Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,621 to 14,640 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Eichmann Trial -- Session 105 -- Examination by Judge Raveh

    Session 105. This is duplicate footage from Tape 2187. Dr. Servatius begins by stating in the Sassen Document, he says things that are both anti-Semitic and the opposite. Eichmann says that he is not anti-Semitic, and was a part of the Nazi Party before it had such policies. He says that he never had a bad personal experience with Jews. 00:07:50 Dr. Servatius is finished with the re-examination of Eichmann. He will now face questions from the Judges. 00:08:22 Eichmann is being asked about when he could not live up to the Categorical Imperative of Emmanuel Kant, in which he believes. With th...

  2. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 107 and 108 -- Submission of extracts of statements from Baer, Winkelman, Novak, and Veesenmeyer taken abroad

    Session 107. Hausner is asked if they marked any passages (duplicate of the end of Tape 2199). He answers that they marked several, some of which had already been read by the defense. The Judges decide those overlapping passages will not be reread. Cuts out as the first passages are being read for the Prosecution. 00:05:10 Hausner argues that he cannot admit part of a document and not the whole thing. Servatius argues that some parts defend the Accused while some incriminate him, and he would only like to submit certain parts. 00:07:37 Dr. Servatius submits the Richard Baer testimony; he wa...

  3. Arnold Joseph collection

    The Arnold Joseph collection consists of correspondence to and from defendants at the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, which Joseph acquired during his military service as a censor. Incoming correspondence from the general public comes from the so‐called “201 file” of letters not to be delivered to the defendants so as not to upset them. It includes a mixture of praise and good wishes for the defendants as well as insults and invectives, and some correspondence includes prayers, poems, and songs. At least one letter is from a former German soldier, another is from a former political prisoner,...

  4. Eichmann Trial -- Session 43 -- Prosecution submits documents: foreign relations, deportations, legal matters

    Session 43. The Prosecution submits documents to the court, beginning with a letter concerning a citizen of a neutral country wanting to emigrate, a case which Eichmann denied. Another about the treatment of Jews of foreign nationalities, along with the decision to work towards the Final Solution, including dealing with mixed marriages. Another describing a deadline in 1943 for the deportation of each nation's Jews. Also, a preface of the Reich's Foreign Ministry discussing the pressure placed on foreign nations to return their Jews. 00:05:50 A summarizing report of the Gestapo office. A me...

  5. Star of David badge worn in Romania

    Star of David badge issued to/worn by Abraham Sendyk (donor) in Czernowitz, Romania; dated 1941.

  6. Simona G. Frajndlich papers

    The papers consist of an identification card, certificate, University student book, letter of recommendation, three letters from Chemisches Institut der Universität, biographical documents on war experience, an admission pass, and courtroom map.

  7. Book

  8. Eichmann Trial -- Session 97 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    There is visual interference throughout the footage. Footage begins in the latter portion of Session 97 at the end of a discussion on an apology sent to Eichmann by the Foreign Ministry for actions taken in unoccupied France concerning Jews without his consultation. Footage cuts (00:02:39 to 00:02:50) Attorney General Gideon Hausner cross examines the accused about the agreement between Theodor Danneker and Alexander Belev to deport Bulgarian Jews reached after Dannecker had received authorization from Eichmann to draw up the agreement (00:04:35). Belev was the Jewish Commissar for the Bulg...

  9. Eichmann Trial -- Session 41 -- Witness Dr. Grueber re: knowing Eichmann during the war and concentration camps

    Session 41. Dr. Servatius complains that the numerous witnesses from abroad fall within various courts, and that it would take too much time to attain all of these witnesses, their affidavits, and their testimony. They list the witnesses whose addresses they do not yet have. That court will make the request to the German courts, and Dr. Servatius says that his assistant will attempt to do just that. Attorney General Hausner requests that the Defense be instructed to supply the names of all of the witnesses to be questioned, as it is becoming global. The Judges agree. Dr. Servatius says that...

  10. Eichmann Trial -- Session 86 -- Eichmann talks about Joel Brand and Hungary

    Session 86. Eichmann is asked about his encounters with Becher. Eichmann answers that he was forced to occupy his time with deportation and sent others to deal with his other duties, and had to present something that his superiors would approve concerning deportation. Joel Brand came to his office, and he began to throw numbers at him, including his invention of the ten percent clause. He knew that Brand could not negotiate with less than one million Jews. 00:12:20 Eichmann says he was amazed when his program was approved by Himmler. 00:15:37 Tape jumps and Eichmann says that he received fo...

  11. Eichmann Trial -- Session 1 -- Reading of indictment

    Session 1. Court officials are organizing the courtroom for the trial. Various individuals walk around the room, greeting and talking to each other. There is occasional sound as the trial commentators prepare for Session 001. The trial begins, and the camera focuses on Adolf Eichmann as he sits in the glass box. As the three judges, Moshe Landau, Benjamin Halevi, and Yitzchak Raveh enter the courtroom, the commentators detail trial particulars such as the trial number and specific court officials. Judge Landau formally ascertains the defendant's identity and choice of council. He then grant...

  12. Eichmann Trial -- Session 78 -- Examination of the Accused re: gassing methods, the Final Solution

    Session 78. Examination of the Accused on: gas trucks and gassing methods and assignment of Special Operations Units, the preparations for the Final Solution of the Jewish Question, on the marking of Jews, on transportations (further), petitions submitted to him, and the Wannsee Conference. Begins with Servatius presenting documents, letters. Commander of Security Police, Eastern District, signed Rauff re. supply of vans. Second document, 2D3, originates in Belgrade and deals with trucks, written by commander of police security in Belgrade. Fourth letter, White Ruthenia. Sixth letter, Belgr...

  13. Eva Salier papers

    Consists of 13 letters sent by Eva Salier in the Vught concentration camp, to her mother's assistant in Amsterdam.

  14. Third Congress of the Central Committee of the Liberated Jews in the U.S. Zone of Germany

    INT, meeting of the Third Congress of the She'erit ha-Pletah in Bad Reichenhall, Germany. Shots of Jewish DPs (orthodox and secular) in attendance, the press, voting, speakers, and the stage with featured participants. Spectators touring a photograph exhibition. 01:02:53 Short dark sequence of Yizkor ceremony, followed by more images of the exhibition, including CUs of dolls. 01:04:18 Participants at Congress lunch, large round tables with white tablecloths, waiters serving food, DPs eating, CU of "Bar" sign. 01:06:17 City street scene with DPs, cars. MS, building with US and Israeli flags....

  15. Map of the voyage of the MS St Louis annotated by the ocean liner's captain

    Map of the voyage of the MS St Louis created by Gustav Schroeder, the ship's captain and given to Elisabeth Haas, A passenger, in June 1939.

  16. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 6, 7 and 8 -- Eichmann pleads not guilty

    Sessions 6, 7 and 8. The contents of the tape are not sequentially consistent with the official transcripts; rather the footage is arranged erratically starting in the middle of Session 6 with Attorney General Hausner's opening statement and ending in the beginning of Session 6 with Adolf Eichmann's plea hearing. Begins during Attorney General Hausner's opening speech. He states: "There was only one man who had been concerned almost entirely with the Jews, whose business had been their destruction that was Adolf Eichmann." There is a blip at 00:22:45 to 00:23:15, and the recording backtrack...

  17. Josef Kaufmann papers

    The papers consist of correspondence between Josef Kaufmann in Cairo, Egypt, and his paternal aunt, Thekla Kaufmann, who was interned in Camp de Gurs in France; an employment book ("Arbeitsbuch") issued to Thekla Kaufmann in 1937; and a vaccination certificate issued to Thekla Kaufmann in Camp de Gurs.

  18. Eichmann Trial -- Session 11 -- Israeli police interrogation of Eichmann

    Session 11. Court is not in session. Camera focuses on the prosecution as they discuss among themselves. The Judges enter and there is a blip at 00:04:13. An audio reel of Eichmann's pre-trial interrogation (in German) is being played. Following a blip at 00:06:43, the court translates the recording into Hebrew/English which discusses child deportation in 1942. During the interrogation, witness Avner Less presents Eichmann with a document concerning child transports. Eichmann's reponse is choppy, and he claims a faulty memory. District Attorney Gideon Hausner requests the tape be played fro...

  19. Eichmann Trial -- Session 92 -- Madagascar Plan

    Attorney General Gideon Hausner cross-examines Eichmann about the Madagascar Plan. The Madagascar Plan predated the Nazi period but was revived during the war. Under this plan, Europe's Jews were to be deported to the island of Madgascar, which belonged to the French. Hausner asks the accused what measures were taken towards promoting the plan (00:02:35). Eichmann testifies that it would have developed once a peace treaty with France was signed but that the treaty never happened so the plan was shelved. This is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2135 (01:04:23). The footage on Tape 2135 i...

  20. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 44 and 45 -- Red Cross report

    Witness Ernst Recht is sworn in and questioned by Bar-Or. Recht describes the concentration of the Jews into central locations in Prague and the confiscation of their house keys by authorities prior to their deportation. He describes the documentation and confiscation of the property from their homes to be sent to Germany. Recht refers to this as the "Kramer Operation." Recht describes his appointment to the Council of Elders and the Trusteeship Office in Prague and his contact with Guenther (00:07:26). He says that representatives from Berlin came to inspect confiscated carpets in 1943. Ba...