Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,421 to 14,440 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Selected records of the Deutsche Bank

    Includes individual files on hundreds of German companies. The records are organized by industrial sector and contain mainly public documents, such as company reports, stock offers, or invitations to board meetings. There are also many files referring specifically to the activities of the Deutsche Bank, including the personal correspondence of leading executives. Key sections also include the records of the legal department (Rechtsabteilung), the economic analysis department (Volkswirtschaftliche Abteilung), and the administrative office (Generalsekretariat). Another major section deals wit...

  2. Josef Broniatowski correspondence

    The Josef Broniatowski papers include two typewritten letters from Plauen, dated July 1938, documenting Broniatowski’s efforts to immigrate to the United States and two handwritten letters Broniatowski wrote from Częstochowa in November 1938 to his sons in the United States describing his family’s expulsion from Germany during the so-called Polenaktion and the news of Kristallnacht.

  3. Lea Strusman collection

    Contains a memoir, 45 pages, about Lea Strusman's Holocaust experiences in the Kovno Ghetto and the Stutthof concentration camp.

  4. Henri Wermus memoir

    Contains a memoir about Henri Wermus's childhood in Poland, his experiences with antisemitism in the Polish army, and the fate of Henri Wermus's family at the hands of the Nazis.

  5. Croisiere de l'Euxin

    Contains a photocopy of information about the ship, the Euxin, which traveled from Romania to Palestine.

  6. Warren Vogelstein papers

    Contains transcripts of Warren Vogelstein, chief interrogator and translator of Hermann Goering.

  7. The Exodus from Bergen Belsen

    Contains Wolfgang Lesser's account of his last days in the Bergen Belsen concentration camp.

  8. Meta Grunwald letter

    Contains a typewritten letter by Mr. Grunwald's late sister Meta in which she describes how they survived the Holocaust and the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands.

  9. Roman Neuberger history of Holocaust survivor 1941-

    Contains a memoir, 46 pages, entitled "Roman Neuberger: History of a Holocaust Survivor 1941--", by Roman Neuberger. The memoir describes his experiences in pre-war Lvov, in the Warsaw Ghetto, hiding as a Catholic in a Polish orphanage in Turkowice, and, after the war, in the Rothchild Spital displaced persons camp in Vienna. Includes copies of documents and photographs.

  10. Robert H. Harlan diary

    Robert H. Harlan was an American exchange student from the University of Chicago studying abroad during the academic year 1938-1939 at the Philipps-Universitat in Marburg, Germany. His diary was written between September 7, 1938 and November 14, 1938, in Germany and English, on pages of a date book and include his impressions of the treatment of Jews during Kristallnacht. In a separate typed document, Robert recorded these same events in greater detail after he returned from Germany. The typed chronology details Robert's ten-day visit to the home of German Jews Bruno (1880-1957) and Frida S...

  11. Robert K. Wagemann photographs

    Contains three black and white photographs of Robert K. Wagemann, a survivor of the T4 program.

  12. Tabachnik family papers

    Contains a document about the Holocaust related deaths of the family of Joseph Tabachnik who were killed in Zhytomyr, Ukraine.

  13. Episodes of the life of a concentration camp survivor

    Contains a memoir, 17 pages, translated by Kurt F. Neulinger about Honza Sladky's experiences in Theresienstadt.

  14. Deutschland Erwache scrapbook

    Contains widely distributed photographs of Nazi party rallies of Hitler Jugend.

  15. Joseph Wajsblat collection

    Contains five black and white family photographs, eleven copies of family photographs, and poems and songs written and sung in Yiddish by Yenkel Herzkowitz in the Łódź Ghetto and Auschwitz concentration camp.

  16. Harriet Postman correspondence

    The Harriet Postman correspondence documents Postman's unsuccessful efforts to assist Flora Hochsinger's immigration to the United States from Vienna. Letters include correspondence between Flora Hochsinger and Harriet Postman as well as between Postman and relatives, friends, and aid agencies Postman contacted for help, such as the Boston Committee for Refugees, B'nai Brith, and Eleanor Roosevelt.

  17. Samson family collection

    The Samson family collection contains correspondence between Esther Fluck, in Cheltenham, England, and her mother and sister, Amelia Samson and Marie Samson-Blik, while the latter were living in the Netherlands during the German occupation. The correspondence is mainly in the form of letters sent via the Red Cross, and cover the period between 1940 and 1944. Other correspondence includes letters from the British Foreign Office to Esther, dating from 1964-1966, and giving her instructions on how to collect reparations for the death of her mother at Bergen Belsen. The Samson family collection...

  18. Vera Nussenbaum papers

    The Vera Nussenbaum papers include biographical materials and correspondence documenting Vera Nussenbaum’s travel to England on a Kindertransport, her family’s efforts to emigrate, her uncle’s death in Sachsenhausen, and her mother, aunt, and grandmother’s deportation to Riga. The materials in this collection refer to Vera Lichawski, using the last name of Nusenbaum’s mother’s second husband. Biographical materials include a vaccination certificate, birth certificate, and questionnaire for the accommodation of foreign children for Vera Lichawski. The letters dating from 1938‐1940 are from V...

  19. Rosenbaum family papers

    The Rosenbaum family papers consist of correspondence and documents related to the attempts of Ernst Rosenbaum, who immigrated to England in 1936, to bring his family, one by one, from Germany in 1938-1939. Includes correspondence with family members and immigration officials, testimony regarding Kristallnacht, and a preprinted postcard sent from Theresienstadt (Terezin) in 1944 sent to one of the Rosenbaum's cousins. Also includes an autograph album with entries mainly dating 1906-1908 but also an entry written by Eva Rosenbaum prior to joining her father in England. Includes information r...

  20. Natan Pompis papers

    Contains 109 letters, 1 notarized affidavit, 3 black and white photo prints, cleared checks and money orders, C.A.R.E. food package receipts, and registered mail receipts. American citizen and California resident Kalmen Klein and his wife, Lillian helped their relative, Bergen-Belsen survivor Natan Pompis and his family to leave Europe, travel to Bolivia, and in 1953 to immigrate the United States. The letters sent by Natan Pompis, and the financial support provided by the Kleins document the story of Natan Pompis's 8-year quest to come to the United States.