Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,121 to 6,140 of 10,181
  1. Liane R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Liane R., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1934. She recalls the Anschluss; her father's apparent suicide in September 1938 after he was forced to close his dental practice; Kristallnacht; embarking on the St. Louis with her mother and brother in 1939; being denied entry to Cuba; sailing between Cuba and Florida while efforts were made to find refuge; and having to return to Europe. Mrs. R. recounts living in Loudun, France for over two years; German invasion; fleeing to Limoges; Jewish organizations which arranged their schooling and her brother's violin lessons an...

  2. John F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of John F., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1917. He recalls his mother's Sabbath observance; the death of one younger sister; outbreaks of antisemitism; studying medicine; membership in Zionist organizations; the Anschluss in 1938; confiscation of his father's business; illegally traveling to Venice in August; staying with an aunt in Trieste; returning to Venice; traveling to Zurich on a tourist visa; his father's arrest after Kristallnacht; attempting to obtain visas to China for his parents and siblings in Bern; resuming his studies; helping his professor smuggle h...

  3. Berthold G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Berthold G., who was born in Regensburg, Germany in 1921. He recalls a cheerful early life; attending a Jewish school until fourth grade, then a high school for engineering training; observing Jewish holidays, although not orthodox; antisemitic harassment, particularly after 1935; working for a German who was kind to him until 1938; his family receiving United States visas, planning to emigrate in December; his father's arrest on Kristallnacht; his arrest with his mother and grandmother the next morning; finding his father at the assembly place; their deportation to D...

  4. Robert S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Robert S., who was born in Leipzig, Germany in 1919, the youngest of five children. He recalls attending a Jewish school; visiting his sisters and their families in Kraków; working in his family's business; an SS friend warning him of Kristallnacht; German invasion of Poland; one brother fleeing to Nice; his parents being trapped in Poland while visiting Kraków; four failed attempts to leave Germany; arrest and release in Zwieselstein, Austria during an attempt; moving to Berlin; being smuggled with his cousin to the Netherlands in November 1939; living at his uncle...

  5. Daisy M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Daisy M., who was born in Zagreb, Yugoslavia in 1938. She recounts illegally crossing the Italian border in 1941 with her parents, an aunt, and two cousins; living in Montecatini for almost a year; leaving illegally in September 1943 after hearing of deportations; partisans hiding them in a village outside Florence for two months; being hidden elsewhere after Germans neared; farmers bringing them food; warnings of German patrols during which they hid in a pit and mountain caves; liberation by South African troops; returning to the village outside Florence; her father'...

  6. Millie S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Millie S., who was born in Grossenlinden, Germany in 1991. She recalls cordial relations with non-Jews; attending public school; changes after Hitler became known; her brother being stabbed by a young Nazi in 1928; marriage; her son's birth; her parents' and younger brother's emigration to the United States in 1936; her husband's and brother-in-law's imprisonment on Kristallnacht; hiding with her son when her apartment was ransacked; the police chief warning her to leave town; traveling to Frankfurt; learning her husband was in Buchenwald; the town's mayor warning her...

  7. Ruth S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ruth S., who was born in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1937. She describes her father emigrating from Germany in 1933; his continued contact with his family in Germany; marriage to her mother in 1934; their bourgeois life; German invasion in 1940; her father hiding to avoid arrest; her parents' decision to leave in spite of sympathetic treatment from the Danes; her maternal grandparents' arrest in 1943 (she later learned they were deported to Terezi?n); escape with her parents to Malmo?, Sweden in October 1943; living with relatives there; celebrating the Danish liberation; ...

  8. Donald R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Donald R., who was born in Amsterdam, Holland in 1917 to Polish immigrants. He recalls his father's death in 1918; moving to Berlin in 1920; his mother's remarriage; anti-Jewish laws resulting in his expulsion from school in 1934; working for Ford; expulsion from Germany in 1938 as a Polish citizen; Poland's refusal to admit him and other Jews; smuggling himself to his uncle's farm in Poland; being joined by his mother, stepfather, and brother; living in Krako?w; traveling to Berlin to obtain a United States visa; remaining in Germany beyond the permitted date; travel...

  9. Shulamit L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shulamit L., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1927. She recounts her family's poverty; attending public school; her parents' divorce; living with her mother; the Anschluss; anti-Jewish restrictions resulting in expulsion from school; participating in a Zionist youth group; her father's remarriage; Kristallnacht; her father's emigration to the United States; her emigration with other children via Trieste to Palestine in 1940; receiving a postcard from her mother in Theresienstadt; living with a family in Jerusalem, then at a children's village; learning after the war...

  10. Henri B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henri B., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1930. He recalls his family's emigration to Paris; being sent to Poland to live with his grandparents; returning to Paris in the mid-1930s; no religious observances in his home; evacuation with other children to an OSE home in the Creuse; warm relations with the children and staff; a close friendship with a young man; traveling in a group to Casablanca via Marseille in spring 1942, then to the United States in a Portuguese ship; living briefly with a family in Yonkers, N.Y., then for five years with a family in Pittsburgh; c...

  11. Gertrude G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gertrude G., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1931. She recalls hostility from local Nazis after the Anschluss in March 1938; anti-Jewish restrictions and violence; expulsion from school; her father's arrest prior to Kristallnacht; public humiliation of her mother and grandmother on Kristallnacht; learning her father was in Dachau; his release, based upon a promise to leave Austria; their emigration to Italy; living in Milan with assistance from the Joint; attending a Jewish school; her father's internment as a political refugee; joining him, with her mother, in Cas...

  12. Hans N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hans N., who was born in Hannover, Germany in 1921. He describes his youth in an assimilated and comfortable family with a strong Germany identity; little or no antisemitism prior to Hitler's rise to power; the dramatic change and his efforts to avoid drawing attention to himself as a Jew; expulsion from his sports club; hearing of concentration camps; expulsion from school in 1936; working for a non-Jewish acquaintance; and non-Jewish friends who assisted in his emigration. He recalls two Americans who also helped; his parents accompanying him to New York in 1937; at...

  13. Anne G. Holocaust testimony

    Video testimony of Anne G., who was born in a small town in Germany in 1910, moved to Ludwigshafen am Rhein, and then to Mannheim in 1932. She recalls anti-Semitic incidents; attending a speech by Hitler in Mannheim; her father leaving for France; and her fiance's attempt to leave Germany. She describes Crystal Night, detailing atrocities she witnessed; her conflict due to her love for Germany; being incarcerated in Mannheim prison; and obtaining papers enabling her to emigrate to England. Mrs. G. describes the painful departure from her mother and grandmother; her reunion with her fiance i...

  14. Anna K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Anna K., who was born in Bar, Ukraine in 1926. She recounts moving to Mohyliv-Podilʹsʹkyĭ, then Tomashpolʹ; attending school to eighth grade; cordial relations with non-Jews; German invasion in July 1941; evacuating to Stalingrad (Volgograd) with her parents and brother, then to Goncharovka; working on a collective farm; evacuation to Astrakhanʹ, Chimkent (On︠g︡tu̇stīk), Kazakhstan, then Karamurt; working on a collective farm; studying in Chimkent and working summers on the collective farm with her family; traveling to Makiïvka in 1944; working as a tax inspector; ...

  15. Mikhael K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Mikhael K., who was born in Rokitnoye, Ukraine in 1925. He recalls Soviet antisemitism prior to the war; evacuating with his family to Kazakhstan after the German bombing of Kiev in June 1941; his brother's service in the Soviet military (he was killed in 1942); starvation conditions while working on a collective farm; entering the Soviet military at the end of 1942; serving at the front; being wounded in March 1944; a six-month recovery; gradually learning of the destruction of Jews; joining his family in Kazakhstan; their return to Rokitnoye in October 1944; enterin...

  16. Leo B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leo B., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1921. He recalls his father's death when he was nine; Viennese cultural life; smuggling himself to Belgium after the Anschluss at his mother's urging (due to the perception that it was more dangerous for males); attending trade school; German invasion; and deportation to southern France in an exchange for Belgians. Mr. B. relates conditions in Saint Cyprien concentration camp; a futile attempt to enter Switzerland; incarceration in Drancy; boarding a transport to Auschwitz on November 6, 1942; escape from the train while stil...

  17. Franz F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Franz F., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1925, one of two brothers. He recounts his family's relative affluence; antisemitic harassment at school; visiting grandparents in Opava; expulsion from his scout troop; joining Makabi ha-tsaĘťir; the Anschluss; joining a hachsharah in Germany; visiting Berlin; his brother joining a hachsharah in France; Kristallnacht; visiting his parents in Vienna; emigration to Palestine via Vienna and Trieste in 1939; receiving letters from his parents through the Red Cross (later, the letters stopped); enlisting in the British army; se...

  18. Maria S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Maria S., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1926, the younger of two sisters. She recalls her mother's death in 1937; her sister's emigration to the United States in 1938; completing primary school in 1939; German invasion; bombings; escaping with her father three months later to the Soviet zone; living in Białystok and a nearby town; deportation with her father to Siberia; forced labor in a forest; the supervisor helping her avoid the difficult work; being allowed to leave after the German invasion; moving to Tashkent; marriage to a Polish Jew; working as a telephon...

  19. Thea S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Thea S., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1921, an only child. She recalls visiting relatives in Poland; living with her mother in Germany for a year in the late 1920s; attending gymnasium; participating in Maccabi and other Zionist organizations; the Anschluss in March 1938; dismissal of her Jewish teachers; prohibition from employing their non-Jewish maid; Nazi harassment; being forced to move many times; her boyfriend's arrest on Kristallnacht; non-Jewish neighbors hiding her father; obtaining British travel documents with assistance from an uncle in London; trav...

  20. Frieda R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Frieda R., who was born in Antwerp, Belgium in 1921, the youngest of four sisters. She recalls participation in Maccabi; working in her father's business; German invasion in May 1940; fleeing with her sister and her children to Brussels; fleeing with her parents and fiance? to France; being sent to a village near Toulouse; her fiance? working in Lyon; marriage; visiting her nephew in Dourgne; her oldest sister and family emigrating to Cuba; her parents' deportation (she never saw them again); obtaining false papers in 1943; her son's birth; a non-Jewish woman helping ...