Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,721 to 15,740 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Proces ośrodek zagłady Sobibór (Sygn. Ob.60)

    Contains investigation files, evidence, and court documents relating to the war crimes trial of certain Sobibór extermination center staff.

  2. Proces obozu jenów wojennych w Łambinowicach (Stalag VIIIB) (Sygn. Ob.33)

    Contains investigation, evidence, and court documentation information for the trial of Lambinowice (Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf) prisoner of war camp.

  3. Proces Eryka Engelsa (Sygn. SAW)

    Contains investigation materials, evidence, and court documents relating to the trial of Eryk Engels, and accusitions against other war criminals: Piotr Frischkorn, Kurt Knigge, Hans Luetje, Reinhold Aust, Eryk Mamsch, and Henryk Schaub.

  4. Trial against Jürgen Stroop Proces Jürgena Stroopa (Sygn. GK 196)

    Contains investigation files, evidence, and court documents relating to the war crimes trial of Jürgen Stroop, the SS and police chief who crushed the Warsaw ghetto uprising and ordered the destruction of the Warsaw ghetto. Also includes materials on crimes committed by his assistants, Franz Konrad and Herman Hoefle. Jürgen Stroop was tried by American military authorities in Dachau in January 1947, then extradited to Poland. In July 1951 Stroop was tried at the Warsaw District Court and executed by hanging that September.

  5. Sarah Eckstein Grebenau a memoir

    Contains a memoir, 12 pages, about Sarah Eckstein Grebenau's work as a member of the Jewish Relief Unit formed toward the end of World War II under the auspices of the Central British Fund.

  6. Joseph and Margaret Weiss family papers

    The Joseph and Margaret Weiss family papers include correspondence, writings, genealogical materials, newspaper clippings, cardboard tags, and photographs documenting Joseph and Margaret Weiss’s immigration to the United States from Vienna via Czechoslovakia, France, and England in 1939 and their efforts to help their mothers emigrate from Prague and Vienna. Most of the correspondence is between the Weisses and their mothers Mathilde Goldstein in Vienna and Olga Weiss in Prague. Correspondence with Mathilde Goldstein sometimes includes Mathilde’s niece Bertha Reichmann, and correspondence w...

  7. Dreier and Tarnowski families papers

    The Dreier and Tarnowski families papers measure 0.5 linear foot and date from approximately 1939‐1944. The collection includes correspondence and photographs documenting the Dreier and Tarnowski families, their hardships in East and West Prussia and Pomerania under Nazi rule, and their efforts to emigrate. Correspondence primarily consists of letters to Elli and Alfred Burchardy in Shanghai from Flora and Wolff Tarnowski in Stargard, from Edith and Siegfried Tarnowski and Taübchen Tützer in Piaski, and from other family members and friends in Stargard, Piaski, and various cities in Germany...

  8. Centralny Zarzad Budowlany Oddzialow Wojskowych i Policji w Lublinie

    Contains files 61 and 99 from the record group 22, Zentralbauleitung der Waffen SS und Polizei in Lublin, dating from 1940 to 1944.

  9. Okręgowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Bialymstoku (Sygn.87)

    Contains a registry and records relating to real estate “abandoned” by Jews in Białystok.

  10. Centrala Przesiedleńcza Policji Bezpieczeństwa, Ekspozytura w Zamościu (Sygn. 43)

    Contains files 1 through 72 from the record group 513, records of the Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD Umwandererzentralle Posen, Zweigstelle Zamosc, dating from 1942 to 1944.

  11. Records of the United States Mission to the Polish Government in Exile in London

    Contains information about relations between the United States and the Polish government in exile in London. Subjects include underground activities in Poland, relations between Poland and the Soviet Union, and relations between the London and Moscow Polish leadership.

  12. Stadthauptmann der Stadt Krakau. Kennkartenlisten Starosta Miasta Krakowa (Sygn. 450). Wykazy dowὀdow osobistych (Kennkartenlisten) wydanych Żydom

    Contains questionnaires of Jews who applied for personal I.D. cards from circa 1940 -1941.

  13. Miriam Winer memoir

    Miriam Winer's memoir describes her experiences in Bialystok and Treblinka, and her move to Bolivia after the Holocaust.

  14. Peter Mansbacher papers

    The Peter Mansbacher papers include a memoir, correspondence files, and subject files documenting Mansbacher’s efforts to obtain a visa to the United States, his passage to England on a Kindertransport, subsequent internment in England and Canada, and eventual immigration to the United States. Mansbacher's 1991 memoir, Refugee from Nazi Oppression: an Autobiography by Peter Mansbacher, describes his childhood in Lübeck, his wartime experiences in England, the completion of his education in Canada, and his eventual move to the Chicago, Illinois area. It includes photographic copy prints and ...

  15. Maks Astrinsky collection

    The Maks Astrinsky collection consists of correspondence, letters, and one picture postcard pertaining to Maks Astrinsky, a partisan who hid in the forests of Poland and witnessed the massacre of Jews and the burning of homes by the Germans in Slonim and other towns.

  16. Trude Gruber papers

    Contains twenty-five letters and postcards, nine legal documents, forty-two black and white photographs, and two color photographs concerning Trude Gruber's experiences as a Kindertransport child.

  17. French resistance, street fighting; Liberation in Paris

    "Le Journal de la Resistance" Title: "Realise clandestinement et sans aucun moyen materiel entre le 16 et le 26 aout 1944 par une equipe de cineastes de la Resistance, ce film apporte a la France et au Monde un temoignange authentique sur la Liberation de Paris" View of Paris just prior to liberation. Empty street, trucks, Germany rebuilds, tank. Men running in street, hanging posters. CUs, various posters. Mobilization. Removing posters. FFI. Shots fired. MS, men's heads at window. Running, firing in streets, commotion. Automobiles with "Police." Sandbags. Buildings. Blood on sidewalk. You...

  18. Mobilization of Dutch troops; eviction of a Dutch Jewish family; Leeuwarden

    This video contains three films of Leeuwarden from the collections of the Frisian Film Archive. 00:33:47 to 00:43:19 - Filmed before World War II. Private residences and passing pedestrians. Cars and bicycles sporadically dot the streets. Man smokes a cigarette, conversing with a female companion on a nearby bench. A middle-aged woman sweeps her front porch; a younger woman polishes a door-handle. A boy teaches a younger boy to ride a bicycle. A group of three children in fancy dress playfully approach the cameraman. A class of schoolchildren performs gardening work, overseen by their teach...

  19. Auschwitz and Birkenau concentration camp records Abteilung I - Kommandantur

    Contains telegrams and Entlassungscheine (discharge certificates) from Auschwitz concentration camp relating to prisoner deaths, prisoner escapes, and prisoner discharges. All records relate to the main camp, Auschwitz I. The materials date from 1940 to 1944.