Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 44,641 to 44,660 of 55,889
  1. Anna R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Anna R., a Lutheran, who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1918. She recalls her family's commitment to and activities on behalf of the Social Democrats; the rise of fascism; her arrest for anti-Nazi activities; two one-year jail terms; release; helping found a home for children of suicides; hearing the Gestapo was seeking her; hiding; illegally entering Switzerland with assistance from the Communist Party; acceptance as a political refugee; meeting her future husband, a German-Jewish refugee; receiving contraband from an unknown source; arrest; learning she was pregnant...

  2. Jean I. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jean I., who was born in Antwerp, Belgium in 1939. His first memory is of hiding in a castle with his mother and grandmother and sixty other Jews in May 1942 with assistance from the underground. He recalls their move to Durbuy because it was dangerous to be with a large group; attending school; receiving ration cards from the mayor; hiding in a convent when locals warned them of danger; attending mass in the convent; housing retreating Germans in their home in September 1944; liberation by British and United States troops in October 1944; their return to Antwerp in J...

  3. Y. Abraham Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Y. Abraham Z., who was born in P?ock, Poland in 1925. He recounts antisemitic harassment; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; German invasion; escaping to G?abin; returning home; confiscation of his father's business; ghettoization; smuggling food; his father's election to the Judenrat; deportation to Dzia?dowo, then Suchednio?w; his grandfather's death; escaping with his father; railroad work with non-Jewish Poles; friends calling from a passing train that his mother was aboard (it went to Treblinka); separation from the non-Jews; a forced march to Szyd?owiec; transfe...

  4. Sophie B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sophie B., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1913 to a Jewish mother and a non-Jewish father. She recalls a happy childhood; celebrating Christmas as a secular holiday; not observing Jewish customs or seeing herself as Jewish; leaving school at seventeen to work; feeling threatened by the Nuremberg laws; her parents' move to Lower Lusatia with assistance from a non-Jewish friend; her brother's emigration to Italy; engagement to and living with a non-Jew, although their marriage was legally prohibited; the birth of their son in 1938; being horrified at Kristallnacht; ...

  5. Walter Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Walter Z., who was born in C?esky? Te?s?i?n, Czechoslovakia in 1927. He recalls his father's local prominence; Polish annexation of the city in 1938; German invasion; his father's appointment as head of the Judenrat and working with Moshe Merin to smuggle children out of the area; deportation with his family in June 1941; removal from the train in Sosnowiec due to Merin's influence; his deportation to Sakrau a year later; a beating by Polish Jews for working too hard; transfer to Brande; a privileged position (about which he still feels guilty) due to his father's nam...

  6. Ann L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ann L., who was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia in 1931. She recalls that her father was chief physician of a hospital; a privileged childhood as an affluent Czech; her father's refusal to emigrate due to his strong Czech patriotism; Hitler's arrival in Prague in March 1939; her older brother's emigration to the United States in October; anti-Jewish regulations; expulsion from school after third grade; her father losing his position; and the family's transport to Terezi?n in July 1943. Mrs. L. recounts her mother's illness; her father working as a physician; contacts w...

  7. Zvi N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Zvi N., who was born in 1924, and raised in Tyszowce, Poland, one of two children. He recounts his father's death when he was two; moving to his Hasidic grandfather's farm; attending cheder and a Polish school; German invasion; brief Soviet occupation; the German return; moving to Komarów; anti-Jewish restrictions; ghettoization; a German cutting off his grandfather's beard; forced labor; escaping with his sister and others to the forest; separation from the group (his sister remained); assistance from a Polish friend; locating a group of Jews, including his mother a...

  8. Sara S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sara S., who was born in Vylok, Czechoslovkia (presently Ukraine) in 1925, one of five children. She recounts cordial relations with non-Jews; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions; one brother fleeing to Budapest; another escaping to the Soviet Union; apprenticing as a seamstress; German invasion in spring 1944; her parents entrusting possessions to a non-Jewish neighbor; deportation with her parents and sister to the Sevluš ghetto, then a month later to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation with her sister from her parents (she ...

  9. Rita S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rita S., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1929, the youngest of four children. She recounts the flags changing in 1933; her father's strong German patriotism; her older sister's emigration to Palestine that year; a close extended family; attending a Jewish school; being beaten on the street by Hitler Youth; her oldest brother's emigration to Buenos Aires in 1935; her father and brother hiding when Polish Jews were rounded up for deportation; a warning from non-Jewish neighbors prior to Kristallnacht; another neighbor saving their store from vandalism; deciding to le...

  10. Zoltan G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Zoltan G., who was born in Nagykaroly, Hungary (presently Carei, Romania) in 1908. Mr. G. recalls his orthodox home as one of ten children; briefly attending Yeshiva; cordial relations between Christians and Jews; joining an older brother in Paris in 1922 to become an apprentice in the handbag industry; building a successful business employing over 1,000 people; marriage in 1936; his son's birth in 1937; and the birth of twins in 1940. He describes leaving Paris for Vichy France prior to German occupation in 1940; living in Toulouse and Grenoble; buying visas from the...

  11. Hanna F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hanna F., who was born in Czemierniki, near Lublin, Poland in 1923. She mentions prewar life in a mixed neighborhood and details the changes which occurred in the wake of the German occuption, including her slave labor. She relates her family's evacuation to Parczew in 1942; their hiding during round-ups for deportation; and the splitting up of her family (she alone survived the Holocaust). She tells of escaping from a slave labor camp near Parczew, securing false papers, and joining a Polish (non-Jewish) labor transport to Germany, where she remained from October, 19...

  12. Gerson F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gerson F., who was born in 1913 in Poland. He recalls his parents' deaths in 1920; emigration to Antwerp, Belgium in 1929; hearing Le?on Degrelle speak in Antwerp; fighting fascism in Spain until 1938; returning to Belgium; traveling to Cuba in 1939; returning to Belgium via England in April 1940; fleeing to France when Belgian police notified him he would be arrested by Germans; working in coal mines; arrest in Lyon in autumn 1941; imprisonment; release under police control; re-arrest; forced labor; transfer to Drancy in August 1942; deportation the day after; and se...

  13. Adele J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Adele J., who was born in Belgium in 1936, the youngest of three children. She recalls the family's unsuccessful attempt to escape to Switzerland after German invasion in 1940; their internments in Rivesaltes, Brens, and Gurs between 1940-1943; her father working as a carpenter and her mother working in the kitchen in Rivesaltes; her father hiding to escape deportation; being smuggled out of Rivesaltes by the OSE into Switzerland with her siblings and other children in June 1943; three months in a detention camp; and living in a children's home. She describes not reco...

  14. Albin W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Albin W., who was born in Opato?w, Poland, in 1914, the oldest of three children. He recounts attending a Jesuit high school; becoming a civil engineer in Warsaw; German invasion; his brother's death in the infantry; fleeing to Lut?s??k, in the Soviet zone; teaching mathematics in Sofii?vka; German invasion; being compelled with others to dig a large trench; a mass killing at the trench; escaping into the forest; obtaining weapons to join the Soviet partisans; blowing up German trains; working as a non-Jew in Lut?s??k, then teaching in Rivne; liberation by Soviet troo...

  15. Peska F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Peska F., who was born in Siedlce, Poland in 1920. She recalls a happy, affluent childhood; her father's death in 1930; moving to Warsaw with her mother and siblings; attending school in Krako?w; German invasion; ghettoization in Warsaw; the Judenrat providing resources for her mother to organize a soup kitchen; being overwhelmed by the surrounding suffering; celebrating Rosh ha-Shanah; her brother's resistance activities (he died in the ghetto uprising); escaping with assistance from a family friend; her mother's parting words (she never saw her again); hiding with a...

  16. Eugene C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eugene C., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1919. He recalls his middle class life; German invasion; ghettoization; harsh conditions; the role of the Judenrat; his job as a fireman, which afforded him some privileges and the opportunity to help others; H?ayim Rumkowski's overseeing of public hangings; and deportation to Birkenau with his mother in August 1944. He describes their separation (he never saw her again); transfer after about ten days to Falkenberg; witnessing cannibalism by other prisoners on a transport; an unsuccessful escape effort; repairing bombing da...

  17. Georges C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Georges C., a non-Jew, who was born in Brussels, Belgium in 1909, an only child. He recounts attending school and becoming an accountant in Schaerbeek; marriage in 1934; working as an accountant; military draft eight months prior to German invasion; capture and immediate escape; forming a resistance unit with several others; observing round-ups of Jews; arrest in March 1942; imprisonment in St. Gilles; deportation eight months later to Bochum; forced factory labor; prisoners organizing cultural activities; transfer to Hameln; helping a priest organize clandestine mass...

  18. Israel A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Israel A., who was born in Plotsk (P?ock), Poland in 1925. He relates his family's transfer to the Starachowice ghetto in 1940; the worsening conditions there in 1942; and the action of the Einsatzkommando and subsequent deportation of his parents and brother to Treblinka, while he and his older brother were driven to a factory which comprised the Starachowice concentration camp. He tells of the brutal conditions in the camp (he later testified against its gestapo head at the Frankfurt war crimes trials) where, eluding selections and mass murders, he remained until th...

  19. Khaiem D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Khaiem D., who was born in Starobin, Belarus in 1922. He recalls German invasion in 1941; a brother's birth; a forced march to the Slutsk ghetto in July 1941 during which his infant brother died; forced labor; the Judenrat collecting valuables from the Jews; a mass killing in 1941 (his parents and five siblings were murdered); smuggling food into the ghetto with assistance from non-Jews; joining Soviet POWs in a revolt in February 1942; escape with his sister; joining the partisans; military actions, including one in Pogost when his older brother was killed; rescuing ...

  20. Julius K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Julius K., who was born in Mannheim, Germany in 1915. He recalls exclusion from university and athletic clubs due to anti-Jewish laws; working in his father's business; traveling to the United States in spring 1938; his father's reluctance to leave; his uncle and father's arrests on Kristallnacht; his parents' and brother's emigration to Chile; his father's death a year later; enlisting in the U.S. ski patrol; serving with the Fifth Army in Italy; acting as a translator for General Lucian Truscott; and discharge in 1945. Mr. K. discusses marriage to a woman from his t...