Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 23,301 to 23,320 of 56,066
  1. Rivka Ribak collection

    The collection consists of a fragment of embroidered curtain and a scarf relating to the experiences of Rivka Ribak during the Holocaust in the Warsaw ghetto in German occupied Poland.

  2. Oral history interviews of the India Documentation Project

    Oral history interviews with survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust who lived in India during or after WWII.

  3. Oral history interviews of the Isaiah Kuperstein collection

    Oral history interviews with Holocaust survivors produced by Isaiah Kuperstein and Robert Shapiro.

  4. Albert Günther Hess collection

    The collection consists of handmade puppets, two photo albums and loose photographs relating to the experiences of Albert Günther Hess and his family before and during the Holocaust in Germany, Belgium, and France and the experiences of Albert in the United States and after his service in World War II. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  5. Schillinger and Baumann family collection

    The Schillinger and Baumann family papers document Marie and Samuel Schillinger and their children Jan and Jiri’s efforts to emigrate from Prague, Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic) to the United States after its annexation by Germany in 1938. The papers document their trip on the MS St. Louis from Hamburg, Germany to Havana, Cuba; their relocation to the Heijplaat refugee camp in the Netherlands; their move to Quito, Ecuador; and their immigration to the United States in 1942. The collection consists of biographical materials of the Schillinger and Baumann families from Užhorod, Prague, a...

  6. Fruma Gulkowitz Berger collection

    The collection consists of a fork, spoon, originals and photocopies of poems and prose writings, a composition book of poetry, newspaper clippings, photocopies of articles, and photographs relating to the experiences of Frances (Fruma) Gulkowitz Berger, Murray Berger (originally Mordechai Shmulewicz), and Elliot Berger (originally Elia Shmulewicz) during the Holocaust in Poland where they were interned in ghettos and then escaped and joined the Bielski partisan brigade, as well as their experiences in the postwar period.

  7. Korman and Maizels families collection

    The collection consists of a purse, a briefcase, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of the Maizels and Korman families in Poland and Germany before, during, and after the Holocaust.

  8. Leika and Moisei Akkerman collection

    Abacus and washboard that initially belonged to Leika and Moisei Akkerman (donor's parents). The items were left behind in their family home when they escaped to Tashkent in the summer 1941. When they returned to Edinet in 1948, they found their home occupied by locals. The house had been looted and many of their belongings were found in the posession of neighbors who lived a two houses down and claimed that they had "bought" these items during the war. Among the few items that remained in their home were this washboard and the abacus which was used by Moisei who worked as an accountant at ...

  9. Nachmias and Ezratty family collections

    Spanish passport issued by Consul General of Spain in Greece to donor's aunt Esther Ezratty Brudo on may 26, 1943 and valid until May 1944; Passport valid for transit for Bulgaria, Hungary, Albania, France and Italy. Passport enabled donor to find refuge in Barcelona, Spain. Pillow case and small end table cover embroidered by grandmother Reina Ezratty in Saloniki. Handwritten list by Haim Exratty of Spanish nationals that were in Bergen Belsen with him during the war. Cloth #195 worn by donor's mother, Jeanne (Jenny) Exratty on her chest in Bergen Belsen concentration camp. Certificate of ...

  10. Norbert Orgler collection

    The collection consists of a newspaper, correspondence, documents, and a photograph relating to the experiences of Norbert Orgler in Germany and Belgium before the Holocaust, and in several internment, forced labor, and concentration camps in France, Poland and Germany, including Bergen-Belsen where he perished during the Holocaust.

  11. Irene Bourla Modianot collection

    Watch face worn and used by Riquetta (nee Simha) Bourla and through her hiding experience in Athens, Greece with her husband Isaac. Photographs of Isaac and Riquetta Bourla, dated early 20th century, and a photgraphic portrait mounted on porcelain.

  12. Elfriede Gerson Hillelsohn collection

    The collection consists of a skirt, passport, and documents relating to the experiences of Elfriede Gerson before and during the Holocaust in Hamburg, Germany and her immigration to the United States.

  13. Hendel and Weissman families collection

    The collection consists of a Girl Scout pin and sash, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of the Hendel and Weissman families in Yugoslavia before the Holocaust and as refugees in Croatia, Italy, and Fort Ontario, New York during and after the Holocaust.

  14. Oral history interviews of the Avi Dobrysh collection

    Oral history interviews with Holocaust survivors in Estonia.

  15. Ilse and Horst (Harry) Abraham collection

    The collection consists of documents, correspondence, photographs, a passport with case, books, an album, a set of tefillin, and tallit relating to the experiences of Ruth Abraham, her parents, Ilse and Horst Abraham, her grandparents, Hedwig and Isidor Brilling, and her aunt, Hildegard Brilling, in Germany and Ecuador before, during, and after the Holocaust.

  16. Professor David Bloch collection

    Archive of Professor David Bloch, musicologist, founder and director of the Terezin Music Memorial Project, and Israeli institute devoted to the documentation and study of music and music making at the Theresienstadt concentration camp in the former Czechoslovakia and at other localities under German occupation during the Second World War.

  17. Francis Fife collection

    The collection consists of a bouquet of paper flowers hand made by unknown concentration camp prisoner out of German stationery/forms given to 1st Lt. Francis Fife, a member of the US Army 4th Infantry Division during their liberation of Haunstetten, a sub-camp of Dachau, in late April 1945; Copy prints and images of 1st Lt. Francis Fife during his military service during WWII.

  18. Oral history interviews of the Weiss family collection

    Oral history interviews with Sofie Doernberg and Gretel Weiss.

  19. Bespaloff family collection

    The collection consists of ceremonial objects, correspondence, and documents relating to the experiences of Nisson Bespaloff, his associates, and his extended family in Estonia, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States before, during, and after the Holocaust.

  20. Teaching record set

    Teaching set of six records recorded and produced as part of the revival of Jewish education in Germany after the rise of the Nazi Party. Six records, six transcripts of the talks in Hebrew, six study booklets for each of the records with the talks in phonetic transcription in Latin characters and the meaning in German; index cards for study and repitition. Initiator of the project, Asher Plevner, was impressed by the popular teaching booklet "Ivrit LeOlim" by scholar and author Rabbi Emil Cohen and turned to the owner of a records manufacturing company, Otto Sperlin, who at the time produc...