Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 47,001 to 47,020 of 55,889
  1. Betty C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Betty C., who was born in Amsterdam, Netherlands in 1919, the youngest of five sisters. She recounts her family's orthodoxy; attending public school; antisemitic harassment; attending a Jewish school; participating in a Zionist youth group; one sister's emigration to Palestine in 1936; her father's death; preparing to emigrate to Palestine on a Hechalutz kibbutz in Beverwijk; German invasion; returning to Amsterdam; marriage; operating a children's kibbutz in Elden with her husband; arrest in October 1942; deportation to Westerbork; arrival of her mother and one siste...

  2. Shoshana B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shoshana B., who was born in Belz, Ukraine in 1933, the younger of two sisters. She recounts her family's relative affluence; Soviet occupation; her family joining grandparents in Radekhiv; attending a Jewish school; German invasion; hiding during round-ups; her father's murder; she, her mother, and sister burying him in the cemetery; her sister volunteering for forced labor using false papers as a Pole; being hidden with non-Jews; leaving to return to her mother; hiding with her mother under a cow shed for eighteen months; a Jewish man joining them (he was armed); be...

  3. Leo B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leo B., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1921. He recalls his father's death when he was nine; Viennese cultural life; smuggling himself to Belgium after the Anschluss at his mother's urging (due to the perception that it was more dangerous for males); attending trade school; German invasion; and deportation to southern France in an exchange for Belgians. Mr. B. relates conditions in Saint Cyprien concentration camp; a futile attempt to enter Switzerland; incarceration in Drancy; boarding a transport to Auschwitz on November 6, 1942; escape from the train while stil...

  4. Herbert F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Herbert F., an American who was drafted into the military and served on General Dwight Eisenhower's staff in England beginning in early 1944. He recounts assignment to the Pentagon; learning about the liberation of concentration camps from military documents; becoming the Pentagon liaison to American Jewish organizations wanting to improve conditions in the displaced persons camps; visiting the Rothschild Hospital displaced persons camp in July 1946 (he reads from the notes he wrote immediately after his visit); and contacts with members of the Jewish underground. Mr....

  5. Lothar P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lothar P., an ethnic German and Roman Catholic, who was born in Liberec, Czechoslovakia in 1932. He recalls living in Vratislavice; attending a German school; his father's exemption from military service due to his essential job; a German child whose mother was in the SS at Auschwitz living with them; overhearing a conversation between the SS woman and her friend expressing fear of retribution for what they were doing; his father expressing his shame to be German after hearing what was happening; German retreat; Allied bombardments; Soviet troops looting and raping; p...

  6. Gabor K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gabor K., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1926. He recalls his family's strong Hungarian identity; hearing of atrocities against Jews from a Polish refugee in 1943; German occupation in March 1944; anti-Jewish measures including wearing the star; conscription into a Hungarian slave labor battalion in June; transport to Bor; slave labor in a nearby camp; sadistic Hungarian guards; a death march in September 1944; escaping with friends during a partisan attack; briefly joining the partisans; traveling to Soviet-controlled territory, including Bor; joining a relativ...

  7. Saul F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Saul F., a distinguished professor of political science who was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia in 1932. He recalls emigration to Paris in 1939, then to central France; his parents placing him in a Catholic monastery; their capture and deportation to Auschwitz; several people hiding his identity during Nazi searches; becoming an ardent Catholic; and discovery by relatives in 1946. He recounts living in boarding school in Paris; a Zionist summer camp; emigrating to Israel with Youth Aliyah in 1948; army service; studying in Paris, Geneva, and at Harvard; marriage in 195...

  8. David D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David D., who was born in Sierpc, Poland in 1923, one of five children. He recalls German invasion in 1939; one brother's death in the Polish military; forced transfer with his family to Warsaw; living with an uncle; working outside of Warsaw; providing food for his family; his parents' deaths from starvation; trying to persuade his sister and brother to leave with him (they refused); traveling to Racia?z?; briefly returning to Warsaw for his siblings (they would not join him); ghettoization; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; finding a cousin; assignment to masonry s...

  9. Paul H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Paul H., who was born in Bielsko-Bia?a, Poland in 1925. Mr. H. recalls German invasion; his family's flight to Krako?w; avoiding round-ups; traveling to Bielsko for business; arrest and imprisonment; Gestapo torture; release after two months when his sister bribed a guard; returning to Krako?w; escaping, with his brother, to the Soviet zone; visiting his family in Krako?w; remaining when the borders were closed; ghettoization in Tarno?w; execution of his parents and younger sister; deportation to P?aszo?w in 1943; separation from his other sister when he was deported ...

  10. Ann S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ann S., who was born in Rome, Italy in 1928. She recalls her family had lived in Italy for seven generations; Jewish holidays in a large, extended family; expulsion from school in 1938 due to anti-Jewish laws; German occupation; one brother escaping; escaping with her parents and sister to a mountain village; her other brother later joining them; attending school; returning to Rome after the war; reunion with her brother; working as a translator for the United States military; marriage to an American in 1948; and emigration to the United States. Ms. S. notes she seldo...

  11. Adele J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Adele J., who was born in Vilna, Poland in 1924. Mrs. J. describes her family; Soviet occupation; confiscation of her father's textile business; the Lithuanian government; German invasion on June 22, 1941; immediate arrest and disappearance of many Jews; her parents' deaths within three weeks of each other; joining her uncle's family in Kovno with her sister; life in the Kovno ghetto; being spared from transports due to a document verifying her mother worked for Germany in World War I; a year of forced labor in the ghetto; liquidation of the Kovno ghetto in 1943; sepa...

  12. Elsa R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Elsa R., who was born in Lu?beck, Germany, in 1908. Ms. R. tells of leaving her family in 1929 to work in Munich; antisemitism; disillusionment with her Christian fiance, who alone knew she was Jewish; and obtaining a post in Turin, Italy in 1935 with the help of an anti-Nazi company official. She relates visiting her sister in Rome; friendship with her firm's Turin representative; the 1938 laws expelling all foreign Jews; unsuccessful attempts to obtain an American visa; her friends' bribery of police, so her file might be "lost"; arrest; transport in 1940 to a women...

  13. Moric L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Moric L., who was born in Belgrade, Serbia in 1915, to a family of four children. He recalls serving in the Yugoslav military during the German invasion; bombing of Belgrade, including his family home; compulsory registration of Jews; anti-Jewish laws, including confiscation of the family store; forced labor clearing bombing rubble; transfer to the Jewish hospital; arrival of Jews from Banat; armed clashes between Germans, partisans, and Chetniks; a round-up of Jewish men as hostages after the partisan uprising in July 1941 and their execution; a round-up of older men...

  14. Tonia B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Tonia B., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1925. She recalls her family's Bundist activities; attending Bund and public schools; German invasion; ghettoization; food shortages; seeing her parents, brother, and sister for the last time when they were deported in 1940; a non-Jewish friend bringing food prior to the ghetto being sealed; nursing training; working in a hospital; visits from H?ayim Rumkowski; deportation of the children in 1942; the deaths of relatives from starvation; hospitalization when she was ill; other nurses sharing their food with her; friendship w...

  15. Rica and Marcel K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rica K., who was born in 1907 in Storoz︠h︡ynet︠s︡ʹ, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (presently Romania), and her son Marcel who was born in approximately 1940. She recalls her older brothers' emigration to the United States; marriage in 1930 to a man from Chernivt︠s︡i; their affluence; her mother's death; ghettoization with her father and son in Chernivt︠s︡i in 1941 in her brother-in-laws' house (her husband joined her later); non-Jewish neighbors bringing them food; their exemption from deportation due to her husband's agricultural expertise; a mass shooting that included ...

  16. Allen R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Allen R., who was born in Koniecpol, Poland, in 1916 and raised in Sosnowiec. Mr. R. describes prewar antisemitism; capture during the German invasion while in the Polish army; escape and return home; seizure of the family salvage business; moving to the Srodula ghetto; sorting shoes of Auschwitz deportees; and volunteering for forced labor at a small camp in Silesia, to save his wife and family (most of whom he never saw again). He relates transport to Auschwitz with other Sosnowiec Jews; transfer to Warsaw; clearing rubble in the destroyed ghetto; finding hidden val...

  17. Elena L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Elena L., a Catholic Romani, who was born in Veľký Šariš, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1921. She recalls attending school until fifth grade; cordial relations with Jews and non-Romanies; working for a Jewish family; persecution of Jews and Romanies by Hlinka guards with the establishment of the Slovak state; observing Jews having to wear identifying marks and their deportation; destruction of Romani houses, including hers; anti-Romani restrictions; living in a hut in the woods; her child's death due to the harsh conditions; hiding from the Germans in a h...

  18. Millie K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Millie K., who was born in Aub, Germany in 1909. She recalls moving to Paris in 1933; working as a governess; marriage; her husband's incarceration as a German in 1940; her incarceration with him in Gurs a few months later; extreme hunger; her release two months later; joining him clandestinely when he was transferred to Les Milles; their release; living in Calas and Marseille; finding farm and factory jobs; a non-Jewish woman rescuing them from arrest; obtaining false papers in Marseille; her husband's arrest; visiting him at Les Milles; his escape; moving to Lyon; r...

  19. June M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of June M., who was born in Antwerp, Belgium in 1929. She describes her close extended family; joyous holiday celebrations in an orthodox environment; German invasion; fleeing with her family to Calais, France; repatriation to Antwerp by the Germans; forced relocation to Limburg; moving to Brussels; anti-Jewish restrictions; refusing to wear the star; being hidden in a convent in Sint-Pieters-Leeuw (her parents hid elsewhere); conversion to Catholicism; wonderful relations with nuns; tacitly acknowledging the other hidden Jewish children (there were twenty-eight); seeing...

  20. Steven L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Steven L., who was born near Pinsk, Belarus in the early 1930s. He recounts his mother's death when he was very young; a close relationship with his maternal grandparents; meeting non-Jewish farmers while peddling with his grandfather; Nazi invasion in summer 1941; ghettoization; working for a non-Jewish farmer to supply food for his family; hiding during round-ups (his family was taken); escaping to the forest with another family; finding another Jewish family; assistance from a shepherd he knew; building bunkers; the deaths of one family from illness; the birth of a...