Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,641 to 15,660 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Albert Wesley Barthelmes letter

    Contains a copy of a three-page letter written by Albert Wesley Barthelmes to his parents about the liberation of a concentration camp.

  2. Selected records from the Archives of the International Committee of the Red Cross

    Contains documents created and collected by the International Committee of the Red Cross including correspondence related to stateless individuals, information on discriminatory and expulsion measures in Bavaria, and materials related to the development and administration of the concentration camp system in Nazi Germany.

  3. Slovaquie - resistance

    Contains copies of documents from the DII collection at the Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine in Paris, France. Includes copies of official documents concerning the surveillance, persecution and internment of Jews from Slovakia, including information about resistance movements.

  4. Institut d'étude des questions juives

    Records relates to the founding and activities of the Institute, including its personnel and finances, relations with German authorities, definition of who was classified as a Jew, attempts to import “racial science” from Germany, creation of the journal "La question juive en France et dans le monde," confiscation and Aryanization of Jewish property, and exhibition "Le juif et la France" at the Palais Berlitz.

  5. Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo). Selected records, France.

    Wide range of documentation of Gestapo activities in France: deportations of Jews, implementation of anti-Jewish legislation (e.g., wearing the star of David, confiscation of property), propaganda, internment camps, relations between German and French police and military authorities, relations with Italian authorities, resistance and repression, and the like.

  6. Etat-Major Allemand en France: Otages et Exécutions

    The collection documents the development and application of hostage and reprisal policies in occupied France under the military authorities and later the SS. Contains detailed prisoner and hostage lists from places such as Melun, Amiens, Laon, and Rouen, as well as reports and correspondence about prison conditions and shootings. Title of collection used is that applied by the source repository, to denote selected records they obtained after the war, which had originated from various military and SS offices in occupied France.

  7. Camp du Vernet: Fiches individuelles des internés

    Contains alphabetically arranged files on individuals interned in the Vernet camp.

  8. Organisations juives en France avant 1939

    Contains records, documents, reports, correspondence, member lists, and statistics from prewar Jewish organizations such as the Societé Française de Propagation du Travail Industriel et Agricole parmi les Juifs, Maison Israélite de Refuge pour l’enfance, Maison de Refuge Israélite de Lyon, Association Zadoc Kahn, École Normale Israélite, and Comité de Bienfaisance Israélite.

  9. Afrique du Nord. Congrès Juif Mondial. Maroc--pays étrangers.

    Contains records about the activities of the World Jewish Congress in North Africa, antisemitism in the French army, the delegation from Tunisia at the War Emergency Conference, the Cremieux Decree, the German seizure of Jewish assets, German atrocities, the postwar activities of Adolf Eichmann, the Jewish Agency for Palestine, and the interrogations of the International Tribunal in Nuremberg.

  10. Archives de Nuremberg: Rosenberg

    Contains records from the archives of Alfred Rosenberg, a Nazi official and the head of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR). Included is information about Rosenberg’s activities concerning cultural purification; the confiscation of books, furniture, and works of art; his ideological activities outside Germany; his policies concerning the Soviet Union; his conflicts with Himmler, Bormann, Koch, and Goebbels; and the military mobilization of native ethnic communities against the Soviet Union. The documents that comprise this collection were selected by the source repository, the Cent...

  11. Archives de Nuremberg : Juives de Riga

    Contains documentation about the German occupation authorities in Latvia, the expropriation of Jewish property, and the head of the Reichsministerium für die besetzten Ostgebiete, Alfred Rosenberg. The documents that comprise this collection were selected by the source repository, the Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine, following the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, from documents that had been collected as potential evidence during the trial of Alfred Rosenberg.

  12. Archives de Drancy

    Contains documentation about the administration of the camp, the condition and treatment of the inmates, lists of inmates, a list of those liberated from the camp, information about provisions for Christmas 1943, memoranda from the camp commandant, personal papers of the inmates, and other information.

  13. Drancy: Notes de Service et Notes du Commandant du Camp

    The collection consists of notes de service from the Jewish camp commandants covering a period from the assumption of direct administrative control of the camp by the Germans in early July 1943 to the winding down of camp operations in August 1944.

  14. Harry Bamberger speech

    Contains a videotape of Harry Bamberger addressing a group of high school students in Ojai, California. Harry Bamberger discusses his experiences escaping from Holland during the war and his eventual linking up with the RAF in Great Britain and Mr. Bamberger's brother, Jacques, who was active in the Dutch underground and helped many Jews escape from the Nazis during the occupation.

  15. Zweigenthal family collection

    Contains of letters, black and white photographs, a Sauf Conduit pass for Robert Zweigenthal, and 8 legal documents pertaining to the escape of Robert Zweigenthal, his wife, Elizabeth Aigner Zweigenthal, and her mother, Caroline (Carolina) Aigner, from France through Portugal to the United States. Includes copies of two letters written in 1941 by Sara Delano Roosevelt, the mother of President Franklin Roosevelt, requesting that assistance be given to members of the Aigner family. The photographs depict life on the ship traveling from Portugal to the United States.

  16. Sachs family collection

    Contains documents about Inge M. Rosenthal's escape to Germany on a Kindertransport, letters from Alfred and Margarete Sachs (1939-1943), deportation notice for Alfred and Margarete Sachs, death notice for Alfred and Margarete Sachs, documents related to Max and Herta Moser's emigration from Germany to Shanghai, transcribed letters from Carl Heinrich Mayer, and 21 black-and-white photographs. An accretion to the collection includes four photographic postcards taken of German soldiers during World War I. Some of the postcards were written by Jewish soldier Alfred Sachs, who is depicted on th...

  17. Giovanni Palatucci papers

    Contains a biography of Giovanni Palatucci (1909-1944), who, as the police commissioner of Fiume, on the Italian coast, worked to ensure the safe migration of refugees, prevent the looting of Jewish homes, hid files, and supplied money to refugees attempting to escape the Gestapo. In September 1944, he was arrested and sent to Dachau, where he perished. He was named Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem. Includes a certificate honoring Palatucci and the typed testimony of Goty Bauer of Milan, Italy, regarding his experiences with Palatucci.

  18. "Silenced Forever"

    Contains a poem entitled, "Silenced Forever," about the experiences of Christina Yannetsos and her family during the Holocaust.

  19. Postcards from the Dombrowa ghetto

    Contains two original and seven fujis of postcards from the Dombrowa ghetto.

  20. Bloch family papers

    The papers of the Bloch family papers include biographical information as well as records documenting claims made by Norbert and Gretel Bloch and Käthe Bremer to receive restitution for losses and damages suffered under the Third Reich. Biographical materials include family trees; birth, marriage, and death certificates; passports and identity cards; travel papers; naturalization papers; school records; and vaccination records for Norbert and Gretel Bloch and Käthe Bremer as well as for Max and Hildegard Chodowski and Amalie and Gertrude Sichel. Claims include the burning and looting of the...