Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,561 to 3,580 of 10,181
  1. Michael Wertman letter

    The letter was written by 18-year-old Michael Wertman [donor's husband] in Munich, Germany, to his maternal uncle who was living in N.Y. In the letter, Wertman writes about his mother's death during the liquidation of the ghetto in Tarnogród, Poland, on November 11, 1942. He also inquires about other family members and his desire to start a new life.

  2. Berta Fried papers

    The papers consist of a postcard sent by Berta Fried, a Hungarian Jewish deportee, from Auschwitz-Birkenau to a Christian cousin in Budapest, Hungary, dated May 28, 1944; a letter from Berta Fried in a hospital in Danzig, Germany, to her children after her liberation from Stutthof concentration camp dated April 1945; and two envelopes sent to Agata Fried in Mukacevo-Munkacs, Czechoslovakia (Mukacheve, Ukraine), by her mother, Berta Fried, in Danzig.

  3. Gilbert and Beatrice Paul papers

    The papers consist of certificates, identification cards, and correspondence relating to Gilbert and Beatrice Paul and their experience during and after the Holocaust.

  4. Frieda Lederer photograph collection

    The photographs depict Frieda Lederer in Mukacheve, Hungary (now Ukraine), before World War II, as a refugee with the Lowengart family in Göteborg, Sweden, and as an employee with the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee in Munich, Germany, after the war.

  5. Mickey and Magda Quittner photograph collection

    The collection consists of seven photographs of Mickey and Magda Quittner and other refugees at a Hanukkah party, Purim play, and Hungarian Federation meeting at the Pocking displaced persons camp in Germany. The collection also includes a photograph of Magda and George Quittner with friends at the Wasseralfingen DP camp.

  6. Irene Horn papers

    The papers document the experiences of Irene Horn (born Irena Szachter), originally of Bodzentyn, Poland, and her family immediately following WWII. The collection includes a composition book used by "Szachter Ira" containing notes on dentistry, a membership card issued by the Society of Jewish Sport Organisations and Center for Phisical Education of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the U.S. Occupied Zone of Germany for Abram Hirshenhorn, Irene's husband, in 1946, and twenty-nine family photographs

  7. Mania Schoffer photograph collection

    The collection consists of a photograph depicting a group of twelve men and women posed in front of a sign that reads "Time is money / English lesson / Please do not trouble" at the Schlactensee displaced persons camp in Berlin, Germany, and a photograph depicting members of the Schlactensee camp administration. Captions on the verso are in Yiddish and English.

  8. Saul Loeb collection

    Consists of 41 photographs taken by Saul Loeb, an officer in the United States Army and the assistant to Chaplains Morris Kertzer and Isidore Breslau in Marseille, France. The photographs, taken in the spring of 1945, depict Jews in Marseille, refugees emigrating to Palestine, scenes of Passover, and the Army chaplains. Also includes one scrapbook of photographs of Passover in Marseille, 1945. Most of the photographs are captioned. Collection also includes scrip from Theresienstadt and Łódź and scrip from the American military occupation of Germany.

  9. Shlomo Krause collection

    Consists of copies of poems written by Shlomo Krause between 1940 and 1943 about the experience of refugees. Mr. Krause, originally from Poland, immigrated to France in 1926, where he opened a Yiddish bookstore. After the German invasion, Mr. Krause went into hiding in Nice and wrote these poems. He died in 1943. Also contains information about Shlomo Krause's son Maurice's experiences during the war in Russia and information about Shlomo's nephew, Yanek, who fought in the underground in Czȩstochowa and perished in the Holocaust.

  10. "Letter of Resignation of James G. McDonald"

    Consists of one booklet, 33 pages, entitled "Letter of Resignation of James G. McDonald," published in London in 1935. The booklet contains a copy of McDonald's letter of resignation as League of Nations high commissioner for refugees coming from Germany, as well as an annex containing an analysis of German Non-Aryan policy resulting in the refugee problem. This booklet was autographed by McDonald on June 14, 1945.

  11. Robert Hopper collection

    Consists of post-war letters sent to survivor Hrissetta Badescu, restitution paperwork related to the family of Alexander Weinrich, identity cards and paperwork related to survivor Alexander Dolin, a copy of "Tale of a City" published by the Office of War Information (OWI), the May 1939 issue of "Current History" which includes a large section on refugees, and other miscellaneous documents related to American preparation and policies towards Germany. Also includes one album, containing clippings of articles regarding displaced persons camps, written by Jack Delaney, a journalist with the Jo...

  12. Displaced Persons Center Vöcklabruck

    Contains records pertaining to the Displaced Persons Center Vöcklabruck. Records include names lists, military reports, statistics, and other administrative records.

  13. "Good-bye Mr. Ghoya" pamphler

    Consists of one pamphlet entitled "Good-bye Mr. Ghoya," published in Shanghai in September 1945. The pamphlet was a denunciation of Sgt. Kano Ghoya, the Japanese ex-vice chief of the Stateless Refugees' Affairs Bureau in Shanghai, and includes seven cartoons by F. Melchoir.

  14. Transcript of oral history interview with Charlotte Gellar Brown

  15. 1945 program commemorating the Holocaust

    Consists of a program for a memorial service held on 20 Adar 1945 (March 5, 1945) in Jerusalem at Churvah Synagogue. The service included the reciting of Kaddish, the designation of the week following the 23rd of Adar as a week of mourning for the victims of the Holocaust, asking the community to open their arms to refugees, and the expression of concern for the children who survived the war hiding in Catholic monasteries.

  16. Helen L. Dickerman collection

    The bulk of the collection is composed of correspondence, accounts, and other documents relating to the office of reparation at the preparatory commission for the International Refugee Organization, from 1945 to 1948.

  17. Tourist brochure for Kyoto used by Jewish refugee family

    1. Honigberg family collection

    The Kobe Municipal Office issued this English-language tourist guide to Kobe and its environs. Jewish refugees in Kobe used such pieces of information. Kobe, Japan, 1940-1941.

  18. Schlachtensee displaced persons camp photographs

    Consists of four photographs taken in the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Agency (UNRRA) Schlachtensee displaced persons camp near Berlin, Germany, circa 1945. The photographs include images of Rabbi Hyatt, an American chaplain; an unidnetified rabbi from Schlachtensee; a group of students; and Phyllis Dunkelman.

  19. Lea Schneider photograph collection

    The collection consists of six photographs: five photographs collected by Wolf Goldsztajn [donor's stepfather] depict Siegmund "Zisha" Breitbart, a Jewish strong man of the 1920's, and one photograph shows Jewish refugee youth in Munich, Germany, marching in an anti-British demonstration protesting Palestine policy in 1947. Zelig Gorszkiewicz [donor's father] is second from left in the first row.