Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 47,641 to 47,660 of 55,889
  1. Esther T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Esther T., who was born in Thessaloni?ke, Greece in 1914. She recalls her father's death in 1933; working as a seamstress; German invasion in 1941; ghettoization; smuggling food; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau in March 1943; separation from her mother and aunt; interpreting for Greek inmates; removing empty Zyklon B cans from the gas chamber area; observing selections by Dr. Josef Mengele; feigning recovery from typhus to leave the hospital; her sister's death in the hospital; her younger brother's privileged job which led to extra food and favors from a German; re...

  2. Leo Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leo Z., who was born in W?oc?awek, Poland in 1920 one of seven children. He recalls German invasion; ghettoization; deportation to Kolmar (Chodziez?) for forced labor in 1941; transfer to Poznan?, then Auschwitz/Birkenau, in 1943; a beating for an escape attempt; transfer to Buchenwald, then Essen; slave labor in a Krupp factory for about eighteen months; liberation from a train by United States troops; returning home seeking relatives; learning no one survived; traveling to Germany; living in Landsberg displaced persons camp; and emigration to the United States. Mr. ...

  3. Anne G. Holocaust testimony

    Video testimony of Anne G., who was born in a small town in Germany in 1910, moved to Ludwigshafen am Rhein, and then to Mannheim in 1932. She recalls anti-Semitic incidents; attending a speech by Hitler in Mannheim; her father leaving for France; and her fiance's attempt to leave Germany. She describes Crystal Night, detailing atrocities she witnessed; her conflict due to her love for Germany; being incarcerated in Mannheim prison; and obtaining papers enabling her to emigrate to England. Mrs. G. describes the painful departure from her mother and grandmother; her reunion with her fiance i...

  4. Isabelle H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Isabelle H., who was born in Czortko?w, Poland (presently Chortkiv, Ukraine) in 1939. She recounts her first memory of her mother bringing her to a Catholic family (her mother survived on false papers); spending most of her time in the attic; forming close bonds with the family; a few occasions when she was almost discovered; liberation by Soviet troops; reunion with her mother a year later; living with her in Katowice, then Krako?w; hitchhiking to Austria; living at displaced persons camps; visiting her father in Vienna; being rejected since he had a mistress; being ...

  5. Frederic B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Frederic B., who was born in Karlsbad, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in 1915. He recalls growing up in Krako?w; his close, extended family; attending Polish school; occasional antisemitism; studying architecture; joining a Zionist organization; working in Katowice; German invasion; fleeing with his brother east to Jaros?aw; returning to Krako?w; forced labor; ghettoization in 1941; working in an architectural firm (an exemption from deportation); round-ups including his parents and girlfriend; hearing of the resistance; seeing his father's corpse in a pile of hundreds (he...

  6. Jakov T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jakov T., who was born in Ostrava, Czechoslovakia in 1925, the oldest of three children. He recounts participating in Tchelet Lavan; his parents' divorce in 1934; their remarriages; remaining in Ostrava to attend school when his parents and sisters moved; joining his mother in 1938; briefly attending boarding school in Karlovy Vary; joining his mother in Rokycany; joining his father in Prague after Slovak independence and alliance with Germany; his bar mitzvah; registering for a Kindertransport to England, which never left due the outbreak of war on September 1, 1939;...

  7. Michael M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Michael M., who was born in Apa, Romania in 1917. He recalls attending cheder; his mother's death when he was thirteen; learning shoemaking and working in Seini until 1939; service in the Romanian army; Hungarian occupation in 1940; transfer to a Hungarian slave labor battalion; forced labor in Baia Mare (Nagybánya), Dej, Budapest, Poland and the Carpathian Mountains; deserting in 1944 and hiding for three weeks; recapture in Pribeník, and placement in another battalion; the commander's efforts to protect "his" Jews; marching to camps including Graz, Eisenerz, Mauth...

  8. Sam F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sam F., who was born in Kassel, Germany in 1912, one of six children. He recounts the family's move to Gusakov after World War I; his father's death after a beating by antisemitic Ukrainians; attending Polish school; learning tailoring at age thirteen; working in Przemys?l from age fifteen onward in the Polish military; German invasion; a mass killing of 500 men in Przemys?l; Soviet occupation days later; German invasion; fleeing to the village of a Ukrainian, non-Jewish tailor whom he had helped before; working for him while posing as a non-Jew; hearing his family ha...

  9. Sandor G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sandor Arye G., who was born in Cluj, Romania. He describes his active involvement in the Zionist organization in Cluj; his unsuccessful attempts to convince the people around him to flee to Palestine; the partition of Transylvania in 1940; and a trip to Budapest to prepare for emigration to Palestine. He tells of leading a Youth Aliyah group to Palestine via Romania, Istanbul, and Lebanon in 1941; joining the British army as a volunteer in 1942; and smuggling Jewish children from Egypt to Palestine. He relates being sent with his company to Italy, where he became fam...

  10. Bernard T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bernard T., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1920 to a family of six children. He recalls family life; German occupation; ghettoization; smuggling food; his inability to save his mother, sisters, and three-year-old brother from deportation in 1942 (he never saw them again); his deportation through Lublin to Budzyn?; working in the fields, then at an airplane factory; working in airplane factories in Mielec and Weliczka; transfer to Flossenbu?rg; an unsuccessful escape attempt; transfer to Dachau; escape from a death march; hiding in a barn; liberation; watching survi...

  11. Charles P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Charles P., who was born in Olkusz, Poland in 1923. He relates his family's emigration to Palestine, then France in 1926; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; a printer's apprenticeship; German invasion; a futile attempt to join the Resistance in Poitiers; printing Resistance papers in his father's Paris print shop; fleeing to Lyon in 1943; acquiring false papers in Montluel; arrest by the Gestapo; declaring himself a Jew to avoid more torture in Montluc; transfer to Drancy; deportation to Birkenau; slave labor in coal mines in Jawischowitz; relations between prisoners ...

  12. Susana A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Susana A., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1930. She tells of emigrating to Paris with her parents when she was six months old; the births of three brothers; cordial relations with non-Jews; her father's enlistment when war began; his discharge; his arrest in 1940 (they never saw him again); leaving school to help at home after her fourth brother's birth; occasional letters from her father; her mother bringing the children to an agency when she could no longer feed them; their return home in June 1942; her mother bringing them to a Catholic organization; living in a...

  13. Eve Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eve Z., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1936. She recounts her maternal grandmother lived with them; her orthodoxy; family holiday celebrations; her father's draft into a Hungarian forced labor battalion; visiting him once (she never saw him again); expulsion from their home; living with relatives in the ghetto; frequent deportations, including many relatives; going to work with her mother, fearing to stay home; her mother being placed with a deportation group; getting her mother out of the group; relatives who were living on Christian papers being caught and kil...

  14. Esther K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Esther K., who was born in Svatusa, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in 1915. She describes her Orthodox family; attending Hungarian gymnasium in Kos?ice; marriage in 1937; her son's birth in 1938; her husband's service in the Czech, then Hungarian, militaries; Hungarian occupation; expropriation of their business; her husband's escape to Palestine; her second son's birth in 1940; moving to her parents' home; German occupation in March 1944; ghettoization with her family in Sa?toraljau?jhely; deportation to Auschwitz; separation from her parents and children upon arrival on ...

  15. Peter C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Peter C., who was born in Szolnok, Hungary in 1936. He speaks of his family background; anti-Jewish legislation and Hungarian antisemitism in the early 1940s; the ghettoization of the region's Jews; his father and grandfather leaving to serve in Hungarian compulsory labor battalions; air raids; overcrowding and savage treatment by the Hungarian police; and his deportation with his mother and other family members to a German factory in the Stadlau district of Vienna in the spring 1944. He describes living conditions in the camp; frequent air raids and bombings; transpo...

  16. Anna K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Anna K., who was born in Bar, Ukraine in 1926. She recounts moving to Mohyliv-Podilʹsʹkyĭ, then Tomashpolʹ; attending school to eighth grade; cordial relations with non-Jews; German invasion in July 1941; evacuating to Stalingrad (Volgograd) with her parents and brother, then to Goncharovka; working on a collective farm; evacuation to Astrakhanʹ, Chimkent (On︠g︡tu̇stīk), Kazakhstan, then Karamurt; working on a collective farm; studying in Chimkent and working summers on the collective farm with her family; traveling to Makiïvka in 1944; working as a tax inspector; ...

  17. Karl S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Karl S., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1928. He recalls attending Jewish and public schools; German invasion in September 1939; anti-Jewish regulations and violence; his father being killed in a round-up in November 1939; his mother's job in a hospital; attending clandestine schools; ghettoization; forced labor in a shoe factory; hiding during the children's round-up; deportation with his mother to Auschwitz in summer 1944; assignment to the former Zigeunerlager (Gypsy Lager); transfer to Wu?stegiersdorf in November; slave labor digging trenches; escaping a mass s...

  18. Peter D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Peter D., who was born in Germany in 1936. He recalls that his father emigrated to Shanghai shortly before or after his birth; living with his mother in Berlin; staying home alone while she worked; their arrest and deportation to Terezín; living in the children's compound; seeing his mother every other weekend; moving boxes and finding one full of skulls; liberation; and survivors forcing a German into a bonfire. He describes returning to Berlin with his mother and stepfather (she married in Theresienstadt); moving to Deggendorf displaced persons camp; antisemitism ...

  19. Alfred N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Afred N., who was born in Thessalonikē, Greece in 1919, the third of ten children. He recalls cordial relations with non-Jews until the mid-1930s; celebrating Jewish holidays; military service; hospitalization for frostbite; returning home; military recall when Germany invaded; returning home from defeat; anti-Jewish restrictions; continuing contact with non-Jewish friends; joining his family in the Baron de Hirsch quarter; deportation to Birkenau; separation from the women and children; remaining with his brother's brothers-in-law; having to move corpses; a French s...

  20. Alfred S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alfred S., who was born in Vienna, Austria, in approximately 1913. He recounts his father's death in 1925; working with his mother; pervasive antisemitism; deportation to Dachau; forced labor; observing Jewish holidays; transfer to Buchenwald six months later; release due to his future wife obtaining a ticket for Shanghai; selling his ticket because he would not leave his future wife; marriage; emigration to Milan; leaving for Palestine from Sicily; arrival in Bangha?zi?; incarceration under Italian occupation; being returned to Italy; imprisonment in Naples; transfer...