Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 381 to 400 of 10,335
  1. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland: Statement No 8]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Protocol No. 8 is an English translation from original Yiddish. It was given by the 23 years old tailor Ajzenszer Jechiel about his escape from Warsaw on the 7-8 October 1939. In it, he describes bombardements and intense shootings in Warsaw and the advancements of the German troops. Furthermore, he depicts the different treatment of Christians and Jewish Poles by the Nazis. He shows how Jews were maltreated and their property taken and divided among the christan population. When Jechiel and some others were captured by the Nazis, they were badly tortured and kept in Transit Concentration C...

  2. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland: Statement No 107]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Testimony of L. B-ca., 38 year old social worker from Lodz. She describes the entry of the Germans into Lodz, and the evacuation of men, Jewish and Christian, of military age, preceding it. The local German ethnic population greeted the German army with joy, and the Jews avoided them, and generally avoided the streets for fear of persecutions. The commandant of the city called to him the two rabbis and after they were beaten they were brought into the synagogue and ordered to burn the Torah scrolls. They refused and were beaten again, their beards torn. The Germans issued orders forbidding ...

  3. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Testimony of B. H., 18 year old student from Vishnevets. He states that while the town had no military operations of any kind or any military presence, it was bombarded heavily by German airplanes, and the Jewish sections of the town suffered heavy damage, with one street completely destroyed. There were about sixty people killed, twenty of them Jews. Protocol No. 155 is an extract from a volume of protocols /statements provided by a group of Polish-Jewish refugee writers and journalists who fled to Vilnius, Lithuania. In 1939 they formed a committee to collect evidence on the condition of ...

  4. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland: Statement No 109]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Testimony of H. M., 33 year old trader from Hrubieszów. The city was taken over by the Germans, and then by the Russians, who arrested people as provocateurs. The Russians left the city after only a short time, returning it to German control. The Germans executed Jews in town and kidnapped Jews for conscript labor. After the German reentry, the Polish population attempted to dismiss the Jews from the civil guard and city authorities, until the guard had been dismantled by the Germans and replaced with a Ukrainian contingent. With which the Polish population cooperated against the Jews. The ...

  5. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Protocol No 118 is a testimony by Israel A., a jeshiva student from Lyda, a city near Minsk. He states that on the 1st of September 1939 he saw the first german airplanes above Lyda and one week later the city was bombed. After the polish military had left the city on the 17th of September, the inhabitants formed a people's militia, Jews and Polish people together. The head of the militia was the mayor of the city who also prevented anti-jewish riots. He further states that the Bolshevik which entered the town on the 19th of September were warmly welcomed by the Jews. On the 22nd of Septemb...

  6. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Testimony of J. F., 27 years old lacemaker from L'viv. After initial bombardments, he describes the German control of L'viv, and the sabotage of efforts to establish Jewish civilian authorities after the invasion. He describes the welcome of the Ukrainian population and their actions against the Jews of the city by serving as informers. Likewise, he described the fleeing of the Jewish population from the neighboring city of Krystynopol, and the temporary retaking of it by the Polish military. The Jews of Krystonopol received the Poles with joy and resisted the Germans with Molotov cocktail ...

  7. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland: Record No. 18]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Ezriel Kruk was a jewish soldier in the Polish army, a member for the jewish comittee in Lipna and a member of the Algemeyner Yidisher Arbeter Bund in Lite, Poyln un Rusland (General Jewish Labour Bund in Lithuania, Poland and Russia. He depicts how on the 5th of September 1939 the civil population and the army were evacuated from Lipna. Although the Germans and the Jews of his unit were not put on guard anymore, he stayed with the unit and testified how the Polish army arrested german civilians. He also describes lynching of German civilians by the Polish population. During heavy air raids...

  8. Personal files of the Zelikowski family, Jewish refugees from France who arrived in Switzerland, June 1944

    Personal files of the Zelikowski family, Jewish refugees from France who arrived in Switzerland, June 1944

  9. Reports on South America as a haven for refugees from Nazi Germany

    This collection of reports focuses on South America as a haven for German Jewish emigration. According to the editor's introduction they were published by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency Inc. with a view to being published in various (unspecified) newspapers. This particular edition was presumably written for the American market, since the reports are in English and are printed by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, which was, by then, based in New York.The reports cover Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay and discuss the climate, geography, demographics and politics of each country. The first 3 reports...

  10. Pakolaistilastoja ym. pakolaisia ja kulkureita koskevia

    • Refugee statistics and other records concerning refugees and vagrants

    The records concern refugees (also Jewish) in Finland in the 1920s-1940s. The records include correspondence and lists of refugees. Some records concern deportation of Jews from Finland to Germany.

  11. Documentation regarding Jewish refugees in Switzerland, including correspondence by Saly Mayer regarding the administration of the Belmont refugee camp, letters by refugees in Les Avants camp, bills and receipts for the JDC organization's expenses, and ot

    1. P.36 - Saly Mayer Archive: Documentation regarding the activities of Saly Mayer, President of the SIG (Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland), on behalf of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

    Documentation regarding Jewish refugees in Switzerland, including correspondence by Saly Mayer regarding the administration of the Belmont refugee camp, letters by refugees in Les Avants camp, bills and receipts for the JDC organization's expenses, and other matters, 1942-1947 - Documentation regarding the Jewish refugees who arrived to Switzerland from Bergen-Belsen camp in the context of the "ARBA" [?] negotiations with SS representatives, August 1944; - Lists of names of refugees and the JDC organization's expenses on behalf of the refugees; - Bills and receipts for the JDC organization'...

  12. Notepads with documentation of the correspondence between Saly Mayer and the JDC in Shanghai, concerning financing the help to Jewish refugees, monetary transfers and expenses for the benefit of the refugees, and correspondence with various institutions,

    1. P.36 - Saly Mayer Archive: Documentation regarding the activities of Saly Mayer, President of the SIG (Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland), on behalf of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

    Notepads with documentation of the correspondence between Saly Mayer and the JDC in Shanghai, concerning financing the help to Jewish refugees, monetary transfers and expenses for the benefit of the refugees, and correspondence with various institutions, 1943-1945 - Notepad including documentation of the correspondence between Saly Mayer and the JDC representatives in Shanghai, including Manuel Siegel, J. Bitker and C. Brahn, concerning financing the help to the Jewish refugees; - Notepad including documentation regarding monetary transfers and expenses for the benefit of the refugees in Sh...

  13. Notes written by Saly Mayer regarding discussions with Heinrich Rothmund concerning the establishment of an aliya training camp for Jewish refugees in Switzerland, the carrying out of ritual slaughter in Switzerland, the situation of the Jewish refugees i

    1. P.36 - Saly Mayer Archive: Documentation regarding the activities of Saly Mayer, President of the SIG (Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland), on behalf of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

    Notes written by Saly Mayer regarding discussions with Heinrich Rothmund concerning the establishment of an aliya training camp for Jewish refugees in Switzerland, the carrying out of ritual slaughter in Switzerland, the situation of the Jewish refugees in Switzerland, and other matters, 1941 Notes written by Saly Mayer, 1941, regarding: - Documentation of Saly Mayer's discussions with Heinrich Rothmund, Chief of the Swiss Ministry of Justice Police Department, concerning the establishment of an aliya training camp for Jewish refugees in Switzerland by the "La Deliverance" [?] Zionist organ...

  14. Diary written by Saly Mayer regarding the transfer of relief the Jewish refugees in Europe and Shanghai, notes written by Saly Mayer regarding the care of the Jewish refugees after the war, and documentation regarding efforts by various organizations for

    1. P.36 - Saly Mayer Archive: Documentation regarding the activities of Saly Mayer, President of the SIG (Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland), on behalf of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

    Diary written by Saly Mayer regarding the transfer of relief the Jewish refugees in Europe and Shanghai, notes written by Saly Mayer regarding the care of the Jewish refugees after the war, and documentation regarding efforts by various organizations for the aliya of children to Eretz Israel, of whom most are orphans, 1946 Diary [titled apparently, "Agenda 1946"], written by Saly Mayer in 1946, including: - Documentation regarding the sending of medicine and other needs to Jewish refugees in Central Europe and, in particular, in Hungary; - Documentation regarding the stay of the Jewish publ...

  15. Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Correspondence of Anshel Reis from Bucharest and from Tel Aviv with the Relief Organization for Polish Jewish refugees in Romania regarding the attitude of the Polish refugees towards the Jews and the establishment of a w

    1. M.20 - Archive of Dr. Abraham Silberschein, Geneva: Documentation regarding relief to persecuted Jews, 1939-1951

    Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Correspondence of Anshel Reis from Bucharest and from Tel Aviv with the Relief Organization for Polish Jewish refugees in Romania regarding the attitude of the Polish refugees towards the Jews and the establishment of a world contingent of Polish Jews Also in the file: - Copies of the 1940 correspondence between Anshel Reis and Aryeh Tartakower, L. Segal; and others; - Letter from M. Shprinzak regarding the Gordonia movement, 21 April 1940; - Protocols of meetings of the World Union Executive Committee in Tel Aviv with the participation of the Contact Commi...

  16. Flight, a boxed set of 12 lithographs from the International Rescue Committee on the theme of refugees and rescue

    A portfolio of original art prints, limited edition 73 of 250, published in 1971 by the International Rescue Committee to raise funds for the organization's mission to aid and rescue refugees. In 1964, Varian Fry, IRC's founder, began to assemble a portfolio of works from artists whom he had helped bring to the United States during the Holocaust. The project, themed to reflect the plight of refugees, was completed in 1970, four years after Fry's death. Each work represents the artist's vision of the Greek warrior, Aeneas, as he flees the burning city of Troy, described by T.S. Eliot as: "th...

  17. U.S. soldiers stateside; providing first aid to German prisoners; war damage in France; refugees load carts; captured Germans; softball

    (b/w) Amphibious landing drill at Martha's Vineyard (1943). U.S. soldiers stand on a beach and load a small artillery piece and a jeep onto an amphibious transport. The jeep hood is marked with a star, and the transport is marked LCV68. The transport takes off. Another boat marked LCV92 comes to shore and soldiers step off. Camera pans across the beach as similar transports arrive. One very large transport, marked 494, lands and unloads trucks and larger artillery pieces. 01:02:07 (color) Military drill (1943). U.S. soldiers in uniform (not battle dress) stand at attention outside camp tent...