Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,021 to 13,040 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Book

    Hard cover copy of the book, Slaughterhouse-Five, by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. published 1969. In response to the burning of copies of this book, Vonnegut wrote to the chairman of the Drake School Board, "Books are sacred to free men for very good reasons...Wars have been fought against nations which hate books and burn them"

  2. Book

  3. German educational film: Alfred Wegener and The Greenland Expedition

    This is part three of a three part film of which USHMM has all three parts. (Film IDs 2587, 2591, and 2602). Footage of Alfred Wegener and his crew during his expedition of Greenland. With German intertitles. VS of crew, dogs, and sleds, travelling across and charting this seemingly endless frozen tundra. INTs, igloos, equipment, dogs, snow, crew. Wegener died on this fourth of his Greenland expeditions, and there is footage of his grave site on this reel, marked by a large wooden cross. The film ends with an epithet to Wegener.

  4. Dinu Hervian collection

    Consists of newspaper clippings of published articles and unpublished manuscripts written by Dinu Hervian (David Herscovici), a Romanian Jew who was a writer and editor. The articles were written between 1930-1949 and include those written under Mr. Hervian's pen names: Spiru, Ion Sfetcu, Cristian Tudor, and Daniel Hamer.

  5. Photographic postcard

    Photographic postcard: black and white image of a man (Szmuel (Sam) Szkop) wearing military uniform; verso, "Carte Postale/ Correspondance Adresse." Szmuel Szkop died in 1942.

  6. Joseph Titlebaum collection

    Consists of six black and white photographs depicting Ohrdruf concentration camp immediately following liberation; all are captioned "Ohrdruf" on verso, dated April 1945.

  7. Employment references

    Two documents that served as references for a maid. One is typewritten on company letterhead from Elektro-Reparatur-Werke; dated January 31,1926 and the other is a handwritten note dated 1925.

  8. Peter Klappert collection

    Group of scrapbooks containing photographs taken and assembled by Herman Emil Klappert (donor's father) during the Nuremberg Trial, as well as photographs used as evidence. Group of stereoscopic slides depicitng Hitler, taken by Heinrich Hoffman and given to Mr. Klappert. Collection also includes IMT indictment and miscellaneous notes and newspaper clippings.

  9. Chana Waserman collection

    Consists of a letter, dated 4 December 1944, written on pre-printed concentration camp stationery by Chil Laks (donor's husband) in Buchenwald concentration camp to Chana Laks (donor).

  10. Two-sided crayon drawing of a girl wearing a cross created by a young girl living in hiding

    Double-sided drawing made by Betty Julia Ensel while she was living under an assumed identity in the Netherlands. One side depicts a girl in a dress wearing a cross; the drawing on the opposite side portrays 6 girls. When Germany occupied the Netherlands in May 1940, three year old Julia lived in Amsterdam with her parents, Rose Marie Schink, who was not Jewish, and Guy Weinberg, who was Jewish. Rose Marie hid twelve Jews in the attic of her house in Blaricum and was in contact with the Dutch resistance movement. Julia attended school under her mother's maiden name in order to avoid suspici...

  11. German regulations announcements

    Collection of three German announcements titled: "Verordnungsblatt für das Generalgouvernement," Nr. 94; "Verordnungsblatt für das Generalgouvernement," Nr. 98; "Mitteilungen des Stadthauptmanns der Stadt Krakau," Nr. 15.

  12. Photograph of Zionist group in Kanczuga, Poland

    The photograph depicts Faiga Rosenbluth and a group of unidentified girlfriends from a Zionist youth group in Kanczuga, Poland in 1936. Of the eleven girls photographed, only Faiga Rosenbluth survived the Holocaust.

  13. Magdalena Moskowitz papers

    Consists of documents, correspondence, and photographs related to the Holocaust-era experiences of Magdalena Eisler Moskowitz, who immigrated to the United States in 1937, and her family in Mukacevo, Hungary (Mukachevo, Ukraine). Includes documents, family photographs, and correspondence between Magdalena and her family in Mukacevo. Also included in the collection are two large albums with pasted parchment from tefillin and mezuzot scrolls.

  14. March of Time: refugees

    Info from the MOT story card: Even more horrible than the fate of fugitives from war is the lot of the ever increasing army of fugitives from Nazi terror. Not just Jews, but all who do not agree with Nazi doctrines are victims. Those who escape the concentration camp are hounded from land to land by Hitler's machinations. But his very tactics were to unite the democracies in protest, and in affirmation of the doctrines of liberty. Destroying books and music at 12:09:54:09.

  15. Putnam County Defense Council poster

  16. Stara Gradiska - Camp No. 5 of Jasenovac

    Stamped Ustasha U symbol insignia with checkerboard symbol of Croatia over a still image of a watchtower at Stara Gradiska camp - "Kula Smrti Stara Gardiska; logor br.V." ["Tower of Death: Stara Gradiska, Camp Number 5]. Gathering of people. "Zrtvama Fasizma 1941-45". Flowers left in memory. Military marching, tanks, cars, horses. Ustasha raids village. Photos of bodies, military, mass graves. 01:03:00 People walking through village, children, horses and carts. 01:03:46 Loading people onto trains to go to camps. 01:04:58 Woman and child, birds nest, derelict houses. 01:05:47 The camp as it ...

  17. Verdoner family at the beach

    VS, Yoka frolicking in the water at the beach. Yoka playing with her mother in the water, as well as a man (relative or friend?). VS, Yoka and her father, Gerrit, she is on his shoulders and they are running around the beach. VS, sunbathing, collecting shells, eating ice cream, walking along the water's edge.

  18. settlement of US

    "United States," an AKS production, January 23, 1946. (This is a portion of G I Weekly 108) VS, poor people and children in Europe. LS, ship of Mayflower class. VS, settlers clearing land for farming. LS, British troops marching into village with colonists watching. CU, handbills of new taxes, decrees, etc. VS, colonists assembling and marching through woods and along roads. VS, battles between British troops and colonists. CU, Declaration of Independence. LS, Gen. Washington at head of column of soldiers enters town. VS, Blacks picking cotton by hand. VS, cotton weaving and spinning machines.