Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,521 to 7,540 of 56,066
  1. Court Grodzki in Warsaw, file Zg.1946 Sąd Grodzki w Warszawie, akta Zg.1946 (Sygn. 655)

    This collection contains selected files, so-called “Zg.” of the Sąd Grodzki w Warszawie, i.e. contains cases of establishing somebody as deceased or issuing a death certificate. Cases apply to those who had perished (99 per cent of cases) during the Soviet or, mainly, Nazi occupation: who were arrested either by the Soviets or Germans, deported to the USSR or the Third Reich, sent to concentration camps, or murdered in ghettos or places of extermination. The files (app. 5-20 pages) contain an application for establishing that someone had died, testimonies of two witnesses on standard forms,...

  2. Selected records from the State Archives of Ascoli

    Contains records from the Cabinet and Police Headquarters of Ascoli from 1938-1944 relating to census of the Jews, racial laws, Jewish internees, concentration camps.

  3. Henry and Edith Wertheimer collection

    Collection of letters written by Heinz Ludwig Wertheimer (b. May 22, 1922 in Hamburg, Germany). He was sent by his parents Dr. Max and Rosel Wertheimer to England on the Kindertransport. The parents joined their son Lutz in August 1939 and a year later they immigrated to the US. using a false identity of Edith Adler (b. 1924 in Ulm, Germany) issued under the name "Edith Aubert" who was a member of the French underground.

  4. Frieder family at their estate in Manila; children at camp; Jewish refugee family from Europe; Alice's birthday

    Alex and Corinne Frieder's children swim in the pool at their home in Manila. Louise and Edna hold up Alice. Edna poses and shows off for the camera. Edna, Louise, and Alice dance around their mother, seated in a chair. Swans in the second pond in front of the house. Edna, Louise, and other children in costume dance on the tennis courts during dance class. 01:05:35 Large outdoor dinner party at the estate in Manila. People talk and eat ice cream. 01:05:57 American children at Yosemite Camp in Baguio practice giving "Baguio" salutes to the camera. They raise an American flag, perform exercis...

  5. Isenberg family visits Switzerland; zoo; train station

    Visiting a zoo (probably Zoo Basel) - ape, peacock, cage of birds, ram, flamingoes, camel, ostrich, wolves, antelope, and bears. 01:15:34 LS, Basel train station and street scenes with traffic. Sign: "Grand Hotel, Hotel Euler" in Basel. Erna exits hotel and gets into a car. Stone monument surrounded by stones and flowers, quick view of a family at left in the park. Aerial view of tram. A different sign of "Hotel Euler" and tourist pan with sign: "Central Apotheke." MS, unknown man posing in front of a fence. Two people talk in a dining room. Erna in bed with her boys, Artur, Norbert, and He...

  6. Jacoby family papers

    Contains correspondence from Else and Hermann Jacoby in Küstrin and Berlin in Germany to their only son, Heinz (later Yakov) Jacoby in Palestine. Also includes family photographs and documents related to Yakov's experiences before and during World War II. In 1939 Hermann Jacoby (b. February 26, 1855) was transferred to Berlin and placed in the Old Age Home at Grosse Hamburgerstrasse 26. He was deported to the Theresienstadt concentration camp in early February 1943, where he died on February 17, 1943. Else Jacoby (b. February 12, 1881) lived in Berlin since 1939 at 16 Duisburger St. She was...

  7. Isenberg family at home in Vaduz; men dancing; swimming

    Boys swim in a pool at the family home in Vaduz, Liechtenstein. Modern-looking houses with mountains in BG. More diving and swimming. 01:39:40 Car and Norbert on bicycle pass a large house. Norbert and an unknown man walk towards camera on street, one with a cigar in his mouth, car in BG. Sally and Erna tussle in bed. Sally walks past window. 01:41:01 [VQ shifts to poor] Men in national costume dance and play in a street under "Hotel Greif" awning (hotel in Wels, Austria). People watch from the sidewalk. Older man lies in a chair by a window with Norbert. The elders Nathan Stahl and Julie I...

  8. Berliner and Jacobs families collection

    Collection of documents and photographs documenting the experiences of the Berliner and Jacobs families during the Holocaust. Contains photographs (136), with some pre-war, but majority dating from 1945-1947 and showing Holocaust survivors living in or near displaced persons camps in Germany and Austria (Bergen Belsen, Mittenwald, Berchtesgaden, and Salzburg). Also contains a displaced persons identification card and certificate issued to Aranka Berliner, with the latter showing that she worked as a liaison officer with the Allied authorities at the Belsen camp, post-liberation, 1945; a Rom...

  9. Leopold Sobel papers

    Correspondence includes postcards and letters sent by Regina Sobol in Tbilisi, Georgia, USSR to her husband Maksim Leopoldovitch Sobel (donor’s parents) in the Red Army in 1942; postcards and letters written by Maria Laks in Dniepropetrovsk to her brother-in-law, Maksim Sobel in Sumy, Ukraine, USSR; Certificates testifying that Maksimilian Sobel was awarded medals for fighting in WWII and for liberating Warsaw by the Red Army and by the Polish Army; in Russian and Polish; dated 1945; Sport Driving License issued to Major Maksimilian Sobel in Warsaw on June 15, 1948; Memoir written by Maksim...

  10. 60th anniversary medallion, liberation of Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora issued to US soldier / liberator

    Commemorative medallion received by Forrest J. Robinson, Sr., an American soldier who participated in the liberation of Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp on April 12, 1945. He received the medallion at the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora concentration camps in 2005. Corporal Robinson, Military Police Platoon, 104th Infantry Division deployed to France in July 1944. On April 12, 1945, Forrest entered Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp near Nordhausen, Germany, the day after infantry troops from his division liberated the camp. His platoon followed the infan...

  11. Rubenstein Family Papers

    Contains correspondence sent to Estera Binstock Rubenstein (donors' mother) in the United States from her immediate family in Wachok, Poland between 1939 and 1942. Also included are newspapers, in Yiddish, dated 1946 and 1949.

  12. "The Last Train to Auschwitz"

    Consists of one memoir, 334 pages, entitled "The Last Train to Auschwitz," by Gary Younger, regarding the Holocaust experiences of his father, Benzion Junger (now Ben Younger) originally of Sapinka in Transylvania (which later became Hungarian). He describes pre-war antisemitism, deportation to the Sapinka ghetto in the spring of 1944, and life in the ghetto. They were deported to Auschwitz in May 1944, where Benzion was separated from his parents and younger sister Reizl, who perished. He saw his sister, Perl, in Auschwitz, but she did not survive the war. He and his uncle, David, were sen...

  13. Map

    Foldout map of Berlin acquired by Max Kolpas, a soldier in the 298th Combat Engineers, United States Army. The map also shows the surrounding areas and identifies important Nazi buildings and other locations. It is missing adjoining sheets. The map was created by the Geographic Section, General Staff, British War Office. Kolpas landed at Omaha Beach during D-Day, June 6, 1944, and was a member of one of the first units to enter Berlin in July 1945.

  14. "The Three Lives of the Polish War Hero; Emile H. Szlechter"

    Consists of one article entitled "The Three Lives of the Polish War Hero; Emile H. Szlechter," written by his stepson, Reinhold Beuer-Tajovsky. The article describes Szlechter's life as a lawyer in Lwów, fighting in the Polish Army immediately after the German invasion in 1939, and having to flee to Romania, leaving his wife and daughters, to avoid capture. From Romania, he made his way to France and joined the Free Polish Army, spending the war as a member of the French resistance group in the Toulouse-Haute Garonne region. After the war, he discovered his family had perished and married H...

  15. Panorama from the moving boardwalk at the Paris Exposition

    The Paris Exposition in July 1900 taken from the moving platform that was put on the boardwalk for the Exposition. People run on the moving boardwalk. Street vendors. National pavilions for the Paris Exposition are in the BG. Sign: "Champ de Mars Porte Rapp." Children fight in the corner. Pan taken from a bridge of a large building, trees. People walking.

  16. Belgian couples tour Germany; "Jews not wanted here" sign

    The de Brouwers and their neighbors Joseph and Yvonne de Hemptinne, continue on a self-guided tour through Germany in July 1936. Map of Germany and a sketch of the Neiderwald statue in Rudesheim with the title "Visite a le Germania." Landscape and towns by the banks of the Rhine taken from a boat. 00:14:39 Yvonne, Denise, and Joseph pose and walk towards the camera. 00:14:50 CUs of the Neiderwald monument. Tourists at the monument overlooking the Rhine. 00:15:01 Sketch of two beer steins and the title "Ein Zweite Prosit." Joseph and Carl drink in a restaurant. Men play a guitar and an accor...

  17. Josef Bosak photograph

    Photograph of former staff of the Zacharia Bosak metal wholesale shop, located at 6 Kupa Street in Krakow, Poland. The shop was overtaken and run by Germans.

  18. Prayer book

    Prayer book belonging to David Halberstam in which he inscribed dates and information about his and his first family's capture and experiences. David was originally from Gorlice, Poland, and survived multiple concentration camps. His wife and his father were deported and killed at Belzec killing center. After the war, he emigrated to North America.

  19. Regina Holczer collection

    Consists of one handwritten poem, in Polish, which was presented in Zbąszyń, Poland to Regina Holzer for her birthday on January 22, 1939. The poem was written and presented by German Jews who were ethnically Polish and were expelled to Zbąszyń, Poland, in 1938, and the text celebrates Holzer's assistance with cooking and food, noting that next year they will be in the United States. Also includes a copy print depicting a group of Jews sent to Zbąszyń, including Regina, taken in 1938. Includes an English language translation of the poem.

  20. Epstein family collection

    The Epstein family collection, circa 1920-1979, includes official documents, correspondence, and photographs relating to the family’s experiences during World War II. The majority of the collection relates to Julian Epstein (1889-1943), a Jewish opera singer and jeweler, who was imprisoned in a series of French internment camps and died at the Lublin-Majdanek concentration camp in Poland. The collection includes a series of letters between Julian and his wife Margarete (1898-1988) written between 1938 and 1943. The collection also contains photographs of the Epstein family before and after ...