Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 50,781 to 50,800 of 55,889
  1. Laikinoji Lietuvos vyriausybė

    • Lithuanian Provisional Government

    This collection contains "economic and denationalisation documents with articles concerning property of Jews" (Galina Žirikova, Lietuvos centrinio valstybės archyvo fondai: holokausto Lietuvoje tyrimo šaltinis (The Collections of the State Archive of Lithuania: a Source of Research on the Holocaust in Lithuania), Vilnius: Valstybinis Vilniaus Gaono Žydų Muziejus, 2011, p. 11. There are documents from Generalkomissar A. T. von Renteln and from the head of the Provisional Government, J. Ambrazevičius. Some of these documents concern Jews. There are documents from Generalkomissar A. T. vo...

  2. Ukmergės apylinkės teismas

    • The Court of the Rural District of Ukmergė

    The fonds contains civil and criminal files, protocols of the interrogations of eyewitnesses with testimonies about events in the town during the Second World War.

  3. Vilniaus apygardos komisarinis tarėjas

    • Kommissarischer Gebietsrat Wilna-Land
    • Commissar Councillor of the Vilnius Region

    Documents and orders of the German authorities and Lithuanian administration, reports of the chiefs of the districts about situation in the districts, orders and correspondence about nationalized Jewish property, registration of Jewish property; lists of property and equipment of Jewish doctors, registration and information about synagogues in the district and about cultural heritage, lists of Jewish doctors, etc.; register lists of the Auxiliary police, payment lists for local residents for their help with confiscated Jewish property (for example: for sorting of the property, cleaning, tra...

  4. Joniškio miesto savivaldybė

    • The Municipality of the City of Joniškis

    The subfonds consist of the files from the interwar period until the end of Second World War, including correspondence between the mayor of the city with the chief of the police and the chiefs of the local rural districts on various questions; registers of residents; applications from residents for passports; lists of residents who were given passports; registers of traders; registers of owners of the private property. The subfonds include documents from the period of the Nazi occupation and documents of the collaborating authorities, as well as circulars, reports, and orders of the Gebitsc...

  5. Αρχείο Γαβριήλ Γαβριηλίδη

    • Archive of Gavriel Gavrielides
    • Archeio Gavrielides Gavriel

    Consists of the personal archive of Gavriel Gavrielides, a Jewish lawyer who provided legal counsel to the Jewish Community of Rhodes, the Organization for the Relief and Rehabilitation of Greek Jews (OPAIE), the Central Board of Greek Jewish Communities, the Jewish Community of Athens, and other Jewish organizations in Greece after World War II. Also of interest are cases of individual Jews against the OPAIE.

  6. Αρχείο Ιωσήφ Σιακκή

    • The Joseph Siakkis Archives
    • Archeio Siakkis Iosif

    Contains records related to the history of the Jewish communities of Greece. The archives are organized into 28 thematic sections. The most important topics are: 1. History of Greek Jewry and Jewish communities of Thessaloniki, Kerkyra [Corfu], Larissa, Volos, Trikala, Zakynthos, Chania, Preveza, Sparta, Chalkis and other major Jewish centers; 2. Antisemitism, Nazi occupation and Holocaust; 3. Collections of Jewish periodicals (Kerkyra and Athens); 4. Records of the Greek Jewish family names, personal correspondence, literary essays and poetry.

  7. Lietuvos ir Baltarusijos TSR darbo liaudies komisariatas

    • Labour People Commissariat in Lithuania and Byelorussia Soviet Socialist Republics

    Lists of local residents (Jewish names included); lists of interprises, shops, companies; documentation concerning working and searching for job.

  8. Žydų kultūros ir švietimo draugijos „Tarbut“ Lenkijoje Vilniaus skyrius

    • Żydowskie Stowarzyszenie Kulturalno-Oświatowe „Tarbut“ w Polsce, Oddział w Wilnie
    • Selected Records of the Jewish Cultural and Educational Association "Tarbut" of the Vilnius Section in Poland

    Various documentation of the Vilnius branch of the Tarbut movement, including statutes, reports and circulars, regulations, permits to establish training and education institutions; reports concerning activities; correspondence with other organizations; documents concerning the budget, school curricula, teacher lists, and school activities.

  9. Zarasų apskrities viršininkas

    • Chief of the county of Zarasai

    "The collections of the heads of the counties contain important documents concerning the Holocaust in the Lithuanian provinces" (Galina Žirikova (2011), Lietuvos centrinio valstybės archyvo fondai : holokausto Lietuvoje tyrimo šaltinis (The Collections of the State Archive of Lithuania: a Source of Research on the Holocaust in Lithuania, Vilnius: Valstybinis Vilniaus Gaono Žydų Muziejus, p. 12. Decrees, reports, circuliars of the head of the district concerning Jews, arrests of Jews; confiscation of the private property of Jews; lists of residents of the district; directives for local ...

  10. Vilniaus apylinkės teismas

    • Vilnius District Court

    The files of civil and criminal proceeding, courts' investigations, interrogations, accusations. The files consist of the personal information and include names of Jews. Also there is information about confiscation of the Jewish property.

  11. Ukmergė apskrities policijos Širvintų nuovada

    • Širvintos Precinct in Ukmergė District

    The fonds consists of the files with orders, circulars, instructions from the chief of the Ukmergė district, from the chief of the police, etc. There are also statistics about the activities of the local communists, reports on moods of residents, reports regarding all existing organizations in the police precinct, documents on taxes collection, etc. Lists of arrested Soviet prisoners of war, Jews, Poles, Russians, communists, foreigners, and wanted people. Register books and other documents.

  12. Ukmergės apskrities viršininkas

    • Chief of Ukmergė County

    The fonds consists of information about refugees in 1940, correspondence and statistics about refugees in the district (there are many Jewish names), applications of the residents (many Jewish names) to obtain passports in 1940, information about Jewish organizations from 1922 to 1940, the lists of residents who were punished for administrative offenses (many Jewish names). *Note: In many cases the documents created in 1940 may provide the last information about the people in question before the Holocaust. *Note: In many cases the documents created in 1940 may provide the last information a...

  13. Ukmergės apskrities policijos Žemaitkiemio punktas

    • Žemaitkiemis Police Precinct of Ukmergė District

    Documentation, correspondence, reports, and registers concerning everyday life in the district and about various events and activities of the locals and authorities; information about Jews and mixed Jewish families; information about communists and people accused of being disloyal to the Nazis; lists of exiled people; lists of arrested people; documentation concerning confiscation of Jewish property, including instructions about how to handle the property, lists of property and related belongings, and lists of the property owners.

  14. Panevėžio apskrities valsčių savivaldybės

    • Municipalities of the Small Rural Districts of the Panevėžys County

    Documentation, reports, orders and announcements of the chiefs of the small rural districts of Kupiškis, Miežiškiai, Naujamiestis, Panevėžys, Piniava, Pumpėnai, Rozalimas, Šeduva, Šimonys, and Troškūnai. Information includes administrative documents, applications of residents to obtain passports, reports about everyday life in the county, statistics about residents, correspondence, etc. There are also reports and decrees by the general advisor for internal affairs for municipalities of the small rural districts of Panevėžys County concerning attitudes toward local residents and attitudes to...

  15. Αρχείο Ιταλικής Διοίκησης Δωδεκανήσου

    • Archive of the Italian Administration in Dodecanese
    • Archeio Italikis Dioikisis Dodekanisou

    The collection contains files relevant to the Jewish Community of Rhodes, the Jewish schools, the Rabbinical College, the Jewish cemetery, catalogues of the Jewish families, survivors of the ship "Pentko", Jewish companies, the Jewish immovable property, the Jewish passoports for Turkey, catalogues of the Jewish belongings.

  16. Αρχείο της Ιταλικής Αστυνομίας των Καραμπινιέρων

    • Royal Carabinieri Police Archive
    • Archeio tis Italikis Astynomias ton Karabinieron

    The archive contains approx. 80.000 personal files (for 130.000 inhabitants). It contains reports on political events, social and ethnic groups (Greeks, Turks, Jews and other foreigners) and companies, juridical decisions, information on the antifascist activities, the Jewish community, cases related to full Italian citizenship and the special local form of citizenship (Cittadinanza Egea Italiana).

  17. ARA

    • ARA
    • Dutch
  18. Manuscripts

    In more than 2,000 diaries and manuscripts, people and personalities relate their experiences relating to the Exodus, the 18-day military campaign, daily life, deportation and the Liberation.

  19. Jewish Religious Community of Pardubice

    This fonds contains lists of Jews living in the Pardubice domain at the end of the 18th century, the community's statutes including amendments (1874, 1977, 1896, 1936), meeting minutes, election records, personnel records, a list of war refugees (1914–1918), construction records (including for the construction of a synagogue), burial society records, and draft texts on the history of the Jews in Pardubice. The burial society registers, particularly grave records, were kept until 1942. The fonds also includes files from the Pardubice Arbeitsamt (labour office) with records of work assignment...

  20. Jewish Religious Community of Holešov

    The most important part of this fonds consists of pinkasim from 1668–1731 and 1785–1830 and takkanot from the 18th century. This fonds also contains meeting minutes, financial files, records of charitable foundations, synagogue seats records, books of hazkarot and burial society records. Records from 1939–1943 contain registry matters, documents relating to the registration of Jews (including mixed marriages and Jews of the “non-Mosaic” religion), work assignment records, travel permits, housing and construction records, information on the registration and surrendering of property, a commun...