Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 44,701 to 44,720 of 55,889
  1. Birgit N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Birgit N., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1923. She recalls her assimilated family; being allowed to attend public school as a Jew only because of her father's service in World War I; his emigration to Holland in 1935; her present guilt at not intervening when a Jewish student was harassed; emigration with her mother to Holland in 1938; attending a Quaker school; their departure by ship to Chile; the sinking of the ship by a German mine and their rescue (many passengers perished); remaining in England as disaster refugees; going to Shanghai via Canada in 1940, the...

  2. Liesel A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Liesel A., who was born in Nuremberg, Germany in 1930, one of four children. She recalls their affluence; destruction of their home on Kristallnacht; her father's incarceration and release from Dachau; his telling her she was going to camp before she was smuggled to France by a non-Jewish woman using her own child's documents; placement in a children's home in Paris; German invasion; traveling to Limoges with a group of Jewish children who were being brought to the United States by Quakers; stopping in Gurs so some children could visit their parents; traveling to Madr...

  3. Izzi S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Izzi S., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1922. He recalls attending public school; working as a tailor with his brothers; German occupation; working at a munitions factory; his father's death from starvation in May 1942; deportation with his brother; their escape from the train; returning to the ghetto; his brother's death from starvation in 1943; deportation to Auschwitz; separation from his mother upon their arrival; transfer to Gleiwitz with his older brother; working as a nurse in the infirmary with assistance from two Jewish prisoner-doctors; sharing extra food...

  4. Susan M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Susan M., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1925. She describes her happy childhood as a performer in a successful children's theatre; her parent's divorce; her rejection from the art academy due to the Jewish quota; the nonchalant attitude of the Jewish community until the German occupation in 1944; anti-Semitic legislation; hiding with her father with the aid of his non-Jewish fiancee; the establishment of the ghetto; and the reign of the Hungarian Gestapo. She relates working as a nurse while hiding on false papers; being recognized by a non-Jewish friend who tu...

  5. Madeleine M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Madeleine M., who was born in Paris, France in 1920. She speaks of the German occupation; joining a resistance group in Paris in 1941; hiding British pilots; her arrest in 1943; solitary confinement in a prison on the outskirts of Paris; finding a way to communicate wtih other prisoners; interrogations and beatings; witnessing prisoners condemned to death; transfer to Ravensbru?ck; the depressing view of the camp and prisoners; interacting with women of different cultures and nationalities; starvation and beatings; receiving packages from the Vatican; inconsistent tre...

  6. Rosa F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rosa F., who was born on Rhodes Island, Greece. She describes her happy childhood in a vibrant Jewish community; cordial relations with non-Jews; Italian occupation; anti-Jewish laws in 1938; one sister's emigration to Africa; her decision not to emigrate in order to remain with her family; German occupation; learning of the deportations of Salonika's Jews; deportation of all Jews in Rhodes to Greece in July 1944; transport to Auschwitz; separation from her parents upon arrival (she never saw them again); language difficulties; singing songs written by an Italian pris...

  7. Ernest R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ernest R., who was born in Nitra, Czechoslovakia in 1935. He recalls attending Jewish school until 1941; takeover of his father's business; wearing the yellow star in 1942; being smuggled to Koma?rno, Hungary because it was safer in Hungary than Slovakia; hiding with his younger sister at his grandparent's house; joining his parents in Mako?; and hearing that his maternal grandparents had been deported from Nitra. Mr. R. describes attending a Jewish school; his father's service in a Hungarian forced labor battalion; business restrictions and food shortages imposed on ...

  8. Helena G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Helena G., who was born in Varín, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (presently Slovakia) in 1913. She recalls cordial relations with non-Jews; her father's death; anti-Jewish measures after Slovak independence in 1939; forced evacuation from Varín; working in Žilina; former non-Jewish friends' hostility; transfer with her sister and mother to Poprad in March 1942; their return to Žilina; office work; volunteering for a transport to remain with her mother and sister; their deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; a privileged office position; using connections to place her mothe...

  9. Rev. Michael V. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Michael V., who was born in Nairobi, Kenya in 1946 to a Christian father and a Jewish mother. He speaks of his mother's family, most of whom perished in Auschwitz; his parents' decision to raise him as a Christian; and his response to the Holocaust from the perspective of both a Jew and a Christian. He also discusses his decision to become a minister and his belief that his becoming a Christian is not a refutation of his Judaism.

  10. Rosalie S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rosalie S., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1922, the oldest of three children. Ms. S. recounts her family's orthodoxy; German invasion; her father fleeing east (he did not return); briefly moving to a nearby town; ghettoization in Krako?w; deportation of her family (she never saw them again); marriage; daily forced labor; hiding her grandmother (she was discovered and deported); frequent murders of Jews; her husband's transfer to P?aszo?w; her deportation to Skarz?ysko-Kamienna; slave labor in a munitions factory; public hanging of a friend who had helped her; a b...

  11. Shlomo V. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shlomo V., who was born in Yahilʹnytsya, Poland (presently Ukraine), in approximately 1927, the oldest of three children. He recounts completing public school; briefly joining Gordonia (he was not a Zionist); attending university in Lʹviv; antisemitic harassment, particularly by Endecja members; Soviet occupation; German invasion in 1941; fleeing east; staying with an uncle in Zolochiv; Germans and Ukrainians forcing him and other Jews to bury hundreds of those killed by the retreating Soviets; Germans shooting the burial workers; escaping from the pit at night with f...

  12. Erika H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Erika H., who was born in Schivelbein, Germany (presently Świdwin, Poland) in 1921. She recounts the birth of her twin sisters in 1923; summers with grandparents in Kolberg (Kołobrzeg); her family's sabbath observance; antisemitic harassment by other children; her father's bankruptcy in 1930; attending gymnasium; their landlord forcing them to leave their apartment in 1934; moving to the same building as her grandmother in Berlin; attending Jewish schools; working as a tutor; membership in a leftist youth group; men asking for her father on Kristallnacht; non-Jews hi...

  13. Gustave J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gustave J., who was born in Cologne, Germany in 1923, the oldest of five sons. He recounts his father was a rabbi; attending a Jewish school; his father leaving for France in spring 1933 due to antisemtism; being sent to live with relatives in Prague; joining his family in Strasbourg in September; leaving for Vichy when war began in 1939; his father's three month internment as an enemy alien; German invasion in May 1940; internment in Montluc?on; release; traveling to Limoges; joining his family in La Chartre; deportation orders in November; escaping to Monte?limar; l...

  14. Anna S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Anna S., who was born in Minsk, Belarus in 1930. She recounts living in Bielsk; not knowing she was Jewish until German invasion; her father's draft into the Soviet army; traveling with her mother to Minsk; fires and chaos; their journey to relatives in Dorogobuzhskii?; a brief visit from her father; traveling to Gorky (Nizhnii? Novgorod) as the Germans advanced, then to Astrakhan?; living with a non-Jewish family for one year; German bombings; fleeing to Tashkent; assistance from the Bukharan Jewish community; living in Kattaqurghon; returning to Minsk in 1944; wide-...

  15. Amelia D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Amelia D., who was born in Amsterdam, Netherlands in 1939. She recounts having no memories of Amsterdam; having a brother, a year older, and a sister, a year younger; staying with non-Jewish families in Belgium; having to change her name; separation from her brother; brief imprisonment of the father in the first family because they did not have papers (he eventually obtained false papers); hiding in cellars and not being allowed to go near windows; her father's sister and brother finding them after the war; reunion with her brother; reluctance to leave the last family...

  16. Celine P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Celine P., who was born in Zgierz, Poland, one of four children. She recalls her family's affluence; visiting relatives in Warsaw; a close and large extended family; attending a Polish school; antisemitic harassment; German invasion in September 1939; her father's flight east; exemption from deportation due to an uncle sending foreign visas to her, her mother, and siblings; assistance from a former nanny who worked for the Gestapo; transport to Belgium via Berlin; reunion with their uncle who had arranged their emigration; traveling to Paris where "everything was back...

  17. Belle S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Belle S., who was born in Szyd?owiec, Poland in approximately 1924, one of four children. She recounts her family's poverty; attending school; increasing antisemitism in the 1930s; German invasion; her father's death from typhus in 1942; her older brother's deportation; hiding; deportation with her brother and his girlfriend to Skarz?ysko-Kamienna; her brother hiding her and providing food for her when she was sick; slave labor in a munitions factory; transfer with her brother and his girlfriend in 1944 to Cze?stochowa; hospitalization for one month; the doctor giving...

  18. Leon E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leon E., who was born in Kielce, Poland in 1920, one of eleven children. He recalls nine years of schooling; learning his father's business; the outbreak of war; returning to Kielce from the city where he worked; ghettoization; liquidation of the ghetto in 1942; transport to Pionki in Radom, where he worked in a munitions factory with two of his brothers; transport to Auschwitz in 1944; and work at Buna-Monowitz in the I.G. Farben factory for a few days. Mr. E. describes transfer, with his older brother, to Jawischowitz; work in the coal mines; the inhumane conditions...

  19. Dora S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dora S., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1913, the younger of two daughters. She recounts her father's emigration to the United States; his return; their move to Essen; vacationing in Sylt; attending private school; an antisemitic teacher giving her poor grades; joining the Jüdischer Jugendverband; her family's refusal to emigrate; her emigration to Amsterdam; assistance from the Jewish community; working as a maid, then a furrier; meeting her future husband, a Communist; working for Rote Hilfe/Roode Hulp; moving with him to Paris; his arrest by the French police;...

  20. Hilde L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hilde L., who was born in Aldenhoven, Germany in 1924. She describes her family's orthodoxy; attending a Catholic school; expulsion of Jewish students in 1937; attending a Jewish school; moving to Aachen; her father's arrest on Kristallnacht; his incarceration in Buchenwald and release a month later provided he would leave Germany; his journey to Belgium with her sister; her mother's painful departure from her seven sisters, most of whom perished during the war; traveling to Belgium with her mother using false papers in 1939; reunion with her sister and father in Brus...