Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 24,121 to 24,140 of 56,066
  1. Leon Kabiljo collection

    The collection consists of two badges with a Croatian Z for Jew and two Sephardic siddurs relating to the experiences of Leon Kabiljo and his wife Shary while living, often in hiding, in occupied Yugoslavia and Italy during the Holocaust before their emigration to Fort Oswego, New York.

  2. A. Morton Rosenfield collection

    The collection consists of two coins.

  3. Caroline Stark Fisher collection

    The collection consists of two Star of David badges.

  4. Bertha and Morris Berk collection

    The collection consists of a pewter bowl, photograph sleeve, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Bertha and Morris Berk, before the Holocaust in Schwanfeld, Germany and New York, where they immigrated in 1938 to escape Nazi persecution.

  5. Charles Laufer collection

    The collection consists of Gewerberlegitimationskarte, Landhurm-Pals, Reisepass, Arbeitsbuch, two Polish passports, box of correspondence, blue and white sash, three books, leather portfolio, and two photo albums.

  6. Werner J. Lipton collection

    Consists of two texts: "Fragments of a Childhood and Youth: Autobiogrpahical Memoirs," written by the donor, and "Toward the Abyss: Cards and Letters: Mindelheim-Lublin, 1941-43," translated by the donor.

  7. School Museum, Council of the District of Dresden collection

    The collection consists of classroom furniture and educational supplies used in Germany during the Nazi regime, before and during the Holocaust.

  8. Christian Kloesch oral history collection

    Contains interviews with seven Holocaust survivors and accompanying photographs and documents relating to the interviewees

  9. Oral history interviews of the Holocaust Documentation and Education Center (Miami, Fla.)

    Contains 1238 oral history interviews with Holocaust survivors, witnesses to the Holocaust, concentration camp liberators, prisoners of war, and rescuers all currently living in the Miami, Fla., area

  10. Oral History interviews of the Hawaii Holocaust Project

    Contains 34 oral history interviews with Holocaust survivors and concentration camp liberators all currently living in Hawaii

  11. Liberation 1945 oral history collection

    Contains oral history interviews with 25 Holocaust survivors and concentration camp liberators recorded in preparation for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's exhibition, "Liberation 1945," which opened in June 1995. The collection includes interviews with: Boleslaw Brodecki, Sonia Brodecki, Jim Cacioppo, Helen Fagin, Suzanne Foldes, Nesse Godin, Henny Gurko, Irving Heymont, John Holmes, Joseph Kahoe, Henry Kanner, Abraham Klausner, John Komski, Pat Lynch, William McWorkman, James Moncrief, Judah Nadich, George Salton, Richard Seibel, Milton Shurr, Alfred Sundquist, Fella Warshau,...

  12. The Nazi Olympics: Berlin 1936 oral history collection

    Contains interviews conducted in May 1996 by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Exhibitions Department in preparation for "The Nazi Olympics: Berlin 1936" exhibition. The interviewees include: Milton Green, John Woodruff, Herman Goldberg, Marty Glickman, and Margaret Lambert. The interviews document the lives of five athletes and their experiences during the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany

  13. Illinois Institute of Technology Psychology Laboratory Project MH 156 : David P. Boder oral history interviews with displaced persons, 1946

    Contains oral history interviews with displaced persons in Europe recorded from June to October 1946

  14. Marcus (Mark) Tennenbaum collection

    The collection consists of documents and film related to the experiences of Marcus (Mark) Tennenbaum and his family in Vienna, Austria, and during his emigration to the United States during the Holocaust. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  15. Oral history interviews of the Museum of Roma Culture collection

    Oral history interviews of the Museum of Roma Culture collection.

  16. Liliane S. Dockett collection

    The collection contains a memoir about Liliane S. Dockett's childhood years in a Paris suburb, the German army's occupation of France, and Liliane S. Dockett's hiding in a village near Beauvais. It also contains a Star of David badge with Juif printed in the center.

  17. Mary Mills oral history collection

    The collection contains oral history interviews from the Mary Mills collection.

  18. Oral history interviews of the Lithuania Documentation Project

    Oral history interviews of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Lithuania Documentation Project.

  19. Tillman Neuner collection

    The collection contains 14 pieces of scrip and a stamp from Theresienstadt.

  20. Refugee Scholars at Black Colleges oral history collection

    Contains fifty-eight soundcassettes of interviews, files for the nineteen institutions that employed refugee scholars, photocopies, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and pamphlets