Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 19,741 to 19,760 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Croatian fascists; church ceremony; parade

    Churchleader in Croatia with Croatian leaders. German army units parade in commemoration of Croatian "independence." Pan down front of church. MS church prelate puts on headpiece. MS Croatian military men. Priest makes blessing, shot of onlookers. MS Pavelic in uniform greets and salutes various dignitaries. Cars in procession, Pavelic in second car giving standing salute from backseat of car. LS, huge crowd of people running and cheering. Marching scouts? CU of man saluting. German troops marching through crowd. Unrelated footage also on this reel: Gymnastic exhibition witnessed by King Gu...

  2. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 20 kronen note

    Scrip, valued at 20 kronen, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  3. FDR and Churchill confer on Atlantic Charter

    FDR and Churchill confer on Atlantic Charter aboard ship HMS Prince of Wales. Churchill hands letter to FDR as both stand at ship railing of Presidential yacht. Members of British and American staffs present. Back aboard Prince of Wales, several shots of FDR and Prime Minister Churchill seated on deck in presence of many staff officers including General Marshall, General Arnold, Sumner Welles, Harry Hopkins, Admiral King, Sir Dudley Pound and others. They listen to sermon on deck. Nonessential Segments (mute): 01:29:48 to 01:30:42, French troop train moves thru North African countryside; go...

  4. Berestowitz, Poland

    Intertitles appear in Yiddish and English. "In a drugstore" Pan village, horses, street. Group of men and boys at storefront. Children and teenagers mingle in street, others pose at doorway.

  5. British fascist John Amery

    British Nazi John Amery speaks to Union Des Forces Revolutionnaires on Allied "terror bombing" in French. Front of Gaumont Palace, MS interior 2 guards in uniform, LS of Amery at podium with banner above him and first few rows of audience. MS of Amery at podium speaking [sync sound begins] alternating shots of speaker and audience including CU low angle of guy in uniform with peculiar armband. [Portuguese narration takes over] Amery gives fascist salute. LS of audience applauding. Additional unrelated footage at 03:51:07 to 03:51:58, Men of Feldherrnhalle Division invited aboard submarine.

  6. Hitler with Croatian Officials

    MS Hitler standing, gives small salute and shakes hands with Croatian leader Ante Pavelic. (Narration says Pavelic is accompanied by Ministers of Interior and Education. Ministry of Interior dealt with anti-Jewish legislation). CU of Croatian checkerboard emblem on car. MLS Hitler leads Croatian guest and German officials into conference room, remains standing talking to Pavelic. MS Himmler talking to four officers. General Keitel with Croatian official. Ribbentrop with two different Croatian officials. Himmler with two officers. MS Hitler, Pavelic, and German officer.

  7. German Campaign in Russia

    Destroyed Russian position, prisoner. Germans salute at grave of comrade. CU and MS tanks and vehicles roll over bridge and road. Entry into city (Lvov?) 01:12:37 Artillery supported troops and motorized units bypass Minsk and enter Baranovichi. 01:17:24 Anti-sniper squads restore order in city, long column of POWs march to rear. Women on streets of town. 01:18:34 Build bridge then enter Lusk or Lemberg (Lvov). City street scenes, evidence of damage. Tanks advance, destroyed Russian tanks.

  8. Northern France; French Militia; Underground members

    Map of Northern France, "the battle for northern France." French militia come out of barracks, at attention with barbed wire in FG. CU of militia arm patch and face of militiaman. Prisoners (members of resistance) are led out doorway and marched away with their hands over their heads. CU of prisoner wearing glasses with his hands up, prisoners being questioned. Two cars used by underground (FFI) shot up on road, CU of bullet riddled windshield. Bicyclist searched by Germans at checkpoint. Auto is stopped, old man and passenger inspected by German. Germans walk up road and talk to farmer who...

  9. Roma caravan and German military share road; German soldiers advance; British POWs

    MS German women sending Morse code on key, man supervises. CU potatoes, potato peeler, chopping, making dumplings. Workers at tables eat potato dumplings. LS Germans with suitcases, boarding ship. CU women aboard ship. LS ship in heavy seas. In city, two women stand on canal bridge. CU woman gives soup to patient in hospital. Street car with female conductor. 01:15:14 Long line of Roma caravan carts on road as German army trucks and vehicles pass other way. Carts pulled by oxen. Group of four Roma men standing. Two women under a high teepee tent. Men and women at table, cart headed high wit...

  10. Painting of the windmill in which a couple lived in hiding in Holland

    Painting by Alfred Baroch of the windmill in Uitgeest, Holland, in which he lived in hiding with his wife, Bertha, circa 1942-1944.

  11. Dedication of Hitler portrait

    "Dedication of Hitler painting at Krupp's Institute for Physical Research" Unveiling of portrait of Bismark and bust of Hitler in a meeting room. Shots of officials talking, Krupp leaving. Chamber music group playing, audience members and speakers salute both pieces.

  12. Ghetto bridge; street scenes; traffic

    Two shots of ghetto bridge w/many people crossing. Street scene with bicycle rickshaws; crowded street scenes with traffic, carts, rickshaws, wagons. Jewish Police direct traffic.

  13. Roosevelt declares war on Japan

    Crowd lined up outside Capitol. 01:23:48 LS Joint session of Congress, President Roosevelt declares war on Japan after attack on Pearl Harbor, shot of audience. 01:24:23 MLS of FDR giving speech. 01:25:37 LS of large crowd outside listening, MS of men listening to car radio as speech is given. 01:25:43 MLS, different angle of FDR giving speech. 01:26:43 LS At finish, shot of audience applauding. Additional unrelated footage (mute): 01:26:51 to 01:27:43, VS of Benito Mussolini speaking from balcony to crowds, at parades, reviewing soldiers, on horseback, standing alongside statue of Caesar. ...

  14. Tray

    Used by Max and Elizabeth Wallerstein during their internment at Ferramonti Di Tarsia, Italy in 1943-1944 and brought over to the United States on August 3, 1944.

  15. Scenes in cafe and theater

    Scenes in cafe. People drinking, talking. Woman sings. Theater Azazel scenes. Women in long dresses perform on stage. CUs and pans of well dressed and poor people in contrast (propagandistic). See Adam Czerniakow's diary, 1 June 1942.

  16. Germans in Occupied Ukraine

    Footage shot by a German cameraman during Germany's occupation of Ukraine in World War II. Footage with German photographers traveling through the Ukraine photographing cities, villages, and collective farms. The most extensive footage is taken with a female photographer from her trip to Ukraine in the summer of 1943. She traveled by plane and car from southern Ukraine (the Melitopol region) just north of Crimea, then along the Dnepr River northward over Dnepropetrovsk to Kiev and then due west to Rovno and then the border of General Government. Reel 5: 05:47:35 Ostriches and photographer. ...

  17. Liberation of Buchenwald

    US Army and Lowell Thomas at Buchenwald camp just after liberation, torture devices simulated, corpses stacked in truck, pile of ashes, captured German POWs. Filmed by Dick Ham. Landing at Eschwege airfield, two oxen-pulling carts as Red Cross jeep passes on the road. CU of "Berlin" and "Dresden" road marker. MS civilians at city street corner, American jeep goes by. Column of German townspeople walking along road on way to view Buchenwald. Main camp gate. GIs clustered around as civilians enter. Various torture devices demonstrated. Thomas observes and is surrounded by many camp inmates. I...

  18. Five Cities

    Yiddish titles. English title, "A Day in Warsaw" Pan, overview of city of Warsaw, street scenes, pedestrians, important modern multistoried buildings, cars, city square with pedestrians. Contrasted with old market square, narrow streets, Jewish quarter, including Zamenhof Street and the commercial Nalewki Steet where 400,000 Jews lived before WWII, and Jewish institutions, such as the community council, hospitals, schools and synagogues. Scenes of the modern parts of the city with large buildings, autos, and trucks meet with horse-drawn carriages, crowds, pushcarts, and porters in the bustl...

  19. Replacement ID tag created in an airplane factory

    ID tag made by Harold Eisenberg in an airplane factory to replace the identification number which was torn from his uniform. He added the letter "P" in hopes that it would spare his life.

  20. Hitler speech to Hitler Youth at Nuremberg Rally

    Reel 6: Torchlight procession, fireworks display, and Hitler visiting youth camps and speaking. Night rally in Nuremberg. SA units. Fireworks. Youth day: Hitler Youth (HJ) boys drumming, playing other instruments, CUs crowds of boys. Hitler enters stadium, boys look on and cheer. More shots of band playing, Nazi officials (including Hitler, Goebbels) look on. Hitler salutes boys. Baldur von Schirach makes statement re: youth and loyalty to Hitler. Cutaways to CUs of boys, Hitler, cheering crowds. Hitler makes speech re: youth as future of Reich. Cutaways to CUs of boys, crowds.