Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,221 to 16,240 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Small poster made to discourage US troops from socializing with Germans

    Handbill issued by the American Army which uses an image of Holocaust victims to remind soldiers not to fraternize with German civilians.

  2. Lettre Just 5 Juin 1942 (audio only)

    Claude Lanzmann recites the June 5, 1942 letter from Willy Just to Walter Rauff regarding gas vans in Chelmno for the SHOAH film team in May 1983 in Germany. FILM ID 3637 -- Lettre Just, version 1 FILM ID 3638 -- Lettre Just, version 2 FILM ID 4603 -- Lettre Just, 2 versions (more than two versions read by Lanzmann, 19 minutes)

  3. Bracelet

    Pendant created by victims in concentration camp.

  4. Chelmno (CH)

    Interviews with local Polish people in and around Chelmno, as well as location filming. FILM ID 3767 -- White 72 CH 48-49 Lettre May. CL lit Lanzmann reads a letter from Mr. May regarding operations at Chelmno. FILM ID 4602 -- Foret Chelmno FO 1-4 Interview Uniquement Interview with two men in the forest near Chelmno. The Poles brought SS guards to the forest at night in order to exterminate Jews. Lanzmann asks the men to describe Polish women who worked for the Germans, Jewish victims' belongings, and the occasions when Goering hunted in the forest near Chelmno. FILM ID 4629 -- White 31 CH...

  5. Volksempfaenger radio

  6. Prayer book

  7. Book

  8. The Striker, July 1935, 13th year 1935 Der Stürmer (Nuremberg, Germany) [Newspaper]

    Benjamin and Sophie Esterman were American citizens who were traveling in Europe, and visited Germany in order to see for themselves and to inform others where Nazism was going.

  9. Łódź (Litzmannstadt) ghetto scrip, 10 pfennig coin

    Coin used in the Łódź [Litzmannstadt] Ghetto during the Holocaust.

  10. Prayer book

    Jewish prayer book issued by U.S. government and carried by U.S. soldier during WWII.

  11. Rostock interrogated at Medical trial

    (Munich 529) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. LS, MS, defendant Paul Rostock is interrogated by the prosecutor James McHaney.

  12. Banner

    Nazi War banner collected in Germany during or immediately following the Second World War.

  13. Candleholders

    Pair of candlesticks given as a wedding gift to Tony Holtz and Max Hannes, brought to the US in 1937 by Helmut Hannes.

  14. Lutz questioned at Medical trial

    (Munich 479) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. Prosecutor Alexander Hardy reads a letter from the Waffen SS to the Luftwafffe asking that Dr. Rascher be transferred to the SS. 02:14:40 Prosecutor James McHaney asks that Wolfang Lutz be called to the stand. Lutz is sworn in. McHaney questions Lutz about his medical career. Camera remains on defendants and lawyers as Lutz is examined. MS, three judges on bench.

  15. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 100 kronen note

  16. Inge Deutschkron

    Inge Deutschkron, a German Jew who appears only briefly in Lanzmann's completed film, witnessed the increasing persecution and violence in Berlin, including the promulgation of the Nuremberg Laws and Kristallnacht. Her father escaped to England but she and her mother remained behind and went into hiding in 1943. Lanzmann interviews her in a coffee house in Berlin in which she remembers seeing a "Jews Not Wanted" sign during the Nazi years. FILM ID 3420 -- Camera Rolls #1-3 -- 01:00:08 to 01:33:06 CR 1 Inge Deutschkron sits in a café speaking with Lanzmann. She expresses feeling strange, sin...

  17. War Crimes Trials: Medical Case

    (Munich 529) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. High and MCU, prosecution counsel James McHaney interrogating witness. Unidentified defense lawyer at speaker's stand. Short shot, defense attorney Seidl Ratz. Judges filing into court. Unidenfitied witness being interrogated by his lawyer.

  18. Book

  19. Assembled shots (Poland and Israel)

    Assembled color negative rolls containing location filming of Poland and Israel for SHOAH. The original color negatives were received in cans labeled "Tu Ne Commetras Pas Le Crime," 1991. The prints were in cans marked "Retirages de Shoah" which roughly translates to "Miscellaneous Reprints of Shoah". FILM ID 3196 -- Bobine 3. Retirages de Shoah (43:16) [Tu ne commetras pas de crime Boite G. Łódź] 00:42 Slate reads 'Cracovie' (Krakow); shots of three war-era photographs: many people walking in the street, carrying their belongings in large sacs; a soldier in uniform stands on a set of troll...

  20. Sketch