Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 921 to 940 of 56,066
  1. Zbirka fotografija

    • Collection of Photographs
    • Muzej Vojvodine
    • MV ZF
    • English
    • 1941-1945
    • Overall, the Collection includes almost 28 000 inventoried photos and Holocaust related photographs can be found via index cards.

    Dozens of photos presenting scenes of punitive and discriminatory measures, incarceration and deportation, former synagogues, “Raid” in southern Bačka, and victims.

  2. Државна комисија за утврђивање злочина окупатора и њихових помагача

    • State Commission for the Investigation of the Crimes of Occupiers and their Supporters
    • Državna komisija za utvrđivanje zločina okuaptora i njihovih pomagača

    Commission created by Yugoslav Partisan Government during WWII in 1943. for collection all data about Crimes committed by Occupiers and their Accomplices. The fund consists primarily of statements of survivors and their relatives, decisions for War Criminals, partly by original documents or copies of documents. There are comprehensive lists of War Criminals. Part of documentation published by Commission in 93 Saopštenja (Comunique) and in some other publications.

  3. Pressesammlung

  4. KZ Dachau

    • Concentration camp Dachau
    • Konzentrationslager Dachau
    • KL Dachau
    • KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau
    • 01
    • German
    • 1933
    • 35 Regalmeter, verschiedene Medien, u.A. Papier, digital, Fotos, Pläne.

    Materialien aus der Zeit des Bestehens des Konzentrationslagers Dachau. Darin Materialien und Angaben zu Peronen (ehemalige Häftlinge, SS-Personal, Häftlinge im SS-Straflager Dachau, weitere Personen), Orten (Stammlager Dachau, Außenlager und -kommandos), Verwaltung, Häftlingsgesellschaft, Lageralltag, Täter etc.

  5. Konzentrationslager und Verfolgungsstätten

    • andere Konzentrationslager und Verfolgungsstätten
  6. Stadt Dachau

    • Dachau
    • City of Dachau
  7. Documentation of the Workers' and Peasants' Militia in Tallinn, 1940 - 1941

  8. Documentation regarding the persecution of Jews by the Nazis from the record group: Der Polizeipraesident in Berlin (The President of the Police in Berlin, in the postwar years), dated, 1933-1947

    Documentation regarding the persecution of Jews by the Nazis from the record group: Der Polizeipraesident in Berlin (The President of the Police in Berlin, in the postwar years), dated, 1933-1947 The collection concerns materials from the division of the post-WWII Police force of Berlin (for materials regarding the Berlin Police under the Nazi regime, see collection 4423357 in "Sapir"). Following the order given by the Soviet City Commander of Berlin, the city's Police headquarters were re-established on 20 May 1945. Based on an order given by the Allied headquarters, special Police offices...

  9. Correspondence regarding radios confiscated from Jews in Herzfelde, 1939-1940

    Correspondence regarding radios confiscated from Jews in Herzfelde, 1939-1940

  10. M.52.GUOK - Documentation from the Main Department of Education of the Kiev City State Administration

    Documentation from the Archives of the Education Department of the Kiev Municipality Lists of orphan children who stayed in orphanage no. 4 in Kiev, 1941-1947; list of orphan children in the orphanages in Kiev, 1943; lists of children in special orphanage no. 6 in Kiev, including data regarding their place and date of birth, nationality, and the dates of the arrival and departure of each child (selected pages with names of Jews), 1945-1952.

  11. Documentation of the Reich Student Leadership-National Socialist German Students' League (Reichsstudentenfuehrung-Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund), Germany, 1927-1944

    Documentation of the Reich Student Leadership-National Socialist German Students' League (Reichsstudentenfuehrung-Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund), Germany, 1927-1944 The National Socialist Students' League was established, in 1926, as a branch of the Nazi Party. It obtained great support among the students, and won the leadership of the National Students Union in Germany, in 1931, increasing in power with the rise of the Nazis to power, and in May 1933, it organized a public book burning campaign which opposed "the German spirit"; in October 1935, the union became the only ...

  12. Documentation from Landratsaemter (District offices) in Westphalia

    Documentation from Landratsaemter (District offices) in Westphalia

  13. O.64.2/MISC - Documentation submitted by Private People

    O.64.2/MISC - Documentation submitted by Private People

  14. Hakibbutz Ha'arzi Archives Collection: She’erith Hapletah, the rescue of children and the Bericha Organization

    Hakibbutz Ha'arzi Archives Collection: She’erith Hapletah, the rescue of children and the Bricha Organization The documentation (nine folders) contains: - Memoirs of Hasia Bornstein-Bilitzka, of Blessed Memory (one of the founders of Kibbutz Lahavot Habashan), regarding the initial organization of the movement by ghetto survivors, educational work with children as part of the Zionist Coordinating Group for the Redemption of Children in Poland and the rescue of children from non-Jews; - Two letters from children who were rescued from non-Jews; - Survey-report prepared by Yosef Indig regardin...

  15. Documentation of the regional auxiliary committee of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Baranovichi region, 1944-1945

    Documentation of the regional auxiliary committee of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Baranovichi region, 1944-1945 Included in the collection is documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission regarding the extermination of Jews in the Baranowicze region, and lists of names of Nazi war criminals and Russian and Belorussian collaborators; documentation regarding the damage caused by the Nazis in the region and in the Kletsk district.

  16. Collection of the Jewish community of Pekela, the Netherlands, 1940-1942

    Collection of the Jewish community of Pekela, the Netherlands, 1940-1942 Protocols of meetings of the members of the Nederlands-Israëlitische Gemeente (Netherlands Jewish community) in Pekela in the Groningen province of the Netherlands, 1940-1942; the protocols, from the archive of the Jewish community in Pekela, include in most part reports regarding the financial administration of the community, and only in individual cases is there mention of anti-Jewish measures by the Nazi rulers; registration of the protocols ceased in late 1942, following the large Razzia (round-up) on the night of ...

  17. M.43.LVA - Documentation from the State Archives of Latvia

    M.43 - Documentation from the State Archives of Latvia The collection includes documentation of the Gebietskommissariat (representative) of the Riga district, the Reichskommisariat (Reich representative) of Ostland, the Generalkommissariat of the region, and documentation of the SS, SD, and the Wehrmacht in Ostland; there is also documentation of the Kommandatura (command headquarters) of cities of Riga, Kaunas, Ludza, Liepaja, and other places; Included in the collection is documentation of the municipal administrations of cities in Latvia, reports prepared by the Soviet Extraordinary Stat...