Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 49,301 to 49,320 of 55,889
  1. Okružni sud u Šibeniku

    • County Court in Šibenik

    The collection provides insight into individual documents that testify to the Jewish presence in the town of Šibenik, and its legal provenance.

  2. Okružni narodni odbor Šibenik

    • People's County Committee of Šibenik

    The local people's committees were established as district national liberation committees during 1943 and 1944. They represented the state administration bodies and local self-government and were responsible for establishment and provision of government services in administrative areas. This administration included various departments, e.g., for legal matters (formation of people's courts), education, social affairs, the economy, trade and commerce, technical matters, etc. They ended during 1946, in accordance with the new territorial and administrative changes.

  3. Pomirbeni sud u Šibeniku

    • Small Claims Court in Šibenik
    • Giudizio di Pace Sebenico

    Conciliation courts (or small claims court), established during the Austrian rule, were courts of civil and criminal cases in a specific geographical area. They were closed by 1820. The collection provides insight into individual documents that testify to the Jewish presence in the town of Sibenik, and its legal provenance.

  4. Kotarsko poglavarstvo of Šibenik

    • County Administration Šibenik

    On 8 September 1943, Italy capitulated and the Independent State of Croatia officially recognized the Rome contracts, along with the Treaty of Rapallo of 1920, which had given Italy the territories of Istria, Fiume (now Rijeka), and Zara (Zadar). German foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop approved of the NDH taking the Dalmatian territories gained by Italy at the time of the Rome contracts. By now, most of this territory was controlled by the Yugoslav Partisans, since the cession of those areas had made them strongly anti-NDH (more than one third of the total population of Split, for in...

  5. Kotarsko poglavarstvo/ Gradsko poglavarstvo Šibenik

    • County Administration of Šibenik, Independent State of Croatia

    The Independent State of Croatia introduced racial laws and anti-Semitic policies as a prerequisite for Axis support. Thus, the administrational collections from the 194–1945 period are invaluable for Holocaust research concerning Croatia.

  6. Kotarska oblast (Sresko načelstvo) Šibenik

    • County Administration Šibenik

    The (pro-fascist) Independent State of Croatia was proclaimed in April, 1941, and parts of Dalmatia shortly afterwards fell under the jurisdiction of Italy. The collection gives an introduction to the administrational and legal process for curtailing rights of specific groups in the society, including of Jews.

  7. Općinsko upraviteljstvo/ Kotarsko poglavarstvo Šibenik

    • Municipality Administration Šibenik

    Although predating the interwar period, there are a few valuable collections that refer to the (small) Šibenik Jewish community and Jewish individuals, including this one, which concerns permits, registries, etc.

  8. Gesundheitsamt Villingen

    "Erbgesundheitsakten", Familien-, Kinder- und Jugendfürsorge (u.a. Hütekinder); Schulhygiene; Ernährungsberatung; Wohnungsfürsorge; vorzeitige Einschulungen und Zurückstellung vom Schulbesuch; Tuberkulose-Fürsorge

  9. Министерство на правосъдието

    • Ministerstvo na pravosudiyeto
    • Ministry of Justice

    Contains correspondence related to property in Yugoslavian and Greek territories; testimonies from Bulgarian soldiers taking part in the execution of Thomas Markham, an American pilot, as well as English Major Thompson and others; correspondence with the Central Committee of National Liberation (Jewish Section) regarding Jews in jail; report regarding the property of Jews who emigrated to Palestine and a letter from the Association of Bulgarian Jews in Tel Aviv regarding this question; and other records related to the confiscation of properties during and after World War II.

  10. Главна дирекция на статистиката

    • Glavna direktsiya na statistikata
    • Main Directorate of Statistics

    Contains census of 1934 and other statistical data related to the occupation, social situation, age, nationality, religion, language and literacy of Bulgarians. Includes a special census by population for new territories.

  11. Колекция „Окръжна организация на Българска Комунистическа Партия – Пловдив“

    • Kolektsiya "Okruzhna organizatsiya na Bulgarska Komunisticheska Partiya - Plovdiv"
    • Records of the Regional Organization of the Bulgarian Communist Party - Plovdiv

    Contains mainly letters, appeals, and telegrams sent to the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party. Records relate to the international and internal situation. Includes an appeal of the Jewish communists in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, to Jewish workers to boycott forthcoming elections for the synagogue administration and to fight against chauvinism and religious prejudices.

  12. All Army officers

    must certify by word of honor of not being affiliated to a franc Masonic loge. Follow declarations of officers from all Units.

  13. Exceptional measures. Various Orders of the Day to be issued. Orders regarding refugees.

    No Jews or Russians allowed to cross the Prut into Romania. Vigilance for foreign agents Report of operations. Hostile attitude of the local population. The attitude of the Jews and the reaction to it by the troops. Solution proposed to protect (by internment) the Jews from the troops. Requests for information regarding the hostile acts against the Army and the population, by the “jewish-communists”.

  14. Study

    of retrenchment (repliere) of the 4-th Army from Bessarabia into Moldova over the Pruth under enemy pressure.

  15. Declarations

    of ethnic origin for commissioned and non-commissioned officers. Rules for establishing the ethnic origin as Jew. Individual declarations.

  16. Working brigades.

    Instructions for organization. Reports of activity from groups. Units composed of minority citizens; special instructions.

  17. Manifests and informative reports

    with regard to the mood of the military. Atrocities committed by the Hungarian and German troops in Transylvania. Manifests spread by the legionnaires, full of antisemitic venom. (Note: a great number of pages were taken out by the Security Services and do not appear on the reel).

  18. Correspondence.

    The armament collected from the legionnaires after the rebellion of 22 - 24 January 1941. 16.I - 31.III, 1941. Orders sent to all Units to collect, clean and store the armament left after the rebellion. Also to be collected all the materials taken by the rebel bands from businesses and private homes. Also to be reported all the arrests performed. Reports received from districts. Reports requested from military units of armament and ammunition missing and for establishing the culprits and put them under arrest. Results of chasing after known legionnaires and of searches. Reports on political...

  19. Reports

    Reports related to the legionary rebellion on January 1941. 24 - 28 Jan. 1941. 2 pages of lists w/o explanation or title. Detailed report of the events that took place on 21-23 January 1941. A note indicates that a number of pages were taken out by the security services.

  20. Дружество на столичните журналисти

    • Druzhestvo na stolichnite zhurnalisti
    • Society of Metropolitan Journalists

    Contains the regulations of foreign journalists’ unions regarding welfare benefits, drafts of legislation regarding journalists in Bulgaria, and letters from establishments and private persons regarding foreign journalists in Bulgaria.