Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 23,201 to 23,220 of 56,066
  1. Oral history interviews of the documentary film "Under the Sky" collection

    Oral history interviews produced for the documentary film "Under the Sky," which features Jewish refugees who escaped the Second World War by way of Portugal.

  2. Hidden Child Foundation records

    The collection consists of documents, media, correspondence, and a piece of Theresienstadt scrip, relating to the Hidden Child Foundation (a part of the Anti-Defamation League), in New York after the Holocaust.

  3. Pentcho collection

    Consists of photographs depicting the voyage of the S.S. Pentcho and the internment of passangers at Rhodes and Ferramonti. The collection also includes two commemorative ribbons from 1980 with images of the Pentcho.

  4. Goldschmied (Gilbert) Family Collection

    THe collection consists of family papers of Albin Goldschmied and Louise Ohs Goldschmied, their daughter Renée, and their parents Leopold and Katarina Pick Goldschmied, and Bernhard and Rosa Loewnthal Ohs. Includes correspondence, documents, photographs, books and publications, an autograph book, a notebook, a silk textile fragment, a cardboard box and related materials. Date range is late 19th century to the 1960s. Majority of the papers concern the emigration of Albin, Louise, and Renée Goldschmied from Prague through the efforts of Waitstill and Martha Sharp and their experiences as new ...

  5. Thomas Rehfisch collection

    Letters sent to donor's father Thomas Rehfisch (later Rey) from family in Germany and friends. Thomas Rehfisch immigrated to the UK from Germany in 1934. Also included in the collection are a slide rule and a first aid booklet sent to him from his mother in Germany (the slide rule was secondhand), and educational certificates.

  6. Lucie Steinhagen collection

    The collection consists of photographs, song lyrics, a Star of David, scrip, and a document relating to the experiences of Lucie Steinhagen and her friend Rita Rosenberger in Deggendorf displaced persons camp, Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp, Vienna, and Freiberg during the Holocaust.

  7. Leopold and Herta Stoer family collection

    The collection consists of an earring, tooth bridge, paper bags, a prayer book, documents, memoirs, and a composition book, relating to the experiences of Leopold and Herta Schwartzbart Stoer and their families in Austria before the Holocaust and in Austria, Belgium, Poland, and the United States during and after the Holocaust.

  8. Gelbhaus, Neumann, Butzel and Beck families collection

    The collection consists of documents (primarily photocopies from Austrian archives) related to the experiences of the Gelbhaus and Neumann family, documents and photos about Juliette Beck's clothing design and custom couture for Princess Valerie, correspondence from Butzel family and photographs, a statue given to donor's father by the employees of his bicycle factory in 1932 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the factory, and photocopies of correspondence from Gabriele Aufricht.

  9. Ernest Weiss collection

    The collection consists of documents, papers, photographs, interrogation reports, publications, broadsides (German and American), maps, and books related to Ernest Weiss's service in the U.S. Army Intelligence. Also includes documents related to Eva Hausen Feuerman Weiss.

  10. Baruch and Cila Knaster collection

    The collection consists of a suitcase, a pair of earrings, a skirt, hand-embroidered linens, a doily, handknit baby clothing, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Baruch and Cila Hausman Knaster and their families in Poland before and during the Holocaust, and relating to their and their daughter Mirka's experiences in a displaced persons camp in Italy after the war.

  11. Susi Traumann Lewinsky collection

    The collection consists of children’s illustrated books, documents, photographs, a prayerbook, news articles and periodicals relating to Susi Traumann Lewisnsky.

  12. Ferenc Hevesi family collection

    The collection consists of Jewish religious attire, athletic medals, commemorative plaques, and copy prints relating to the experiences of Rabbis Simon and Ferenc Hevesi and their family in Budapest, Hungary, before and during the Holocaust.

  13. Temple Beth Am collection

    Programs, guest registers, newspaper clippings, script and other material related to the dedication of the dedication of the Memorial Wall to the Martyred Six Million at Temple Beth Am, Los Angeles, California, in April 1966. Also includes collected newspapers, publications, and other related material about the Holocaust, and in particular the response of Jewish congregations in the United States, circa 1943-1945. The collection also includes a Belgian Star of David badge that was sent to Rabbi Jacob Pressman by Harry Jungerman.

  14. David Friedman collection

    The collection consists of six pieces of artwork created by artist David Friedman: drawing entitled "Nothing in His Pot"; Poster montage of 1964 exhibition photos; 1966 sketch of Warsaw Ghetto Uprising; 2 pieces In Memorial of the Warsaw Ghetto for the Jewish Community Center in Baltimore; Poster created of the original invitation to the Warsaw Memorial Meeting.

  15. Nazi party documents, correspondence and artifacts collection

    The collection consists of documents, correspondence, and artifacts relating to several high ranking Nazi party members and likely collected as evidence by the US Army after World War II (1939-1945).

  16. Jerome S. Buser collection

    Consists of notebooks, documents, and clippings from the collection of Jerome S. Buser, who was given intelligence gathering and German language training at Carleton College in Minnesota during World War II. This training was done for eventual espionage wherein Mr. Buser would be dropped behind enemy lines to pose as a German businessman. The notebooks contain notes from history, geography, and language classes, demonstrating the training one received for future espionage activities. Due to the end of the war in Europe, Mr. Buser was never deployed overseas. Also includes seven small German...

  17. Adler and Houska families collection

    Fur coat entrusted to the Houska family by Jewish friends Richard, Elsa and Hanus Adler prior to their deportation. The Adlers were deported to the Łódź ghetto and murdered in Chelmno. Also donated is a contemporary photograph of Mr. Houska and a period wedding photograph.

  18. Baumann and Moravec families collection

    Documents and Photographs; relating to the Baumann and Moravec families (related by marriage); The grandfather of Ms. Zuckerbrod was Emanuel or Eman Moravetz, later James E. Morris, who was married to Anna Baumann, Dr. John Shilling’s (another USHMM donor) maternal aunt. The documents include passports of Emanuel Moravetz; Berta Baumann and Anna Baumann and a copy of the passport of Otokar Baumann as well as claims for reparations; Tallit and Teffilin; which belonged to Emanuel Moravec, later James E. Morris; Teffilin consist of a complete set of leather boxes with straps, one worn on the f...