Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,241 to 18,260 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Allach porcelain figurine found by a US Army nurse in Dachau concentration camp post-liberation

    Porcelain figure of a “Gaukler mit Dolch” (Juggler with Dagger) manufactured by slave labor and acquired by United States Army nurse Helen Rickert at Dachau concentration camp. Helen was deployed to the Mediterranean in March 1943, and served as an Operating Room nurse with the Second Auxiliary Surgical Group in Africa, Italy, France, and Germany. The Porzellan-Manufaktur Allach (PMA) was founded in 1935 in the Munich suburb of Allach. It produced decorative porcelain pieces with the goal of developing a new echelon of German artistic taste. The factory quickly became a pet-project of SS Re...

  2. War Crimes Trials: Malmedy

    (Munich 258) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany, June 27, 1946. SEQ: Capt. Raphael Schumacher conducting the cross-examination of Franz Sievers (#59). Sievers explaining the circumstances under which his statement was written. MLS, Capt. Schumacher reading statement. CU, Sievers speaking.

  3. Germany Awake!

    Summary of film: Recounts Germany's wartime experience and encourages German citizens to help effect a successful peace. Reel 2: Survivors of atrocities are treated. Atrocities at Lublin, Poland, are described and bodies are shown. The Nazi race myth is decried as crematories are shown.

  4. Oral history interview with Livia Krancberg

  5. Krupp receives award; Krupp's birthday celebration

    Excerpt appears in "The Nazi Plan." Reel 5: 07:26:58:25 "Krupp receives the "National-Socialist Model Plant" Award, May 1940" ; "Firma Krupp NS Muster betrieb." Krupp with Nazi officials including Rudolf Hess and Robert Ley. Large hall with crowd heiling, officials seated at ceremony. 07:29:24 Nazi official next to dark uniformed man is probably Josef Grohe, Gauleiter of Koeln -Aachen. Wide shot shows him seated across the aisle to the right from Hess, Krupp and Co. Band, silent speeches by Nazi official, by Hess. Large number of flags and banners. Shaking hands, reviewing awards. Hess goes...

  6. March of Time -- outtakes -- Synagogue in Czechoslovakia; peasants

    1150 Y (11:21:41): Prague, Czechoslovakia, October 3, 1946 (?). INTs, Jews worshipping in the Synagogue of Prague. MS, the rabbi opens the ark and takes out the Torah which is shown to the worshippers. LS, same as MS above. MS, Jews worshipping the Torah. The rabbi enters the center of the synagogue where the Torah is placed on a table. He opens it. MS, the rabbi opening the Torah for the ceremony. CU, the rabbi opening the Torah and demonstrating it, wide open, to the worshippers. LS, Jews leaving the synagogue after the ceremony. NOTE: The American Jews gave a Torah to the Czech Jews in P...

  7. War Crimes Commission: Leipzig and Penig Concentration Camps

    Foreword: "This is an official document made by U.S. military photographers as they advanced into Germany," etc. Two exhibited affidavits attesting to the authenticity of scenes in the film are shown, one signed by Lt Col George E. Stevens and the other by Capt John Ford. A map shows the location of concentration camps in Germany and Europe. "Leipzig Concentration Camp" MLS, empty field, barbed wire, remaining foundation of burnt out building. Three men stand near bloody and burnt corpse. CUs, piles of burnt bodies by barbed wire. At the Leipzig camp more than 200 were burned alive in a bui...

  8. March of Time -- outtakes -- US Embassy in Paris: Press office; Ambassador's office

    July 13, 1938. Silent: US Embassy. EXT of embassy. Shot of flag being hoisted at embassy (taken from Place de la Concorde). CU street sign "Rue Boissy D'Anglas". CU street sign "Avenue Gabriel" on other corner. Main entrance to embassy at 2 Avenue Gabriel. Cars driving in and out. Leblay camera: US embassy, EXT. Dr. Serge Voronoff and wife enter embassy. Voronoff's chauffeur and Pekinese dog. Ambassador Bullitt arriving in car, shaking hands with Walter Lippmann who remains in car. CU Ambassador's car's license plate CD - 5F. Wall camera, Mag. 8: US Embassy, INT, Main entrance hall. Shot, t...

  9. Red Cross ship at NY harbor

    REEL 2: Unedited footage shows personal baggage in the hold of the Red Cross ship Gripsholm, Japanese children, the ship's frozen food locker, Japanese aboard the ship, and railway passenger trains.

  10. War atrocities; exhumation of bodies

    War Atrocities, Dortmund, Germany, April 30, 1945. INTs, sick and tubercular slave laborers in hospital beds at former German concentration camp. MSs (VQ: mostly underexposed), US doctors and medics care for the sick. CUs, doctor treats severe head wound. CUs, various sick prisoners, many with wounds and bruises. The majority of the prisoners are emaciated. Exhumation of Bodies, Landwehr (sp?), Germany, April 30, 1945. HSs, MSs, CUs, former Nazi Gestapo agents and civilians remove bodies of murdered political prisoners from mass grave. MSs, entrance to cave where prisoners were held before ...

  11. Child Welfare Center, Cologne; Jewish service

    (LIB 6893) Military Government, Cologne, Germany, May 31- June 2, 1945. Children in yard of Child Welfare Center. MCU, young boys playing soccer, brick wall in BG has damaged roof and holes. MS, woman holding soccer ball with children gathered round in yard of Child Welfare Center; she divides them into teams. LS, children working in garden. MS, girl and boy picking weeds. MS, children watering neatly ordered rows of plants. MS, three girls kneeling down tending to rows of plants. CU, girl at work in garden bed. MS, woman teaching six girls to sew as they sit around her outside. VS, CU, wom...

  12. German surrender; Dachau; Rundstedt captured; Landsberg

    (LIB 6263) Surrender of German Army Group, Haar, Germany, May 5, 1945. INTs, German officers meet with Lt. Gen. Alexander M. Patch, CG, Seventh Army; Lt. Gen. Jacob L. Devers, CG, Sixth Army; Lt. Gen. Wade H Haislip, CG, XIII Corps; Maj. Gen. John W. O'Daniel to sign surrender agreement. German delegation includes Lt. Gen. Foertsch, CG, First German Army. EXTs, US Generals shaking hands and congratulating one another. 08:04:16 (LIB 6171) Dachau Concentration Camp, Germany, May 1, 1945. MS, CUs, naked bodies of emaciated camp prisoners who had died after their liberation. 08:05:25 (LIB 6179)...

  13. Ferencz interview on CNBC on war crimes

    CNBC News interview with Benjamin Ferencz. Host: Boyd ? "A war crimes trial should be in Saddam's future." Ferencz argues that Saddam Hussein should be punished in an international court of law. However, he notes, without a system of international law and order, we cannot condemn an international crime. Ferencz encourages the public to express intolerance of violations of law, so that the "rule of law can apply to everyone." He also urges the international arena to agree upon and define aggression.

  14. March of Time -- outtakes -- Presidium of Parliament in Belgrade; Committee meeting

    General view of the former Royal Palace, now Presidium of Parliament. General view of the courtyard in the middle of which is a candelabra, a remnant of the Kara Georgevich time. Same shot from another angle. Various shots of the Parliament (EXT) taken from the building opposite. In the Parliament, a meeting of the Committee for Peace Defense. Several general views. LS, MS, CUs of Milovan Djilas, secretary of the Communist Party. LS, MS, CUs of Petar Stambolic, President of the Serbian Government. LS, MS, CUs of Cedomir Minderovic, a writer and secretary of the Committee. CU sign behind Pre...

  15. War atrocities; exhumation of bodies

    War Atrocities, Dortmund, Germany, April 30, 1945. INTs, sick and tubercular slave laborers in hospital beds at former German concentration camp. MSs, US doctors and medics care for the sick. CUs, doctor treats severe head wound. CUs, various sick prisoners, many with wounds and bruises. The majority of the prisoners are emaciated. Exhumation of Bodies, Landwehr (sp?), Germany, April 30, 1945. HSs, MSs, CUs, former Nazi Gestapo agents and civilians remove bodies of murdered political prisoners from mass grave. MSs, entrance to cave where prisoners were held before their assassination. CUs, ...

  16. Euthanasia

    Hanna, the wife of medical doctor Thomas Heyt, suffers from multiple sclerosis. He decides to 'redeem' her through a sleeping draught, giving her a 'merciful death.' Hanna thus voluntarily and peacefully ends her own life after unbearable suffering. Dr. Heyt's friend and colleague Dr. Lang (Mathias Wiemann) denounces him to the police, but changes his mind when a child he saved from death becomes mentally disabled. A court jury comprised of a cross-section of German society discusses all the moral, religious, and medical arguments in favor of and against euthanasia. Dr. Heyt argues, with gr...

  17. SA propaganda

    The young worker and talented SA leader Fritz Brand constantly argues about the political future of Germany with his jobless Social Democratic father. He is also greatly involved with the ongoing street-fighting between the Nazis and Communists during the extremely violent final months of the Weimar Republic. Fritz's sixteen year old neighbor and half-orphan Erich Lohner is inspired by his example and joins the Hitler Youth. Participating in one of the first legal SA marches immediately after the SA ban is lifted on June 17, 1932, Erich is shot to death by Communists. Subsequently, the Nazi...

  18. Anti-fascist and anti-racist educational film made by US Army Signal Corps

    An American film dramatizing the destructive effects of racial and religious prejudice. The film was made to make the case for the desegregation of the US Armed Forces. Reel 1: shows a fake wrestling match and crooked gambling games with narration: "There's a good old-fashioned word for people like this. We call them suckers." An agitator addresses a street crowd; he almost convinces an American man in the audience until he begins to talk to a Hungarian refugee from Germany. A Nazi speaker harangues a crowd in Germany denouncing Jews, Catholics, and Freemasons. Reel 2: A German unemployed w...

  19. Political prisoners' concentration camp

    Political Prisoners' Concentration Camp, Langenstein, Germany, April 18, 1945. MSs, sick prisoners are removed on litters from barracks and placed in ambulance. MSs, CUs, unburied bodies of the dead lie in an open pit. MSs, Maj Gen Raymond S. McLain, CG of the XIX Corps, looking into the pit. VS, group of US officers and Gen McLain inspect camp. MS, Pan, deceased prisoners lying in open pit. MSs, several thin, starved-looking prisoners talk to US officer and a doctor. VS, sick prisoners on litters are carried from ambulances to the 20th Field Hospital tents in Halberstadt. CUs, medical offi...

  20. Hagana Troops

    Men walking through streets of Jerusalem. Suitcases sign on wall of old city. CUs, woman and her children. Crowd gathered in square. Hagana troops on jeep. CUs, moving villagers on truck, boat. Dead bodies. Aerial shot of buildings. Soldiers on truck with thumbs up. Boys walking towards camera with guns. Weapons moved onto cart. Sandbags block streets. Civilians searched. Hagana officer guards captured Palestinians. Villagers interrogated. Walking with belongings in streets. HAS, city. Civilians walking on streets. Holding portraits. Women with belongings carried on top of their heads. Sold...