1251 GGG: January 23, 1946. Russian Newsreel. Moscow, Russia. Members of the Polish government with Russian ministers (Molotov, Bulanin, Vishinsky, Osubka-Moravsky, Gomulka, Sir Kerr, etc.). Warsaw rebuilds, brigades of volunteers. 1251 HHH: 01:26:24 Russian Newsreel. Moscow, Russia. Yugoslsav President Marshal Josip Broz Tito with Russian Minister Molotov. Marshall Tito visits Lenin's Mausoleum, takes a boat ride at Volga Canal. 01:30:38 Bucharest, Romania. Trial of Romanian war criminals: ex-Marshall Ion Antonescu, General Alexianu, ex-chief of Police Vasiliv, etc. Reconstruction of Dneip...