Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,401 to 1,420 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Documentation of the municipal administration concerning the Jewish population in ghetto Brest, 1941-1944

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 12790985
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1941-1944
    • Correspondence Declaration Instruction Letter List of craftspeople List of forced laborers List of Jewish physicians List of Jewish residents Official documentation Order Survey report

    Documentation of the municipal administration concerning the Jewish population in ghetto Brest, 1941-1944 Included in the collection: - Documentation, orders and instructions of the commander of the municipal administration, regarding Jewish forced laborers and bans and restrictions related to the Jews in Brest; - Letters sent by the Judenrat to the commander of the municipal administration; - Lists of names of Jews and lists of Jewish married men from Brest; - Reports regarding the supply of food and food rations for Jews; - Lists of Jews who received food ration cards; - Lists of Jewish p...

  2. Documentation of the rural administrations in the Sumy region, 1941-1943

    Documentation of the rural administrations in the Sumy region, 1941-1943

  3. Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Vinnitsa region, 1944

    Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Vinnitsa region, 1944 The collection includes documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Vinnitsa region, June-November 1944, and includes documents, testimonies and survey reports regarding the murder of Jews during the German occupation. The documentation includes statistical reports, arranged according to the districts of the Vinnitsa region; information regarding the mass murder of the Jews of Vinnitsa, including the dates, methods of murder and the murder sites; number of people murdered, and numbe...

  4. Documentation of Soviet judicial institutions, 1941 - 1942

  5. Documentation of the Oberfinanzpraesident Karlsbad, from the Saechsisches Hauptstaatsarchiv (Saxon State Archive) in Dresden

    Documentation of the Oberfinanzpraesident Karlsbad, from the Saechsisches Hauptstaatsarchiv (Saxon State Archive) in Dresden Following the annexation of the Sudeten region to Germany in 1938, the Saxon State was responsible for the establishment and manning of German governmental institutions in the region. In this context, the Oberfinanzpraesident Karlsbad (regional finance office in Karlsbad) was established on 01/09/1939; it was responsible to the Regierungsbezirke of the Aussig and Eger (regions) in the Sudeten region. Being that the institution was included among the Saxon State govern...

  6. Various lists of the Jews in Italy mainly during the period of World War II

    Various lists of the Jews in Italy mainly during the period of World War II - List of last names used by the Jews in the past and currently, compiled for racial research; the date of issue is unknown; - Lists of names of those who declared themselves to be Jewish, 1938-1942; - Lists of names compiled for detention purposes, 1943-1944; - Lists of deportees, 1943-1945; - Lists of those arrested, 1943-1944; - Lists of those who perished, gathered 1945-1953; - Lists of those submitting reparation claims for the events of the war, dated 1968.

  7. Documentation of the Council and the Executive committee of the city of Baranovici, 1945-1947

    Documentation of the Council and the Executive committee of the city of Baranovici, 1945-1947 Included in the collection is a list of residents of Baranichi who were murdered during 1941-1944, and protocols and decisions of the Executive committee, 1947.

  8. Lists of residents of Brest, 1940-1941

    Lists of residents of Brest, 1940-1941

  9. M.79 - Documentation of the Jewish community of Luxembourg regarding the persecution of Luxembourg Jews during the Holocaust, 1932-1990

    M.79 - Documentation of the Jewish community of Luxembourg regarding the persecution of Luxembourg Jews during the Holocaust, 1932-1990 The files extend from 1932 to 1990, but the core period is 1940 to 1947. The documentation deals with Jewish daily life under the German occupation: - Confiscations; - The yellow badge and marking of Jewish houses; - Compulsory addition of first names; - Restrictions on mobility; - Deportations to ghettos and extermination camps, including lists and orders, and expulsion to France; - Looted Jewish property, as well as Aryanization and liquidation of Jewish ...

  10. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Kiryat Anavim

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Kiryat Anavim Testimonies/ experiences/ memoirs: 1. Mordechai Dror; 2. Henia Vasiak; 3. Zvi Nieviadomski; 4. Chaim Naftali; 5. Rachel Philip; 6. Shlomo Philip; 7. Arnold Kerner;; 8. Aliza Shushan; 9. Arieh Spiegel.

  11. Documentation of the administration of the Stanislav district, 1941-1942

    Documentation of the administration of the Stanislav district, 1941-1942 Included in the collection are lists of disabled people and orphans, and a form with instructions for the filling out of personal details.

  12. Collection of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (AJDC), 1935-1944

    Collection of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (AJDC), 1935-1944 Documentation regarding help given by American Jews to Jews in Europe including financial support to refugees, acting as agents to obtain visas and immigration certificates from governments in Europe, help in obtaining consular services and in emigrating from Europe.

  13. Official documentation, memoirs and letters from the Holocaust Period collected by the Museum "Jews in Latvia"

    Official documentation, memoirs and letters from the Holocaust Period collected by the Museum "Jews in Latvia" The Collection includes letters from Red Army soldiers sent from the front during 1941-1945, and memoirs of former Soviet prisoners regarding Salaspils, Kaiserwald and Stutthof camps; testimonies and memoirs regarding the Riga Ghetto life and Salaspils camp life; excerpts from Latvian newspapers, from the 1990s, regarding the murder of the Jews of Latvia and the perpetuation of the memory of the murdered Jews of Latvia; diagram of the large Riga Ghetto and the small Riga Ghetto, an...

  14. O.64.2/SCH - The Zeev Scheck Collection

    O.64.2/SCH - The Zeev Scheck Collection Provenance of the Collection: Born in Olomouc (Czechoslovakia) in 1920, Zeev (Wilhelm) Sheck was active in the Maccabi Hatzair youth movement, and worked as a Hebrew teacher in Prague. On 19 November 1943, he was deported to the Theresienstadt Ghetto, and from there to concentration camps. He was liberated in the spring of 1945 and he returned to Prague. Zeev Sheck founded and directed Dokumentační Akcee (The Prague Documentation Project). The Project documented the fate of the Jews of Bohemia and Moravia during the Holocaust, and [concentrated] mainl...

  15. O.5 - אוסף ט. פרידמן, וינה

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 4019590
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1934-1953
    • Legal documentation Names of perpetrators Official documentation Questionnaire Record of persecuted persons Record of survivors Statistical data Survey report Testimony

    The "Juedische Historische Dokumentation", founded by Tuvia Friedman in mid 1946 in Vienna, collected a large quantity of material over a number of years for use in the prosecution of Nazi war criminals. The institution was transferred to Haifa after 1948. The record group includes eye witness testimony, survivors statements and correspondence.

  16. Documentation regarding the Jewish community in Athens, Greece

    Documentation regarding the Jewish community in Athens, Greece Included in the collection are community registration documents; regulations of the Jewish community of Athens; regulations of the community's Rabbinical Court, minutes of Rabbinical Court sessions, Rabbinical Court decisions, marriage contracts and divorces filed at the Rabbinical Court, and related documents; financial documentation of the Jewish community of Athens, as well as documentation regarding religious education at Jewish community schools and the teaching of Judaism at Jewish secular schools; Also included in the col...

  17. Documentation of the Jewish Cooperative Bank in Tallinn, 1930 - 1941

  18. החלטות על הכרה במוות (Todeserklaerungen) של קרבנות יהודיים של בית משפט השלום (Amtsgericht) ב-Kamen (ווסטפליה)

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 12424829
    • English, Hebrew
    • Legal documentation Official documentation Personal documents Record of deportees Record of murdered persons Record of persecuted persons Record of survivors

    Decisions regarding the Todeserklaerungen (Declaration of Death) of Jewish victims, given in Courts of Law in Westphalia In the Collection are files including applications to Courts of Law in Westphalia for the recognition of death of local Jews who were deported to the East by the Nazis, and for whom no official Declaration of Death had been given. These applications (requests) were submitted in most part by the relatives of those who had perished, [and] who requested to receive claims for compensation from Germany. The files include the applications including details regarding those who p...

  19. Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Krynki, 1940-1941

    Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Krynki, 1940-1941 The Collection includes documentation of the District Committee; list of workers in Krynki; list of Communists in the District.

  20. M.40.RCM - Documentation from the Russian State Archive for Social and Political History, 1941-1948

    M.40.RCM - Documentation from the Russian State Archive for Social and Political History, 1941-1948 In the collection there is documentation regarding the administration of the Central Committee of the Communist party (Tsk VKP(b)-Tsentralny Komitet Vsesoyuznoy Kommunisticheskoy Partii Bolshevikov), including information, official correspondence and reports regarding partisan and underground activity in the occupied areas of the Soviet Union, 1941-1944, lists of Jewish partisans and Red Army soldiers, lists of the Jews from Hungary who served in Hungarian Army forced labor battalions and wer...