Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 50,561 to 50,580 of 55,889
  1. A náci és nyilas rémtettek kivizsgálására alakult bizottság

    • Committee for the Investigation of Nazi and Arrow Cross Atrocities

    The documentation of the Holocaust (avant la lettre) started in Hungary practically as soon as the war had ended and it took various major forms. Holocaust survivors played major roles in several of the attempts at early documentation such as the DEGOB interview project with thousands of camp survivors. The many trials that dealt with crimes committed against Hungarian Jews during the war years and the documentation project pursued by the Committee for the Investigation of Nazi and Arrow Cross Atrocities were among the most important Hungarian state-based forms of Holocaust documentation. W...

  2. Elhagyott Javak Kormánybiztosságának iratai

    • Records of the Government Commissariat for Abandoned Possessions

    The Government Commissariat for Abandoned Possessions was established by decree on March 11, 1945. Its aims were to aid those who were personally impacted by the destruction wrought by the war and the German occupation and lost their homes, wealth and basis of existence as well as to aid those who were deported and help their return. The Commissariat was also responsible for the supervision and maintainance of abandoned houses, landholdings, firms, flats and furniture. The possessions that were left behind without legal inheritors were used to compensate those who were deported. The Commiss...

  3. Αρχείο Πρωτοδικείου Ροδόπης

    • Archive of the Court of First Instance in Rodopi
    • Archeio Protodikeiou Rodopis

    Some proceedings and decisions relate to the Jews of Komotini before and after the Holocaust.

  4. Αρχείο της Υπηρεσίας Διαχειρίσεως Ανταλλαξίμων Περιουσιών

    • Archive of the Service of the Exchangeable Properties
    • Archeio tis Ypiresias Diacheiriseos Antallaximon Periousion

    The archive contains material for the so-called exchangeable property, which belonged to Moslems who left the area after the Exchange of the Population between Greece and Turkey (1923), the settlement of Christians and Jews in these properties and the sale of them at auctions. It's very useful source for the relations among Christians and Jews in the interwar period.

  5. Αρχείο του Υποθηκοφυλακείου Δράμας

    • Archive of the Land Registry Office in Drama
    • Archeio tou Ypothikofilakeiou Dramas

    The record of Land Registry Office in Drama kept data on the properties of the Jewish community, OPAIE, KIS and the Jews of Drama before and after the Holocaust (almost 170 individuals).

  6. Αρχεία του Κεντρικού Ισραηλιτικού Συμβουλίου της Ελλάδος, 1943-1990

    • Records of the Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece, 1943-1990
    • Archeia tou Kentrikou Israilitikou Symvouliou tis Ellados, 1943-1990

    Consists mainly of files of correspondence between various Greek Jewish communities, with Greek governmental authorities concerning the restitution of the property of Greek Jews, and with international Jewish organizations concerning remembrance. Also included is correspondence with various other, but primarily German, organizations and authorities concerning reparations.

  7. Αρχείο του Οργανισμού Περιθάλψεως και Αποκαταστάσεως Ισραηλιτών Ελλάδος

    • Records of the Organization for the Relief and Rehabilitation of Greek Jews, 1943-1990
    • Archeio tou Organizmou Perithalpseos and Apokatastaseos Israiliton Ellados

    Consists of several thematically arranged sections. Included are property restitution files, correspondence, inheritance documentation, files on individuals, and the like.

  8. Αρχείο Σανατορίου Πηλίου "Η Ζωοδόχος Πηγή" ιατρού Γεωργίου Καραμάνη

    • Archive of the Sanatorium "I Zoodochos Pigi" in Pelion established by Dr. Georgios Karamanis
    • Archeio Sanatoriou Piliou "I Zoodochos Pigi" iatrou Georgiou Karamani

    Patient records, financial records, folder with correspondence between the Sanatorium and the Jewish Community of Thessaloniki (1946-1947). Jewish Holocaust survivors were hosted in the Sanatorium for treatment with the financial assistance from the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee.

  9. Αρχείο Ειδικού Δικαστηρίου Δωσιλόγων

    • Archive of the Special Court for Collaborators
    • Archeio Eidikou Dikastiriou Dosilogon

    It contains proceedings and decisions of war trials. A number of these cases are relevant to the Jews of Volos.

  10. Αρχείο Πρωτοδικείου Βόλου

    • Archive of the Court of First Instance in Volos
    • Archeio Protodikeiou Volou

    For the period of the early 20th century , there are judicial decisions concerning the financial affairs of the Jews in Volos. For the period of the Second World War, there are decisions concerning trade and economic disputes with Christians. For the postwar period, decisions relating to death certificates (mainly from the period 1946-1950), property looted by the Germans, the case of the Christian shopkeepers who had been affected by fire and claimed Jewish property, decisions on compensation to victims of the Nazi period (1961-1964).

  11. Αρχείο Δήμου Χαλκιδέων

    • Archive of the Halkida Municipality
    • Archeio Dimou Halkidas

    The archive contains material relevant to decisions of the municipal council, registry books for weddings, births and deaths.

  12. Ιδιωτικό Αρχείο Λευτέρη Ιωαννίδη

    • Private Archive of Lefteris Ioannidis
    • Idiotiko Archeio Lefteri Ioannidi

    Jewish family lists from Halkida, declarations of property, Nazi orders.

  13. Αρχείο Πρωτοδικείου Χαλκίδας - Ειδικού Δικαστηρίου Δωσιλόγων

    • Archives of the Court of First Instance in Halkida - Special Court of Collaborators
    • Archeio Protodikeiou Halkidas - Eidikou Dikastiriou Dosilogon

    Books and files relevant to war trials and collaborators. A number of these cases are relevant to the Jews of Halkida.

  14. Συλλογή Καπνεμπόρου Νταβίντ Φαρατζή

    • Collection of the Tobacco Merchant David Faraggi
    • Syllogi kapnemporou David Faraggi

    Correspondence with people in Kavala, Drama, Xanthi, Serres and Thessaloniki about operation of pravite property, lease contracts.

  15. Αρχείο Αλίκης Ζαμάνη-Μοράλες-Συλλογή Φωτογραφιών Εβραίων Καβάλας

    • Archive of Aliki Zamani-Morales - Photo Collection of Jews in Kavala
    • Archeio Alikis Zamani Morales-Syllogi fotografion Evraion Kavalas

    Family photos from holidays on the island of Thassos before the Second World War and from a visit to Treblinka extermination camp; a list of Jews deported from Kavala.

  16. Αρχείο της Οικογένειας Ααρών και Σαμπετάι Τσιμίνο

    • Archive of the Family of Aron and Sabetai Tsimino
    • Archeio tis Oikogenias Aron kai Sabetai Tsimino

    Family correspondence with survivors from Kavala who migrated to Israel and Argentina, and with organisations and departments of public services in Israel, Greece and Argentina about the Holocaust and issues of compensation in and from Bulgaria.

  17. Αρχείο Καπνεμπορικού Οίκου Ααρών Ι. Τσιμίνο και Σία

    • Archive of the Tobacco Firm Aron I. Tsimino and Cie
    • Archeio Kapnemporikou Oikou Aron I. Tsimino kai Sia

    This collection holds the archives of a Jewish family's company that exported tobacco from the port of Kavala. This company was the only large Jewish company in post-war Kavala. The family that led the company also donated its family archives from the Holocaust period and documents pertaining to the family's attempts at restitution after the Holocaust.

  18. Αρχείο Πρωτοδικείου Καβάλας

    • Archive of the Court of First Instance in Kavala
    • Archeio Protodikeiou Kavalas

    Some proceedings and decisions relate to the Jews of Kavala before and after the Holocaust. Post-war cases generally concern death certificates and property issues.

  19. Αρχείο Ισραηλιτικής Κοινότητας Καβάλας

    • Archives of the Jewish Community of Kavala
    • Archeio Israilitikis Koinotitas Kavalas

    A copy of the Bulgarian Census in Kavala in 1942 (395 pages, 884 passport-size photos); a complete list (taken from the Bulgarian archives and translated into Greek) of the Jews of Kavala deported in 1943; 1.667 pages of testimony documenting the identities of Holocaust victims from Kavala (this testimony sent by S. Tsimino to Yad Vashem in the framework of the International Campaign for the Collection and Commemoration of Holocaust Victims' Names).

  20. Hungarista napló, 1944-1945

    • The Hungarist Journal, 1944-1945

    The collection holds the records of the activities and ideas of Ferenc Szálasi and his Arrow Cross Party from the origins of the movement in the 1930s until October, 1944, when the party assumed power. The material includes the pamphlets, speeches and other writings of Szálasi and other leaders and ideologues of the party, including Gábor Vajna, Emil Kovarcz, Gábor Kemény, Sándor Csia and Jenő Szőllősi, and Vilmos Kőfaragó-Gyelnik, notes on the history of the party, minutes of political meetings, circulars, flyers and other propaganda material, interviews and reports, bibliography and vario...