Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,041 to 13,060 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Kan family travels to and from New York by ship

    Color. "Transatlantique - Linea Frances" and title: "Le Havre - Southampton - New York - Depart du Mercredi 15 Fevrier." New York City. Camera pans up and down showing city streets and skyscrapers (shot from the top of a building). 01:08:36 Man, woman (Jeanne?), and young boy walk towards the camera - it appears the cameraman knows them although they are unidentified. More scenic shots of New York from street level. 01:09:46 Bridge from inside a car, shots of Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge (driving on Manhattan Bridge?) New York from street level. Camera pans up to buildings. 01:11:07 Po...

  2. Goebbels at book exhibition in Weimar

    Book fair in Weimar. Banner hanging at fairgrounds, "Die Zeit lebt im Buch" CUs books, Goebbels looking at books/various exhibits, speaking: "The German book is in the hand of all Germans." Sequence of shots of people and children reading on park benches, in library, at open air bookstalls, etc. Narration promotes reading and education.

  3. Jewish family visits Paris

    Paris. People look at books or journals and artwork being sold by vendors along the street. Camera pans left on buildings lining the Seine River. Cars drive across the bridge. Camera tilts down onthe Fontaine du Palmier with a statute of victory standing at the top of the column. Paris streets with cars. A cat sits on a stone wall along the Seine. A French flag flies behind. Camera pans left on a Paris street. View from a bridge on the Seine. Four military men in long black coats and white feather hats walk through the street. Notre Dame with scaffolding along its front. A street sign reads...

  4. War Crimes Trials: film used as evidence in Ministries' Case (#11)

    Case XI, Ministries-Keppler, "German Entry into Austria." "The Return to Berlin." Crowds in Berlin await return of Hitler from Austria. Banners fly and flags are thrown to the crowd. Hitler's plane arrives. He gets out, shakes hands with Goebbels. His car rides in state through crowded streets, people saluting and waving flags. A child gives Hitler a flower. He marches by lines of soldiers. One hundred thousand people gather in square. Hitler appears on a balcony with Goering. Police try to hold back hysterical crowds. Amassed close together, the crowd sways singing a song. Hitler appears a...

  5. Michele Sabatello papers

    The collection consists of false identity cards belonging to Renate Piperno and Fausto Sabatello; letters and notes written by Michele Sabatello in the Fossoli concentration camp; a document excluding a representative of a cheese factory from work; a document from the Archbishop of Florence; a document from Massalombarda SA; an identity pass permit for work along with a photograph for Pietro Ansuinelli (a false identity of Fausto Sabatello); a ration card for bread and soup; and an announcement by Fausto Sabatello, searching for his brother Michele Sabatello.

  6. Günther Rabau and Hildegard Frenkel collection

    Consists of a marriage contract, dated 19 February 1946 in Shanghai, China, between Günther Rabau and Hildegard Frenkel; a certificate of divorce, dated 22 January 1946, issued by the Jüdische Gemeinde, Shanghai; documents relating to the adoption of Benjamin Rene Frenkel; one Deutsche Reisepass, dated 23 February 1939, for Günther Rabau; an identity card, dated 29 March 1934, for Günther Rabau; four photographs; and three miscellaneous documents, including a certificate of immigration.

  7. Fred Witt papers

    Consists of photographs, newspaper clippings, phonograph recordings and sheet music, and miscellaneous documents relating to musical composer Fred Witt (formerly Witkowski), the donor's uncle.

  8. John Howell collection

    Consists of an album of photographs of signage excluding Jews from various locations.

  9. Peter Flusser collection

    Consists of an album containing 49 attached photographss and three additional photographs from Shanghai, China.

  10. Harry Katz collection

    Consists of one small photo album, the cover embroidered with dragons and the name of Shanghai, China; one Haggadah given by the Jewish Community in Shanghai to the donor for his bar mitzvah, 1946; three ship menus for the S.S. President Wilson, 1949; and three documents.

  11. Heimer family papers

    The Heimer family papers consist of biographical materials, correspondence, and photographs documenting the Heimer family from Vienna, Henry and Ralph Heimer’s immigration to the United States in 1938, their parents’ relocation to Brno and efforts to emigrate, and return trips to Austria and Czechoslovakia by one of the brothers in the late 1960s. Biographical materials include Henry Heimer’s bicycle touring club membership card, Austrian passport, calling cards, university student identification card and registration booklet, tax clearance certificate, and immigrant identification card (ph...

  12. Justizbehörden ausserhalb des Gebiets der BRD (R 137 V)

    Collection contains the arrival and departure books, a book on issuance of food, and information on incarcerated prisoners under Polish punishment regulations ("Polenstrafrecht") at the "Stammlager" Sosnowitz (region Kattowitz).

  13. Reading judgment at Nuremberg Trial

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. Defendants stand and talk to one another (this part is mute). Justice Henri de Vabres (French) reading portion of the judgment. MLS, Chief Prosecutor de Ribes (French) at prosecution table. Pan of other prosecutors. HS, MS, CU, Justice Robert Falco (French) continues with the judgment. Pan of courtroom as people file out. MS, Justice Francis Biddle (US) mentions Stimson's invoking Kellogg Briand Pact, outlawing war as an instrument of policy, etc.

  14. Hitler and Nazi elite on airplane, greeting SA

    Hitler and Nazi elite on airplane. CUs, pilot Baur. Hitler reading on plane. Greeting SA troops. Loading airplane. Boy greets Hitler with flowers. German intertitles: Selbst im Flugzeug ist der Geburstagstisch gesschmueckt Sein bewaehcter Pilot ist Flugkapitaen Baur Das Geburtstags gesschenk der SA Die Kleine Gratulantin will die Bluemen nicht hergeben

  15. Verdoner baby

    Baby- Francisca Verdoner Kan - bathing, dressing, in crib, etc. Scenes with mother or nursemaid. Scenes with sister Yoka, father and grandfather.

  16. Leon Trotsky

    Hollywood, California. Dedication of "Park Row." EXT, day, Fox Studio. LS, William H. Hays and onlookers at "Park Row," new home to Fox writers and directors. LS, unveiling table. LS, Tom Mix speaking. LS, Leon Trotsky? speaking in Russian. LS, Madge Bellamy welcoming writers. Various others congratulating, speaking, crowd milling about "Park Row."

  17. Papers of Bogdan Filov (Fond 456)

    Contains a diary, a notebook of income and expenses, and correspondence of Bogdan Filov.

  18. Regional Organization of the Bulgarian Communist Party, Plovdiv records (Fond16)

    Contains mainly letters, appeals, and telegrams sent to the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party. Records relate to the international and internal situation. Includes an appeal of the Jewish communists in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, to Jewish workers to boycott forthcoming elections for the synagogue administration and to fight against chauvinism and religious prejudices.

  19. Gregory Frydman collection

    The collection consists of various certificates and official documents regarding Grzegorz Frydman, originally of Warsaw, Poland, his life in Leninabad, Tajikistan, during the war, and his wife, Gusta Wincygster Frydman's emigration to the United States. Includes an Allied travel permit, immigration documentation, and a translation from Polish to English, of his law degree.

  20. Joanna Senior Tybora collection

    Consists of photographs and documents regarding Edward and Josefa Josette Senior, originally of Moscow, including postcards and a letter written by Edward Senior from Stalags XX and XI, postcards sent from Josefa to her husband, Edward, in Stalag XX, obituaries for Henryk Senior, a birth certificate for Henryk, and family photographs. The collection also includes a book written by Stanislaw Wyspianski which includes signatures of school-friends of Dora Senior, who evidently attended a private Jewish high school in Warsaw