Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 45,121 to 45,140 of 55,889
  1. Alegre T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alegre T., who was born in Drama, Greece in 1922, one of seven children. In addition to information included in a subsequently recorded testimony (HVT-2414), she recounts a happy childhood; attending Jewish school; working at her sister's beauty salon; Bulgarian occupation; slave labor in the Auschwitz shoe kommando; fasting during Yom Kippur; a public execution; Allied bombings; a death march and train transfer to Bergen-Belsen in 1944; liberation by British troops; contacting her cousin via the Red Cross; and traveling with her sister to Brussels, Athens, then Thess...

  2. Meir R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Meir R., who was born in Ia?si, Romania in 1931. He recounts his parents' deaths; placement in a Jewish orphanage when he was five; attending Romanian school; antisemitic incidents; German occupation; anti-Jewish measures; witnessing a mass killing of Jews by Romanians; forced labor; relative safety in the orphanage due to Red Cross protection; being terrorized by an SS soldier; liberation by Soviet troops in 1944; placement with a family in Bucharest; acting as a courier for the underground; traveling to Constant?a in order to emigrate to Palestine; joining an illega...

  3. Celia M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Celia M., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1927. She recalls her large family; her father's death in 1930; German invasion; ghettoization resulting in overcrowding, starvation, cold, epidemics, and frequent deaths; her older brother's deportation; and deportation to Auschwitz with her family in 1944. Mrs. M. recounts meeting her older brother; separation from her mother, two sisters and a nephew (they were gassed upon arrival); the importance of remaining with her two sisters; the death march to Ravensbru?ck; transfer four weeks later to Neustadt; work in a munitions...

  4. Celina H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Celina H., a twin, who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1933. She remembers an assimilated, affluent life; German invasion in 1939; fleeing to her mother's family in Bia?ystok in the Soviet-occupied zone; her father's deportation to Siberia; German invasion; ghettoization; roaming the ghetto and outside with her sister (they looked "Aryan"); hiding during the first Aktion; her mother sending her to a farm family and her sister elsewhere; returning when it seemed safe; her mother obtaining false papers for them; she and her sister being smuggled out; living with a Catholi...

  5. Azriel L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Azriel L., who was born in Klaipėda, Lithuania in 1923, and raised in Skaudvilė, the oldest of four sons. He recounts his family's affluence; his father's Zionism; attending cheder, public school, yeshiva, then a Hebrew gymnasium in Tauragė; the family moving to Kaunas; Soviet occupation; remaining in Kaunas when his family returned to Skaudvilė; clandestinely participating in a Zionist youth group; visiting Vilnius; German invasion; Lithuanian violence against Jews; receiving a letter from his parents (he never saw them again); ghettoization; forced labor at the ...

  6. Fred B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fred B., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1922. He recalls antisemitic incidents; the boycott of Jewish businesses, including his family's, in 1933; anti-Jewish restrictions; Kristallnacht; his brother's and sister's emigration; non-Jews bringing them food; arrest with his parents in February 1943; deportation to Auschwitz; separation from his parents (he never saw them again); transfer to Monowitz; return to Auschwitz; a variety of work details; contacts with women who worked in the Union Kommando and who sabotaged munitions they produced; rejecting homosexual adva...

  7. Yochanan K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yochanan K., who was born in a village near Nowy Wiśnicz, Poland, in 1923, the second of six children. He recounts his family's orthodoxy; attending cheder, school, and synagogue in Nowy Wiśnicz; antisemitic harassment; leaving school at thirteen to become a cattle merchant; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; he and his older brother smuggling food to several ghettos; denouncement by a Jew; arrest and release; volunteering to enter Płaszów in his brother's place; slave labor laying rail lines; escaping after a severe beating; fleeing to the forest with his ...

  8. Cyla S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Cyla S., who was born in Pruz?h?any, Poland in 1914. She recounts her father's death when she was twelve; antisemitic harassment; Soviet occupation in 1939; German invasion; ghettoization; forced labor in a kitchen; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation from her family, with the exception of one sister; her sister's hospitalization after a beating; sharing bread; hospitalization for malaria; a prisoner saving her from a selection; transfer to Bergen-Belsen; liberation by British troops; convalescing in Holland; living in Feldafing displaced persons camp; marri...

  9. Fany K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fany K., who was born in Osijek, Yugoslavia in 1922. Ms. K. recalls cordial relations with non-Jews; belonging to Zionist groups; their strong Yugoslav identities; German occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions; round-ups of Jews, including relatives, who were never heard from again; feeding and helping prisoners who were in Djakovo; being rounded-up by Ustas?a in July 1942; her father arranging her and her mother's escape (they never saw him again); joining relatives in Tuzla; moving to a village, posing as non-Jews; becoming a courier for the partisans; fleeing from Ge...

  10. Irene K., Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Irene K., who was born in Strasbourg, France in 1920. She describes her family's restaurant; good relations with non-Jews; attending lycee for nurses' training; evacuation to Limoges in September 1939; her brother's escape to join the Free French in North Africa; marriage in 1941; working for OSE to hide and assist Jewish children; her husband's work with the underground; her daughter's birth in 1942; arrest and escape when the train station was bombed; and hiding with her husband, child and mother-in-law for a year with friends in the underground. Mrs. K. recounts wo...

  11. Tomasz M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Tomasz M., who was born in Poland in 1928. In a detailed and reflective testimony, he recalls relations among national groups during his childhood in Horodenka; Ukrainian nationalism; Soviet occupation in September 1939; Hungarian, then German, occupation in 1941; antisemitic violence by locals; ghettoization; hiding during round-ups after warnings from a German policeman; a mass killing including his mother, two younger brothers (one escaped), and grandparents; his brother's return due to help from Ukrainians; transfer to the Kolomyi?a? ghetto in August 1942; starvat...

  12. Edith A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Edith A., who was born in Tver?, Russia in 1917. She recalls attending Jewish school in ?o?dz?; attending university in Krako?w; antisemitic incidents; studying at the Sorbonne in 1939; her parents' and sister's visit in July 1939; her sister's surgery in Bordeaux; her parents' departure for Poland on August 21, 1939; attempts to return home with her sister; the outbreak of war; contacting her parents via Vienna and Switzerland; German invasion; fleeing from Bordeaux to Biarritz and Bolle?ne with her sister; escaping a round-up in August 1942 with assistance from a ph...

  13. Dov F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dov F. who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1927, one of four children. He recalls his family's move to ?o?dz? when he was eight; his father and older brother fleeing when the Germans were approaching (his father never returned); his brother's return a few months later; his mother running his father's factory; her efforts to find his father's body and the subsequent burial; moving to Warsaw with his family to join his grandparents; ghettoization; starvation and extreme cold; attending synagogue with his grandfather on his bar mitzvah, but no festivities; his mother sendi...

  14. Sophie L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sophie L., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1921. She recalls her family's Zionist beliefs; membership in Betar; her older brother's emigration to Palestine in 1938; attending a Jabotinsky lecture; German invasion; being drafted as a nurse into the Polish army; returning to ?o?dz?; anti-Jewish measures; ghettoization; her father's death from starvation; deportation of her mother and two sisters (she never saw them again); watching children being thrown to the pavement from the fourth story during a round-up; working as a ghetto administrator; joining the underground;...

  15. Catheryne M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Catheryne M., who was born in Vru?tky, Czechoslovakia in 1928. She recalls cordial relations with non-Jews; her family's move to Ruz?omberok; ostracizism by non-Jewish students; their move to Hungarian-occupied Sobrance; attending a Jewish school in Uz?h?horod; German occupation in 1944; confiscation of her father's pharmacy; incarceration in a brick factory; the humiliation of a strip search by Hungarian soldiers; deportation to Auschwitz; remaining with her mother, sister, and aunt; learning about extermination; receiving extra food from an acquaintance; helping her...

  16. Celina M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Celina M., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1923. She recalls her father's prominence in Yiddish theater; playing children's roles in the theater; participating in Hakoah; antisemitism, particularly on Poland's constitution day; German invasion; moving with her family to Warsaw; ghettoization; food shortages and round-ups; her mother's escape using false papers; arrest and imprisonment trying to follow her mother; release; escaping with paid smugglers (she never saw her father or sister again); joining her mother near Lublin; working on a farm in Wolica Brzozowa; fri...

  17. Peter K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Peter K., who was born in Zagreb, Yugoslavia in 1937. He recalls his family's affluent, secular life; German invasion; his father's arrest (he never saw him again); moving with his mother, brother, and other relatives to Ljubljana; smuggling themselves to Italy; internment near Brescia as illegal immigrants; receiving a stipend from the Italian government; living with relatives in Quarata; German occupation; hiding in a hut with relatives, then with peasant families; avoiding arrest with assistance from their landlord and the marshal after being denounced; moving seve...

  18. Marian F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Marian F., who was born in Warsaw, Poland, the youngest of seven children. He recalls graduating from gymnasium; studying piano at the conservatory; German invasion in September 1939; fleeing with his brother, sister, and her husband to Soviet-occupied L?viv; graduating from conservatory; German invasion in June 1941; returning to his family in the Warsaw ghetto; playing in a ghetto orchestra; forced labor outside the ghetto; smuggling food; his father's disappearance in August 1942 (he never saw him again); deportation of his mother and sister in January 1943; obtain...

  19. Fela M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fela M., who was born in a small town in Poland in 1917, one of eight children. She recalls attending school in ?o?dz?; marriage in 1938; German invasion; her family's deportation to Warsaw; ghettoization in ?o?dz? in February 1940; her daughter's birth in April; her husband's death in 1941; her father-in-law's death in 1942; her daughter's deportation in September 1942; learning of her father's death in 1943; forced labor; recovering from typhus with help from two cousins; deportation to Auschwitz in September 1944; transfer two days later to a labor camp, then in Ja...

  20. Yvonne B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yvonne B., a Catholic, who was born in Pipaix, Belgium in 1918. She recounts attending public school; completing advanced degrees in nursing school in Tournai; mobilization as a nurse; assignment to a military hospital in Nieuwpoort; evacuation to Avilley, Nantes, then a village in France; caring for a friend's five young daughters; transfer to Rochefort; working as a head nurse; returning to Belgium two months later; working at a hospital; hiding resistance members; the Red Cross and a local nobleman arranging for them to hide Jewish children; helping transport twent...