Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,401 to 15,420 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Krupp ammunition plant; Alliance of Axis countries; Invasion of Yugoslavia and Greece

    Title: "Hitler Pays Tribute to Krupp 13 August 1940" Hitler visits the Krupp ammunition plant. Hitler pays tribute to Gustav Krupp von Bohlen. MS Hitler shakes hands with Krupp as officers look on. Hitler talking to and gesturing to civilian in dark suit as officers look on. Large crowd of factory workers cheer and salute as Hitler walks past them toward camera, then steps up into car and remains standing. Title: "Signing of the Military-Economic Alliance by Germany, Italy and Japan 27 September 1940" Hitler welcomes delegates at the signing of the Germany-Italy-Japan alliance. LS Group of ...

  2. POWs liberated; medical care; burning village; evacuation; French troops

    00:01:57 "Temoignages Accablants" Sasbach, Westphalia (20 km from Stuttgart) Prisoners of war, various nationalities. In striped uniforms, liberation. Good CUs faces, survivors. Barbed wire. Burial, carrying bodies on litter. MS, military burial, French officers and military salute with accompanying music, CU headstone. Fire. Survivors at table, talking to officers. Nurses provide medical treatment. Put weak survivor in truck. 00:04:44 "A travers la foret Noire" French troops, bicycles and by foot through the woods. Dead Germans. Tanks, good landscape atmosphere. Liberation. Burning village...

  3. William Schwartz photograph

    Contains a photograph of the donor's father's family taken around 1910 in Kiev, Russia.

  4. UNRRA garrison cap

    Garrison hat worn by Ruwen Basel during his work for the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) as a camp supply officer.

  5. French collaborators-women with shaved heads

    [Scene d'epuration (femmes tondues)] LS, women in coats with shaved heads standing on the back of a truck. Men staring from street, windows above storefront, sign: "Bou...Xavier." CUs, women. Boys standing behind women holding sign (illegible). More shots of the women, walking away.

  6. Germans advance in Yugoslavia

    [Rangee de SS aplaudit a une reunion, Paris] German units advance in Yugoslavia. Bombing. Wounded soldier. Captured men (Serbians/partisans?).

  7. Jewish quarter in Amsterdam

    Hand turns book. Views rooftops of Amsterdam, VAR shots of city. Street musicians. VAR shots of streets and houses. Old counting house. Canals and canal houses. Market in Jewish quarter. Canals, views of boats, water, bridges. Warehouses, loading. More buskers. Harbor scenes. Herring stall. Bell tower. Rembrandt monument. Jewish quarter: candle and star are superimposed on footage; boys, going to synagogue, wedding; market, men talk, flower stall, diamond cutting. Picture shop. Canals. Harbor. Canal reflections. More Jewish quarter. Sundial with Hebrew letters, interior lamp, brief EXT of P...

  8. Hans Walter collection

    Consists of newspaper articles about Hans Walter's youth in Berlin, Germany, his experiences in Auschwitz, Sachsenhausen, and Ebensee, photocopies of his friend Peter Edel's drawings, and a photocopy of a forged twenty-pound note created as part of Operation Bernhard, a forgery effort conducted in Sachsenhausen.

  9. Training French resistance in countryside

    "Ceux du Maquis" French narrator. Partisans (men) in woods, raising flag, muddy roads. Scenes of men building. In uniform, military drills. CU, vehicles, motorcycles, men's boots. Exercises, loading weapon, marching. In snow, pine trees. Practicing, setting up automatic guns, snow. Standing in review, saluting, flag, bugle, Crois de francois. "Ici la France"

  10. Hitler lays wreath; Youth meeting; Ninth Party Congress

    Title: "German Sailors Killed in the Spanish Civil War Brought Home on the "Deutschland" 18 June 1937" Hitler lays a wreath commemorating the return of German soldiers killed in the Spanish Civil War and addresses a youth meeting. Title: "Ninth Party Congress 6-13 September 1937" Hitler speaks.

  11. Banner

  12. Abraham and Mina Winiger papers

    The Abraham and Mina Winiger papers consist of identification papers, correspondence, and photographs documenting Abraham and Mina Winiger’s families before the Holocaust in Nadwórna, Poland, their survival, their postwar life in the Föhrenwald displaced persons camp, and their efforts to receive restitution for their wartime suffering. The papers include two registration certificates for Abraham and Mina Winiger from the Jewish Agency for Palestine dated 1948; postwar letters from Ajzik Feder, Sara Rosenheck, the United Restitution Organization, and other friends made at Föhrenwald; and ph...

  13. Yellow cloth Star of David badge with the letter J. to identify a Belgian Jew

  14. Milice meeting in Paris

    Meeting of Milice at the Velodrome d'Hiver in Paris, 1944. WS, Palais de Sports. Crowd, banners, placards, including: "Gardes Patriotique de la Sauf" ; "Garde Patriotique Salmson" HAS, INT stadium, crowd seated. Louis Saillon (sp?) speaking. Slow pan, spectators. CUs, signs: "Garde Patriotique section de St. Denis" ; "Garde Patriotique Cinema Francaise...Servir" ; "Presse" ; "Garde Patriotiques du Theatre," spectators.

  15. [Newspaper]

    Newspaper published in Croatia during the Holocaust.

  16. Destroyed village; Refugees evacuating

    [Refugies sur les routes - distribution de soupe, infirmiere, Mai 1940] Burning village, blaze. Carrying wounded civilian. Stone, timber on fire. Airplanes. Red Cross buildings, gate with sign, "Centre Hospitalie & H.O.E. Primaire." HAS, damaged roofs, etc. INT, rooms. INT, ambulances. Damaged train. "Hospice St. Ano?" Cathedral and cemetery, crosses, badly damaged. Village mourners, 2 women with umbrellas, flowers, CU, crucifix. Destroyed classroom, books, desks, etc. Pan, city in ruins, storefronts. MCU, mother and child, dead on street. People evacuating, bundles and valises massed i...

  17. Fragebogen zur Lage in Deutschland, Februar 1936

    Contains an underground questionnaire on the situation in Germany, dated February 1936, that had been clandestinely written and published by politically exiled resisters of the Nazi movement who were members of the German Social Democratic party. The questionnaire was distributed with the "Deutschland-Berichte" newspaper.

  18. Herta Kuert collection

    Contains three identity cards issued to Herta Kuert; one certificate from the Hebrew Immigrand Aid Society; and three certificates indicating that Herta Kuert had been interned in Riga-Stutthof.

  19. Harry Ehrismann papers

    The Harry Ehrismann papers consist of an unbound scrapbook created by Ehrismann documenting the voyage of the MS St. Louis, its return to Europe, and the selection of passengers to be transferred to the Netherlands. The first folder includes correspondence; notes; a report by C.G. van Dalfsen and Gilles Hendrik van Helden (inspectors of the Municipal Police of Rotterdam) describing the selection of refugees to be welcomed by the Netherlands; a list of those passengers; a registration card for Hannelore Klein; and three name cards worn by passengers Hannelore Klein, Hilde Pander, and Martin ...

  20. Jewish quarter in Amsterdam; preparing Sabbath

    Credits (in Dutch). Roof tops of Amsterdam. HA street scenes. CUs street and business signs in Jewish quarter of Amsterdam. Street scenes, houses, canals. Store fronts. Market. Clock tower (INT and EXT), four o'clock. People look at watches. Challahs. VAR scenes of people closing shops, putting away work (including good quality shots of diamond works). Preparing Sabbath at home (candles, cooking, setting table). EXT Portuguese synagogue, men in top hats enter, families. INT, prayer books, VAR shots of synagogue, cantor at bima, shots of men praying. EXT, rooftops of Amsterdam at dusk.