Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,981 to 14,000 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Surrendered German soldiers; DPs; Liberation in Prague and Pilsen

    Displaced and surrendered German soldiers camping in a field at the time of liberation in early May 1945. Pan from road, column of surrendered troops resting. DPs washing up in a stream, traffic moving in BG. Pan from clothing to men redressing. CU, German officers. VCU, elderly German officer. MS crowds of German civilians in field -- they were picked up by American troops and are families of Nazi prisoners in Czechoslovakia. CU, crowd standing around. Approaching water truck. MS, standing in line for bread. CU, German woman and baby. CU, elder Germans. MS, American GI frisking Nazi soldie...

  2. The Striker, September 1941, 19th year 1941 Der Stürmer (Nuremberg, Germany) [Newspaper]

    Issue of Der Stürmer, a viciously anti-Jewish newspaper published by Julius Streicher, an early Nazi Party member, from 1923-1945 in Germany. The newspaper's slogan was "Die Juden sind unser Unglück!" [The Jews are our misfortune]. The paper thrived on scandal, and preferred sensational stories of Jews committing disgusting, evil acts. It was also infamous for its antisemitic cartoons and staff cartoonist Fips. Streicher was arrested by the US Army in May 1945. He was tried by the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, convicted, and executed per the ruling that his repeated articles...

  3. March of Time -- outtakes -- Execution of Nazis; Eleanor Roosevelt

    1251 AA: Five Germans hung, November 10, 1945. Germans on the gallows. Hung Germans placed into coffins. Hanging of Johann Opper, Friedrich, Josef Hartgen (kissing the cross), hood placed over head. 1251 QQ: 01:12:05 (sound in English): Eleanor Roosevelt reading a statement about World War II victories, during a conference in Quebec, Canada. Reception, receiving line for Eleanor Roosevelt.

  4. Berchtesgaden at liberation - 101st Airborne Division; Goering's art collection moved

    Adolf Hitler's 'Berghof' home in Berchtesgaden; 101st Airborne Division recovers Hermann Goering's collection of art looted from occupied Europe. White flags in windows in Munich. Bomb damage of Hitler's house and retreat at Berchtesgaden. Snow on mountains, seen through main window. INT, bomb damaged room. Guard outside entrance, seen through underground passage. Jeep entering main entrance; guard saluting; Gen. Albert Kesselring and aides enter sun porch, sitting at table, talking. Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor and Col. Ned D. Moore of the 101st Airborne Division leave building and meet Col. Cha...

  5. DP camps

    Notes taken from NCJF documentation: The film provides a rare look inside DP camps, the crowded living conditions, the lack of activity, the new generation born in the camps, and the attempt at creating some normalcy under difficult conditions. Smiling children eating. Training dentists, lab technicians. People arriving at unidentified DP camp, waiting in line, loading belongings onto truck, truck leaves, people waving. Long lines of people, uniformed man directs traffic. People waiting, some sitting on suitcases, another truck pulls up, people get on with belongings. Buildings in BG. Train...

  6. Bible

  7. Book

  8. Dog tag identification issued to a Jewish medical officer, 2nd Polish Corps

    Dog tag with his name, birth date and place, and blood type issued to Dr. Edmund Lusthaus, a medical officer in the 2nd Polish Corps, a unit of the British Armed Forces during World War II. Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, and seventeen days later, the Soviet Army invaded from the east. Lusthaus was captured and taken to a camp for Polish prisoners of war in Novosibirsk, Siberia, where he served as a physician. When Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941, Polish POWs were released to join the fighting. Lusthaus joined the volunteer Polish Army of the East, known as Anders Army...

  9. Dr. Maxwell O. Johnson papers

    Contains photographs, newspaper clippings and a book entitled "The 'Dora'-Nordhausen War Crimes Trial," likely related to Maxwell Orme Johnson's experiences as a staff member of the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg. Most photos and some articles are on scrapbook pages.

  10. Book

  11. Book

  12. St. Louis, refugees

    The JDC produced this film to record what it thought would be a successful effort to save over 900 Jews, including 200 children, by sailing them from Nazi Germany to Cuba on the ship the St. Louis in 1939. When Cuba refused to allow the passengers to land, the ship sailed to the Miami area where the U.S. government also barred the refugees' entrance. The St. Louis languished in the waters around Cuba while the JDC searched for countries to accept the refugees. Finally, some European countries accepted the refugees and the St. Louis returned to Europe. Tragically, many of the refugees ended ...

  13. VE Day in Paris; postwar Germany - destruction; Moosburg

    US GIs swimming in fountain in Paris on VE day, civilians watching in FG. Crowds in cars, on streets of Paris. Place de la Concorde - traffic, crowds. Arc de Triomphe, flying British, French, Russian, and US flags. 01:13:09 From airplane: flying over countryside, wrecked German towns, bombed bridges, river barges. Flying over Moosburg prison camp in Germany, showing barracks, other camp buildings.

  14. American opposition to Nazi Regime

    America Condemns Nazi Terrorism Roosevelt Protests; Envoy to Return; Leaders Speak.

  15. Zeppelin in Berlin

    Aerial shots of zeppelin in Berlin. Cathedral spires in BG. CUs, zeppelin with swastika. Nazi flag waving in FG. Olympic flag with rings. Brief shot of reflection on automobile headlight.

  16. US Army liberation of concentration camps

    A film produced by the US Information Agency, Paris, France and the US Army. It tells the story of American soldiers and the liberation of Europe's concentration camps through compilations of footage shot by the US Army upon liberation of the camps. Narration from POV of an American soldier.

  17. Pin issued to members of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Jewish War Veterans for service during World War II

  18. March of Time -- outtakes -- air raid rehearsal; Prague

    Air raid rehearsal in Prague (see Story 2157, Film ID 2246 for similar footage, although this sequence may be longer). German Army Day, Sham Battle and Air Force (with sound). 01:17:06 Runciman visits Prague. 01:17:16 Sokol Festival? Stadium performance in Prague.

  19. Fred Davidowitz papers

    The papers consist of 14 photographs depicting Fred Davidowitz as a baby, his parents, and other refugees in the displaced persons camp in Bamberg, Germany, after the World War II as well as documents relating to the birth of Feri Davidowitsch (later Fred Davidowitz).