Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,881 to 1,900 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Documentation of Jewish financial institutions in Estonia, 1921 - 1942

  2. Documentation of the Generalbauinspekteur fuer die Reichshauptstadt (Construction Inspector General for the Reich's Capital) in Berlin from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1938-1942

    Documentation of the Generalbauinspekteur fuer die Reichshauptstadt (Construction Inspector General for the Reich's Capital) in Berlin from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1938-1942 The institution of the Generalbauinspekteur für die Reichshauptstadt was created by a special order of Adolf Hitler, 30 January 1937. This was the title bestowed on Albert Speer with the goal of initiating grandiose construction plans that would redesign parts of Berlin and acquire for Berlin a dominant standing in the world. Later on, the authority delegated to Speer was expanded both in Berlin itself and in other...

  3. Files of the Sozialbehoerde I (Social Agency I) in Hamburg

    Files of the Sozialbehoerde I (Social Agency I) in Hamburg

  4. O.90 - Documentation of Holocaust survivors in Israel, mainly from kibbutzim

    O.90 - Documentation of Holocaust survivors in Israel, mainly from kibbutzim This Record Group includes documentation, mainly copies of documentation preserved in the archives of kibbutzim throughout Israel. The documentation is mostly the personal documentation of Holocaust survivors who arrived to Eretz Israel and afterwards to the State of Israel from the end of World War II until the early 1960s. The material is comprised mainly of personal documentation, including letters, testimonies, dairies, photographs and various documents.

  5. Documentation of the Senatskanzlei - Verawltungsabteilung (Senate Chamber - Administration department) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Senatskanzlei - Verawltungsabteilung (Senate Chamber - Administration department) in Hamburg

  6. Documentation of the Lower Municipal Court in Czersk, 1948-1950

    Documentation of the Lower Municipal Court in Czersk, 1948-1950 Included in the collection are appeals by relatives of Jews who were murdered during the war period, submitted to the Lower Municipal Court in Czersk district in order to receive declarations of death.

  7. Documentation of the area Commissioners in northern Russia and the Baltic countries, 1942-1944

    Documentation of the area Commissioners in northern Russia and the Baltic countries, 1942-1944

  8. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ashdot Ya'akov Ihud

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ashdot Ya'akov Ihud Testimonies: 1. "The escape from the ghetto - from the story of Zipora Weissblit"; 2. Klara Ehrlich (January 1985); 3. "Excerpts from the words of Klara Ehrlich, regarding Auschwitz and the day of liberation from the Nazis" (Eve of Holocaust Day, 5745 [1985]); 4. Yaakov Grinstein, "Minsk during the Holocaust"; 5. Michael Ben Artzi; 6. Henia Barkai; 7. Aviva Niv; 8. Chaim Vardi; Lists: 1. Female youth members who married i...

  9. Files from the Finance Ministry (Finanzaemter) in the Unterfranken region, Bavaria

    Files from the Finance Ministry (Finanzaemter) in the Unterfranken region, Bavaria Including files from the following Record Groups: Amorbach, Veranlagungssteuer (Microfilm JM/20778-20781, additional material in JM/22139, frames 1-279) Aschaffenburg, Verwaltungsschriftgut (Microfilm JM/20782) Aschaffenburg, Veranlagungssteuer (Microfilm JM/20783-20784) Bad Brueckenau, Verwaltungsschriftgut (Microfilm JM/20785) Bad Brueckenau, Fruehere Abgaben (Microfilm JM/20786-20787, additional material in JM/22139, frame 544 and ff.) Bad Kissingen, Verwaltungsschriftgut (Microfilm JM/20788) Bad Kissingen...

  10. Collection of the Hilfsausschuß fur die Deutschen in den Niederlanden, 1940-1943

    Collection of the Hilfsausschuß fur die Deutschen in den Niederlanden, 1940-1943 The role of the Hilfsausschuß fur die Deutschen in den Niederlanden was the determination of damages and payment of compensation to German citizens who suffered from war damages in the Netherlands; the Hilfsausschuß was based on VO 21/41; Germans outside of the Netherlands were also entitled to compensation, on condition that the damage to property was caused in the Netherlands; most of the claims related to the property of Jewish refugees from Germany who had stored their household contents in storage rooms of...

  11. Documentation of the Mogilev Podolskiy municipality, 1941-1943

    Documentation of the Mogilev Podolskiy municipality, 1941-1943 Included in the collection are instructions by the governor of Transnistria, regarding the establishment of an office for the organization of work for Jews; correspondence with the district prefecture and the Police regarding the transfer of Jews to public works; appeals by Jews to the municipality for the purpose of receiving work permits; announcements regarding the transfer of a payment to Jews sent by the "Jewish Committee"; appeals by residents to the city's authorities regarding receiving an apartment; documentation regard...

  12. Testimony regarding the experiences of children on the Aryan side during the war and in children's homes in Poland after the liberation

    Testimony regarding the experiences of children on the Aryan side during the war and in children's homes in Poland after the liberation Wanderings and suffering of children on the Aryan side; atrocities committed by the Nazis; help from nuns and Polish, Ukrainian and especially Czech farmers. Jewish children's homes in Poland (Krakow, Bielski, Lodz and Czestochowa) after the liberation; feelings of isolation and alienation of the children.

  13. Documentation regarding the municipal Jewish school in Tukums, 1920-1940

    Documentation regarding the municipal Jewish school in Tukums, 1920-1940 Included in the collection: Reports of meetings of the teachers committee; classroom record books; lists of pupils; regulations and instructions of the education department of the Riga municipality; birth certificates of pupils; school diplomas; pupils record books; kindergarten classroom record books; correspondence regarding the school and kindergarten activities.

  14. Documentation of the district German gendarmerie in Grodno, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the district German gendarmerie in Grodno, 1941-1944 The Collection contains lists of detainees following Communist activity, procedures regarding the struggle against partisan activity transmitted by the district commander of the gendarmerie to local units, reports regarding the execution of people attempting to escape and documentation regarding salary payments to the gendarmes.

  15. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground The archive gets its name from Mordechai Tenenbaum-Tamaroff, who set up the archive in early 1943, and Zvi Mersik, one of Mordechai Tenenbaum's outstanding aides, who continued to maintain the archive after Mordechai Tenenbaum-Tamaroff's death. Most of the documentation, which was created between July 1941 and April 1943, is located in the Yad Vashem Archive. The original material is not concentrated in one place: some of it is housed in the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, and the rest of th...

  16. P.20 - Zorach Warhaftig Archive: Documentation of rescue and aid extended to refugees who escaped from Poland and Lithuania to Japan, 1939-1990

    P.20 - Zorach Warhaftig Archive: Documentation of rescue and aid extended to refugees who escaped from Poland and Lithuania to Japan, 1939-1990 Zorach Warhaftig was born in Wolkowisk, White Russia. While still a youth, he was an active member of the Hamizrachi movement. He acquired a traditional Jewish education and a general education, earning his Law degree at Warsaw University. From 1936-1939 he served as Chairman of the Eretz Israel office in Warsaw and a representative at the 17th through the 21st Zionist Congresses. When World War II broke out, he escaped to Lithuania, and there he ai...

  17. O.12 - Perlman Collection: Testimonies of refugees from Poland who arrived in Eretz Israel, 1942-1943

    O.12- Perlman Collection: Testimonies of refugees from Poland who arrived in Eretz Israel, 1942-1943 The Perlman Collection consists of 64 testimonies gathered by Jewish Agency representatives during the years 1942-1943, mainly from Jews who arrived to Eretz Israel during World War II. Most of the testimonies were given by Jews who held Mandatory Palestine citizenship, were married to Mandatory Palestine citizens or were related to them. These Jews were included in exchange agreements of foreign citizens for German citizens, and they succeeded in reaching Eretz Israel. Another group of witn...

  18. O.41 - Collection of Lists and Documentation Regarding Those Who Perished and Those Who Were Persecuted During the Holocaust Period

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 4019587
    • English, Hebrew
    • Death certificate List of camp inmates List of deportees List of inmates List of Jewish residents List of Jewish soldiers List of murdered persons List of persecuted persons List of survivors Personal documents Photograph

    O.41 Collection of Lists and Documentation Regarding Those Who Perished and Those Who Were Persecuted During the Holocaust Period The collection is mainly comprised of lists of Jews who perished or were persecuted during the Holocaust period. These lists come from many diverse sources, various types and different languages. The lists of those who perished were compiled and prepared by official sources and established bodies, as well as by family members, friends and fellow townspeople. Besides the lists of those who perished, the Collection also contains concurrent lists of those who were d...

  19. M.19 - The Friesland District Joodse Raad (Jewish Council) Collection, the Netherlands, 1940-1943

    M.19 - The Friesland District Joodse Raad (Jewish Council) Collection, the Netherlands, 1940-1943 The Collection contains correspondence between the Friesland district Joodse Raad and the Amsterdam Joodse Raad on various issues, and correspondence of the Joodse Raad with various organizations regarding help to Dutch Jews in camps and help to Jewish refugees from Germany. There are also reports received from the Amsterdam Joodse Raad regarding the Jews, documentation of decrees and restrictions on Dutch Jews, Jewish education, Jewish owned property, mixed marriages, persecution and deportati...

  20. P.18 - Kaczerginski Collection: Documentation regarding the Vilna Ghetto, 1941-1954

    P.18 - Kaczerginski Collection: Documentation regarding the Vilna Ghetto, 1941-1954 Shmaryahu Kaczerginski was born in Vilna in 1908. From a very young age, he started to write and publish poetry and stories. Kaczerginski was one of the founders and activists in "Young Vilna", a group of young Yiddish poets in Vilna, and he was also active in the Communist movement. Even when he was a young man, some of his poems were adopted by the Jews of Vilna and Poland, and these poems became the folk songs sung by many of the Jews. In 1942, after about a year of hiding from the Germans, Kaczerginski r...