Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,641 to 18,660 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Larry Cherns collection

    The collection consists of miscellaneous correspondence in French, German, Dutch, and English, circa 1941-1945, including postcards (one is from Auschwitz), letters, etc., which relate to the fate of friends and family of Larry Cherns during the Holocaust.

  2. Murray Aronoff collection

    The collection relates to Murray Aronoff and his role as a volunteer on the SS Exodus (SS President Warfield), during the British siege of the vessel as it carried Jewish refugees to Palestine in 1947. The SS Exodus was an excursion boat transporting Jewish displaced persons to Palestine. It was rammed and boarded by British naval vessels. The passengers were forcibly evacuated by the British to France and then to Germany. Murray Aronoff was an American volunteer crew member and was injured, with others, while resisting the British boarding of the vessel. The collection includes mimeographe...

  3. William Hahn collection

    The collection consists of photocopies of typescripts and handwritten correspondence in English and French to and from James Joyce as well as letters, postcards, and news articles related to Joyce's efforts to assist Jewish refugees during the Holocaust, included family members.

  4. Leo Holzer collection

    The collection consists of the memoirs of the fire brigade commander in Terezin concentration camp with accompanying photos. The collection details the experiences of Leo Holzer, a fire brigade commander in Terezin (Theresienstadt), from the period 1941-1945

  5. Ottilie Metzger-Lattermann collection

    The collection consists of three previously published items and two photographs relating to the singing career of Ottilie Metzger-Lattermann.

  6. Hilde Verdoner-Sluizer collection

    The collection consists of photocopies of the letters of Hilde Verdoner-Sluizer written from Westerbork concentration camp. Dated 1943 to 1944, the letters are addressed to Verdoner-Sluizer's husband, parents, etc., and give a detailed, personal account of camp life.

  7. Czernowitz Oblast Archives records

    Contains various documents relating to ghettoization and other forms of persecution against Jews in Czernowitz (Chernivtsi). Records relate to the Romanian occupation of the city of Czernovitz and the surrounding territory by the Romanian military. Subjects include the establishment and maintenance of a wide variety of ghettos and labor camps, the administration of the occupied territory by city and regional administrative agencies, the activities of various police agencies, the confiscation and disposition of Jewish property, and census (name lists) of Jews and others, the individual case ...

  8. Caroline Ferriday collection

    The Caroline Ferriday collection includes applications for reparations, medical records, photographs, correspondence, and printed material documenting survivors of Nazi pseudo-scientific experiments in concentration camps, particularly the sulfonamide experiments on Polish female political prisoners at Ravensbrück, and Ferriday’s efforts to help the victims receive medical care in America and reparations from the German government. Dr. Karl Gebhardt, Dr. Fritz Ficher, Dr. Herta Oberheuser, and others conducted the Ravensbrück experiments, which were supposedly designed to test the efficacy ...

  9. Alan M. Lanard letter

    Letter, typescript, sent by Alan M. Lanard, a major in the U.S. Army, from Brussels, to "Frank," February 1945. In it, Lanard describes his experiences in the Army the past three years, and impressions of liberated Brussels, including his conversations with Jewish Belgians and a man who told him about his imprisonment at Dachau.

  10. Oral history interview with Marcel Rowen

  11. Oral history interview with Helen Aronson

  12. Oral history interview with Stanley Hochman

  13. Oral history interview with Joseph Korn

  14. Oral history interview with George W. Hindels

  15. War Crimes Trials: Einsatzgruppen Case

    (Munich 673) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 9 (Einsatzgruppen Case). Chief of the OCCWC, Telford Taylor, sums up the prosecution's case against former members of Einsatzgruppen. Presiding Judge Michael Musmanno instructs defense counsel that they may reply to the summation. Recess called. Ohlendorf, as the number one defendant, reads his final plea into the record seeking to justify his behavior. Bureaucratic language. At the end, brings in God, human error, split between East and West. 08:06:40 to 08:11:36

  16. Displaced persons; Czech film

    01:01:19 (LIB 6067) Displaced Persons, Menden, Germany. Crowd of DPs with white armbands. MSs, CUs queue outside of mess hall. INT, DPs being served soup into canteens. "Camp Commandant" quarters. Woman greets camp leader. MSs, CUs, "Displaced Persons" sign on tree. HSs, DPs walk around camp grounds, conversing, some walk arm in arm. EXT, hospital with Red Cross flag. INT, doctors examine emaciated patients. Child on bed, forced to eat. Other ill women on beds. DPs lounge at entrance to building. Women disinfected. Band, woman with guitar. Circus wheel on camp road. INT, barracks, gathered ...

  17. March of Time -- outtakes -- Jewish Refugees in Paris

    ORT, Jewish Society, Paris, France, 12 Rue des Saules. VS in the nursery of the society. Nurses giving children cod liver oil. Toddlers playing in indoor jungle gym. CU of children eating in dining hall. VS of class listening to lecture on wireless. CU portrait of Joseph Meyerovitch, founder of lecture courses at ORT. MS, dressmaking class. Young Jewish women learn to make artificial flowers, instructor hands flowers to Mr. Leon Frenkel, the ORT inspector general of professional instruction.

  18. March of Time -- outtakes -- Jewish refugees, Jewish Agency, Jewish Brigade in Palestine

    Young Jewish refugees, having escaped the Germans, arrived at the Athlit Camp near Haifa wanting to join the Jewish Brigade. Yellow stars pinned to coats and vests. General shot of the recruiting. Several young Jews stand before the table to sign up. MS, Jews signing up, Yellow Star of David is apparent. General shot of young Jews entering the Recruiting Department of the Jewish Agency of Tel Aviv. CU, sign of recruiting bureau in Hebrew and English. The Mobile Jewish Brigade of Tel Monte - a special armed Jewish brigade authorized by the English authorities to defend the settlement (create...

  19. Ferencz interviewed by Michael

    Interview with Benjamin Ferencz. Host: Michael ? Ferencz explains his opinion of war criminals and international war crimes tribunals in light of strife in Yugoslavia. He stresses the need to create new standards of international law that define aggression as a crime and what constitutes war crimes and crimes against humanity. Furthermore, he argues that the international arena cannot just impose law, but rather must establish a rule of law for everyone to live by, otherwise the world will continue to employ barbarism under the guise of patriotism.

  20. Nazi feature film: Antisemitic and anti-British propaganda

    Amschel Rothschild (Erich Ponto) in Frankfurt and his sons Nathan (Karl Kuhlmann) in London and James (Albert Lippert) in Paris are part of an international network of Jewish bankers lending money to powerful people in their respective countries at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Due to their international contacts and ruthless materialistic attitude, the Rothschilds earn money every time non-Jewish soldiers give their blood, for instance when Nathan benefits from advance information about the outcome of the battle of Waterloo. Nathan appears with a strong Jewish accent and appeara...