Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,141 to 4,160 of 56,066
  1. Oral history interview with Clara Rechnitz

  2. Oral history interview with Zelman Rosenberg

  3. Two-piece suit made of cloth from Dorothy Finger's family's fabric business

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn702540
    • English
    • a: Height: 27.000 inches (68.58 cm) | Width: 32.500 inches (82.55 cm) b: Height: 30.000 inches (76.2 cm) | Width: 21.630 inches (54.94 cm)

    Two-piece, black-and-white, subtly checked suit, created postwar using cloth from Dorothy Finger's (born Dysia Kraushaar) prewar family fabric business in Chodorów, Poland (now Khodoriv, Ukraine). The fabric was among personal items that survived in the possession of non-Jewish neighbors who the items to Dysia after the war ended in 1945.

  4. Oral history interview with Kiwa Zyto

  5. Secretaria de prensa Presidencia de la Nacion

    This collection contains newspaper clippings which were provided to the Presidents of Argentina. It includes Information relating to the Second World War as well as to former Nazis in Argentina (Eichmann, Mengele, Schwammberger) and individuals who helped them escape to Argentina.

  6. JDC supplies unloaded for refugees in Cyprus

    Dockworkers unload relief supplies (most likely in port of Famagusta) for Jewish refugees held in British detainee camps on Cyprus (from August 1946 to February 11, 1949). The Joint provided food, medical, and welfare supplies and other services for detainees. Two men wheel a box filled with fish. Boxes offloaded from a ship by a crane, the boxes lowered. Boxes of fish are loaded on hand trucks by dockworkers and carted away. Men move a large wooden board labeled “AJDC 832 CYPRUS”. Workers carry large sacks on their shoulders. Ship in BG. CU of fish in open box as it is wheeled past, truck ...

  7. Stolzman and Cala families papers

    The collection consists of documents, correspondence, clippings, photographs, and a photograph album related to the experiences of Aaron Stolzman and Molly Cala Stolzman, who met as displaced persons after the Holocaust and later immigrated to the United States. Biographical material includes family history researched by a Polish researcher, clippings, a card from Aaron’s bar mitzvah, Aaron and Molly’s marriage certificate, and Aaron and Molly’s naturalization certificates. Correspondence includes pre-war postcards and a letter from Aaron’s father Chiel Sztolcman and wartime postcards from ...

  8. Remember Commission 1945 testimonies

    Contains five typescript testimonies of Holocaust survivors compiled shortly after World War II, previouly bound together in a binder marked "Remember Commission 1945." Testimonies are identified as: "Dr. A. Weinberger, geb. 5.2.1904 in Auschwitz, mit Frau Bertha und Kind Josef (40 pp); "Max Moses, geb. den 7.12-1900 in Strassburg, mit Frau Batseba und Kindern Renee und Freddy Robert, seit 1919 in Holland (Tilburg)" (66 pp; page number 91 is missing, may also be missing pages after last page marked 108); "Dr. Abraham Wainryb, geb. in 1912, aus Wilna" (16 pp); "Jankiel Koppel Leimer, geb. 24...

  9. Municipal Construction Department 321-2 Baudeputation

    Various registers, protocols and other records relating to construction and administration of the Hamburg yard, fortification and other buildings.

  10. Major Howard Slade papers

    Contains photographs, newspaper clippings, copies of "Rainbow Reville" and the "Rainbow Division World News" concerning the liberation of Dachau, scrapbook pages, and a portrait of Major Howard Slade, all related to his military service in the 42nd Infantry "Rainbow" Division prior to and during WWII.

  11. Bernard Makover diary

    The collection includes a typewritten diary by Bernard Makover documenting his trip to Europe in 1934. During his trip he dictated his entries to his secretary, Julius Grossbart. In the diary Bernard describes his time aboard the SS Conte di Savoia to Italy, the train ride from Italy to Poland, the political situation in Poland, his time spent with his extended family, and his trip back to New York aboard the SS Rex. While in Poland he tried to help bring family members back to the United States with him, but was unsuccessful.

  12. Oral history interview with Martyn Benn

  13. Oral history interview with Toni Gass

  14. The Schiffer family visits Mohács

    The Schiffer family visits Mohács, Erzsébet’s hometown on the Danube, in summer 1932. (00:16) Adults and children in bathing suits. They swim in a wooden structure moored to the shore of the Danube. János and his mother, Erzsébet Schiffer. (01:29) János and his cousins play in Klári and János Molnar’s yard with a toy stroller and ball. (01:53) Nurse-maid (brief). The children play outdoors. (02:42) MS, Erzsébet's mother Jenny Tornai (nee Reicher) and Klári seated at an outdoor table, smile and nod for the camera. Three children sit at a table. The family group eats a meal. The three childre...

  15. District Court Hamburg-Supervisory Authority 223-9 Amtsgericht Hamburg-Stiftungsaufsicht

    Selected records of the Amtsgericht Hamburg (District Court Hamburg) relating to finances and activates of the charitable foundations of the Jewish community in Hamburg. Contain mainly correspondence, registers and financial records of the charitable foundations.

  16. Herbert Steinhäuser photograph collection

    The Herbert Steinhäuser photograph collection consists of eight photographs, printed as 4 photo prints, depicting scenes of Biala Podlaska, Poland and Łosice, Poland photographed by Herbert Steinhäuser (1908-1943?) in June 1941. The photographs depict gave markers in a Jewish cemetery and market scenes in Biala Podlaska as well as residents of the Biala Podlaska and Łosice ghettos.

  17. Edith Stein papers

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of Edith Stein (née Grunwald), her parents Bernat and Golde Grunwald, and her sister Gisela Grunwald including pre-war life in Antwerp, Belgium, wartime life as refugees in France and Altstätten, Switzerland, and post-war immigration to the United States in 1951. Biographical material includes an autograph book, family book (trouwboekje), identification documents, vaccine certificate, and a two-page personal narrative chronicling Edith’s story. Immigration papers include travel visas, Czech passports, declaration of intention forms, and...