Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,761 to 17,780 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Samuel Finkelstein collection

    Consists of one memoir, 5 pages, in English, written by Samuel Finkelstein, originally of Rzeszów, Poland. In the memoir, Mr. Finkelstein describes his family's pre-war life in Rzeszów, being forced into the ghetto, and how many struggled to get identity cards designating them as necessary labor. In 1943, Mr. Finkelstein was deported to Płaszów and from there, to Mauthausen. He was sent to the subcamp of Linz, where he worked in the underground tunnels before his liberation in May 1945. He traveled to Italy and lived in the UNRRA camps in Ancona and Roma before immigrating to Palestine in 1...

  2. A memoir relating to experiences in France during the Holocaust

    Testimony in the form of a letter, from Bindefeld (nee Regina Westreich), in which she very briefly describes family's escape from Germany (Leipzig) after Kristallnacht, survival in occupied France (she worked for an Orthodox rabbi, Schneerson, who was sheltering children in southern France), and eventual immigration to U.S. Letter asks questions of USHMM staff about fate of family members who were in Poland.

  3. Memoirs of Dezider Grunberger in Hungarian and Ukrainian labor camps, and of Marta Grunberger in Auschwitz and Muhldorf.

    Contains memoirs relating to Dezider Grunberger's experiences in Hungarian and Ukrainian labor camps, and Marta Grunberger's experiences in Auschwitz and Muhldorf.

  4. A memoir relating to experiences in Lvov, Warszawa, and Berlin

    Testimony, five pages, handwritten, of author's experiences in Lwow, Ukrainian pogrom after occupation, interment at Janowska camp, escape, travel to Poland with Polish (non-Jewish) identification, times as forced laborer near Warsaw and in Breslau and Berlin-Neukoelln (Krupp), liberation.

  5. "Through the Wall Into the World."

    Contains a manuscript entitled "Through the Wall Into the World," relating to experiences in Berlin and Vienna, 1933-1938; England, 1938-1949; and Berlin after 1949.

  6. The man in the black leather coat

    Contains a story entitled "The man in the black leather coat" relating to a friend's experience with Jewish prisoners in Germany in 1938.

  7. Joseph G. Rowley collection

    The Joseph G. Rowley collection contains documents and photographs related to Joseph Gilmor Rowley (1915-2004) a Special Agent with the Counterintelligence Corps who served in central Europe at the time of German surrender. His collection is comprised of material presumably collected during his tour in Germany and France between 1944 and 1945. Included is a series of photographs which document the liberation of Dachau, images of Allied forces at Adolf Hitler’s “Eagle’s Nest” (Kehlsteinhaus), and one image of the German surrender at Brest, France, among others. Also comprised in this collect...

  8. Ruth Karliner Friedman biography

    Testimony, typescript, 10 pages, about Ruth Karliner Friedman, written by daughter Vivian Zoe. Describes family and childhood of Karliner in Beuthen (Silesia), deportation to labor camps (Gross-Breesen, Auschwitz, Ravensbrück), and post war experiences.

  9. Albert M. Sharon memoir

    The Albert M. Sharon manuscript is titled "Laissez Passer, A Different Holocaust Story." It was told to and transcribed by his wife, Lynn Sharon. The manuscript tells the harrowing tale of Albert Sharon and his family, as they fled Brussels, Belgium in 1940 at the outset of World War II. Fleeing into France, the family moved into several villages along the Pyrenees, before ending up in Italy in 1943, The story details the struggles of a Jewish family living on the run, and the assistance they received from many families while they traveled. The story also describes Albert's involvement as a...

  10. "Dina's Story"

    Contains one memoir, 13 pages, entitled "Dina's Story," written in 1994 by Dina Littman, originally of Zgierz, Poland. In the memoir, she describes the confiscation of goods, life in the Łódź ghetto, forced labor in Shwachsztrom. In 1944, she was deported to Auschwitz and from there, to Bergen-Belsen and to forced labor in Salzwedel, where she was liberated. She briefly returned to Łódź, married a fellow survivor, Jakob Littman, and tried to emigrate to Israel. After a brief internment in Cyprus, she emigrated to Israel and eventually to the United States.

  11. Hanka Gorenstein papers

    The Hanka Gorenstein papers consists of a photograph of Hanka Gorenstein as a young woman and a re-transcribed memoir describing her experiences in Kamieniec Podolski and the Łuck ghetto, escaping the ghetto liquidation, hiding under a non-Jewish identity and working as a farmhand in Wołyń, and returning to Łuck after the war. In addition to the Polish version of the memoir, the collection also includes an English translation of the same.

  12. "My escape Into prison and other memories of a stolen youth, 1939 -1948"

    Contains a memoir entitled "My escape Into prison and other memories of a stolen youth, 1939 -1948" relating to experiences in Poland as a Jewish partisan and in the USSR as a political prisoner, also includes an article relating to the persecution of Jews in Slovakia.

  13. Erwin Lachman collection

    Contains two address books and one pocket calendar of Ernst Lachmann, who committed suicide in Berlin in 1942 to avoid deportation.

  14. A memoir relating to experiences in Auschwitz, Ravensbrück, and Neustadt

    Testimony, 3 pages, typescript, from Sagi, of Delray Beach, FL, but originally of Budapest. Describes deportation from Hungary to Auschwitz, and experiences there, and later deportation to Ravensbrueck.

  15. Mikuláš Gaško letter

    The collection consists of a photocopy of a typed letter from Mikuláš Gaško, originally of Košické Hámre, Slovakia, to his colleague Ladislav Alexander in 1983. The letter provides testimony describing deportations of Jews from Košice (now Košice, Slovakia, referred to as Kassa) to Auschwitz II-(Auschwitz-Birkenau) in 1944, and the actions by police official Dr. Csatáry with regard to the deportations. Also included is a detailed list of deportations of Jews to Auschwitz II-(Auschwitz-Birkenau) by train with Kassa highlighted. The list was obtained through Istvan Vrancsik, a soldier assigne...

  16. Robert Bonsignore collection

    Contains a remembrance pin and card with Hebrew text, also photographs of Genia Silkes from the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

  17. A poem

    Poetry, one page, typescript, titled "Don't Forget Us" by Marjorie May Svendsen.

  18. A memoir

    Contains a memoir relating to the donor's father's experiences in Thessalonike (Greece), Auschwitz (Poland), and Dora (Germany).

  19. An interview regarding experiences in Grodno and Bialystok

    Testimony, transcript of interview with Leon Trachtenberg, 62 pages, about experiences in Lwow, Brest-Litovsk, Grodno, Białystok.

  20. Letter relating to the bombing of Auschwitz

    Photocopy of one letter, from Norman Bottomley to Carl Spaatz, providing rationale for not bombing Auschwitz, September 1944.