel. Newspaper headlines proclaim the war. German naval units cruise off the coast of Norway, paratroops land in Norway. German planes fly over Norwegian moun...

  9. Global Structures Convocation panel discussion on UN reforms

    Panel Discussion: "Case for Comprehensive Reforms of the UN" Global Structures Convocation, Crystal City, VA. February 3-6,1994. (tape 50 in conference series) Panelists include: Benjamin Ferencz, John Logue (director of the Common Heritage Institute; president of World Federalist Association), Tad Daley (executive director of Campaign for a New UN Charter), and Benton Musselwhite (president of One World Now). The moderator is Melinda Burrell. Ferencz discusses his twenty years of dedicated work on trying to create a rational world order. He expresses great concern about the lack of enforce...

  10. Program on peace and nuclear arms

    Presented by the Center for Defense Information and Paul Newman. Narrated by Paul Newman. Program suggests that humans direct all resources towards creating a future safe from the threat of nuclear devastation. It argues for a comprehensive test ban to stop nuclear production and probable explosion. Finally, Newman urges the public to act, to have Reagan put a test ban on the negotiating table, and to make a step toward reason, and hence, a step away from war. Eisenhower quote rolling on screen at end of program: "...people in the long run are going to do more to promote peace than governme...

  11. Proclamation outlining Jewish areas of German occupied Przemysl

    Proclamation (Bekanntmachung) regarding the demarcation of the Jewish areas in the city of Przemysl.

  12. NSDAP / SA and political activities

    This propaganda documentary depicts the efforts of the NSDAP and SA to organize political activities. Special occasions indicated by intertitles include Hitler giving a speech in Alzey surrounded by mothers and children, the regional SA marching in plainclothes through Frankfurt/Main, a steamer trip of the NSDAP Wiesbaden on the Rhine, arrival in Caub, and SA marching through Caub. 07:11:06 Title cards read: "Zweiter Teil," "Der Kampf um Hessen," [The Fight for Hessen] and "Der Führer in Alzey" [The Leader in Alzey]. Nazi officials walk in step with each other down a path. People are lined ...

  13. US airforce; Ohrdruf on fire; bones at Buchenwald

    Slate reads: "OSS USAF LT. ARMISTEAD ROLL #19" AVs, view from planes of bombs being dropped over Germany. B-26s and B-17s in the air and on ground. American soldiers on airfield unloading airplane with baggage. 05:03:56 Slate reads: "CAPT. BROWNING C-22 A-83 APRIL" Pilot in cockpit. Soldiers unloading a plane and boarding a truck, smoking, gesturing for the camera. On airfield, moving equipment with trucks. 05:06:45 Slate reads: "CAPT. BROWNING C-21 A-83 APRIL" American soldiers getting off a truck with bags, working at the airfield, marking document. CUs of soldiers as they smoke, dole out...

  14. Walter Neff testifies at Medical trial re: pressure chamber

    (Munich 486) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. MLS, witness Walter Neff testifying. LS, defendants in prisoners' dock. LS, Neff identifies picture of pressure chamber which appears in a book. Upon questioning by the prosecutor, Neff identifies Dr. Bromberg, one of the defendants. Camera pans to prisoners' dock. MS, defendants including Bromberg seated in dock.

  15. March of Time -- outtakes -- Hitler in Sudetenland

    Hitler in Sudetenland. MCU on Hitler, acknowledging crowds, cheering throngs. Nazi elite, including Goebbels, behind Hitler, looking pleased. Crowd, policemen four deep. Hitler, Goering walk down street, in motorcade, town covered with swastika banners. EXT banquet of Nazis. Himmler at Hitler's left, ring of Nazi soldiers surround them. Hitler in motorcade. Great shots of crowds and people everywhere: windows, corridors, women crying from joy and chanting. MCU Hitler. Chaos. Flowers.

  16. Tablespoon with scratched initials used by a German Jewish concentration camp inmate

    Stainless steel tablespoon with scratched initials used by Hans Finke while imprisoned in Auschwitz and several subcamps: Gleiwitz, Sachsenhausen, Flossenbürg, and Bergen Belsen. Hans carried the spoon, a crucial piece of property, in his shoe during transfers, including a death march, from March 1943 until liberation in Bergen-Belsen in April 1945. Hans, his parents and his sister Ursula lived in Berlin during the rise of the Nazi dictatorship from 1933 with its aggressive anti-Jewish policies. In February 1943, Hans, 23, an electrician, was a slave laborer for Siemens when he was hospital...

  17. 24 drawings from the concentration camps in Germany Table of contents

    Table of contents for a set of twenty-three prints of drawings created by George Zielezinski

  18. March of Time -- outtakes -- Lidice; Terezin; Religious procession

    1150 U (03:21:12): Lidice, Czechoslovakia. Commemoration of the destruction of Lidice by Germans who killed all men of the village. LS, crowd gathered on the emplacement of Lidice which had been leveled by the Germans. Place is marked with a cross and a crown of thorns. Shots taken between the Czech and Russian emblems surmounting the respective flags. BG, the official tribune decorated with flags of the allied nations. Speeches made by dignitaries, crowd listening. LS, end of ceremony. LS, Terezin, cemetery, death camp for political prisoners in Bohemia. Women tending the tombs. FG, a roug...

  19. Nazi flag with US liberators signatures

    Nazi flag with US liberators signatures.

  20. Army film detailing the history of the US

    Orientation Film no. 7, Reel 1. International events cause the US to enter into World War II. Dramatizes the early settling of the US, the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and a winter at Valley Forge. Explains the colonists' thirst for independence.