Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,301 to 15,320 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Holocaust

    Contains the Holocaust memoir, written by Mayer Skrzypek, a Holocaust survivor. The memoir concerns the experiences of the Skrzypek family in Poland, Russia and the United States (circa 1920 - 1998). The manuscript contains author's opinions on Catholic-Jewish relation with reference to the Nazi prosecution.Incudes also copy of photographs of Skrzypek family members.

  2. Kenneth X. Robbins collection

    Collection contains photocopy of telegrams, maps (the Polish Children's Camp, 1942-1946 in India, Jamuagar-Balachadi, and the evacuation map from the Soviet Union to India), notes, clippings and British Library records relating to Polish Refugees in India. Documents illustrate that there were at least some Jews among the Polish refugee camp at Valivade in Kohlapur state and Balachadi in Nawanagar state.

  3. Edmund Schechter papers

    The Edmund Schechter papers contain correspondence, reports, articles, press releases, clippings, and scrapbooks documenting Schechter’s work in New York, Luxembourg, and Germany, his membership and continued interest in Kadimah, and investigations into his loyalty made by Senator McCarthy’s subcommittee. Subject files document Schechter’s early writing and speaking career in New York on the topic of North Africa; his military and civil service career at the Office of War Information (OWI), the American Broadcasting Service in Europe (ABSIE), Radio Luxembourg, Radio in the American Sector (...

  4. Robert Treuer family papers

    The Robert Treuer family papers consist of emigration and immigration records, identification papers, memoirs, and subject files documenting the Treuer family’s life in Vienna, their escape to England and Ireland following the Anschluss, and their immigration to the United States. Emigration and immigration records include documents demonstrating that the Treuers had paid the requisite taxes and fees permitting them to leave Austria, letters of recommendations for Fritz and Marie Treuer, correspondence regarding affidavits and other requirements for American immigration, and a copy of the T...

  5. General directorate of Passports Office records Directiunea generala a politie Paspoarte

    Contains records from the office of the General Directorate of Passports (Ministerul Administratiei si Internelor, Directia Generala de Pasapoarte) related to Jewish emigration to Palestine from Romania. Includes a name list of Romanian Jews who traveled to Palestine on the ships "Kasbek, "Mefkur," "Morina," "Selahadin," "Toros," and "Bulbul."

  6. Eichmann Trial -- Session 111 -- Hausner's closing statement for the Prosecution; Eichmann's involvement in the decision to use gas

    Session 111. Hausner sums up his case (short overlap from Tape 2218). The deportations from Vienna as described by witnesses Kratky and Wisliceny are discussed, as well as the false hope held by Jews told they were only being resettled. 00:05:48 Hausner suggests that the shooting deaths of so many Jews was said by Eichmann to not be elegant enough, and Eichmann was the one who wanted the use of gas. He planned and worked out the entire method of extermination. The details of the selection of gas, the use of gas, the acquisition of gas, and Eichmann's role in all of these are presented. The ...

  7. Margaret Marketa Novak-Dattels papers

    Contains photocopies of articles by or about Margaret Marketa Novak-Dattels, a photocopy of her sister Sari's report card, a memoir entitled, "This is a True Story," correspondence, poetry, genealogical information, and nine black and white photographs of Margaret Marketa Novak-Dattels family.

  8. Trial against Josef Bühler Proces Josefa Bühlera (Sygn. GK 196)

    This collection contains investigative materials, evidence, and court documents relating to the trial of Josef Bühler, in relation to his role as deputy-governor of the Krakow district of the Generalgouvernement during the German occupation of Poland. Includes trial protocols, interrogations of witnesses, preliminary hearings and presentation of evidence against war criminals.

  9. Records of the Vilnius Ghetto (Fond 1421)

    Contains records of various ghetto organizations and agencies. Included are orders and regulations of the Jewish council and police, as well as correspondence between departments and subordinate offices. There are also personal documents and documents on the ghetto health and social security offices.

  10. Henry L. Goldsmith papers

    Contains Henry L. Goldsmith's memoir, a copy of an article entitled, "The Big Test," published in two weekly issues of the New York Forward, a chapter entitled "Buchenwald," and pages 309 and 310 our of Henry L. Goldsmith's chapter 11 "D-Day."

  11. Steven Paskuly papers

    Contains Steven Paskuly's editorial work on "Death Dealer: The Memoirs of the SS Kommandant at Auschwitz."

  12. John Stanley Grauel papers

    The John Stanley Grauel papers consist of correspondence, photographs, printed materials, and subject files documenting Grauel's experiences as a crew member on the Exodus 1947, his support for the creation of the State of Israel, and his lifelong career speaking about the Exodus and fighting anti‐ Semitism. Correspondence includes a handful of postcards, letters, and telegrams from around the time of the Exodus 1947’s journey, later correspondence remembering the voyage, correspondence about related book projects, advocacy correspondence, and letters of thanks for presentations made by Gra...

  13. Frieda and Max Reinach diary

    Contains a handwritten diary by Frieda (née Schwarzschild, 1887–1942) and Marcus (Max, 1878–1942) Reinach. Frieda and Max Reinach kept a diary in Berlin from September 1, 1939 to October 24, 1942. On October 26, 1942, they were deported to Riga, and later Kaiserwald concentration camp where they were murdered. The diary describes their life under the Nazi occupation. The collection also includes an English translation, a short history of how the diary reached the United States, and three photographs of the Reinach family members: Ilana Schwartz with her mother, Ilana Schwartz with her fathe...

  14. COHASCO collection

    Contains six documents that include a letter of "representation of Polish Jews," regarding Dr. Emil Reich of Oświęcim, a Hapoel Hamizrahi rescue letter for a Czech Jewess refugee in Hungary, a small broadside to donate funds to 150 rabbinic refugee families who escaped from Germany, Austria, and Czechoslovakia, a letter to a committee for Polish affairs from a Polish war invalid in Israel, an International Red Cross letter regarding a missing mother and aunt, and a UJA-JNF tree card with a portrait of Theodore Herzl.

  15. Heini Halberstam collection

    Consists of correspondence from Judith Halberstam, originally of Prague, Czechoslovakia, to her son, Heini Halberstam, who left on a Kindertransport to England in April 1939. The correspondence, which was diverted through family in Belgium, New York, and Zurich, was sent prior to Judith's deportation on June 10, 1942 as part of a reprisal for the death of Reinhard Heydrich. Includes identification documents for Heini and a pre-war black and white photograph of Judith.

  16. David Berger papers

    The papers consist of a letter in Yiddish written by Charles Fechtenbaum in 1988, a translation of the letter into English, and a clipping from "Jewish Currents", November 1999, relating to Ania Francos' life and to the Holocaust experiences of the Fechtenbaum family.

  17. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 48 and 49 -- Testimony of Perla Mark and Dr. T. Lowenstein Lavi; Romanian documents

    Session 48. Testimony from Perla Mark who describes the burning of the main synagogue in Czernowitz and the murder of Jews including her husband, the town's chief rabbi. Mark gives an account of the deportation of her son and brother to Theresienstadt. She states that her brother died in Theresienstadt and that her son was sent to Auschwitz, where he was forced to play cello in the camp orchestra. Begins in the middle of testimony from Theodor Löwenstein. The witness speaks in Hebrew. Löwenstein describes the physical measures against the Jews in Romania including the pogroms in Jassy, Bess...

  18. Records of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Romania

    Contains requests addressed to Maresal Ion Antonescu's office of the Presedintia Consiliului de Ministri of Romania from Jews wanting restitution for confiscated property, and requests by Jews to be considered and treated as non-Jewish Romanian citizens. Also contains records relating to Jews in forced labor in Romania and deportations of Jews from Romania, including records relating to refugees in Northern Transylvania, organization and administration of Bessarabia, Bukovina and Transnistria provinces.

  19. Liberation papers

    Contains one booklet entitled, "Berlin," prepared under the direction of the 78th Division Special Services Office, an album of black and white picture postcards of Germany, a map of Berlin showing the location of Special Service Clubs, American Red Cross Clubs as well as other recreational facilities, and thirty-four signal corp black and white photographs.

  20. Maria Kauderova-Fordham papers

    Contains mainly post-war documents regarding the personal history of Maria Kauderova-Fordham, originally of Czechoslovakia. She was liberated from Auschwitz at the age of 20 and eventually settled in Spain. The collection was donated by a woman who helped to care for Mrs. Fordham in the last months of her life, and therefore the life story of Mrs. Fordham is difficult to determine.