Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,241 to 1,260 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Documentation created by the Romanian Military Cabinet, photocopied from the Osoby Archives in Moscow

    Documentation created by the Romanian Military Cabinet, photocopied from the Osoby Archives in Moscow

  2. Documentation of the Verband der österreichen Zionisten (League of Austrian Zionists) in Vienna, 1936-1937

    Documentation of the Verband der österreichen Zionisten (League of Austrian Zionists) in Vienna, 1936-1937 The collection includes publicity (placards and leaflets) and correspondence of the Verband der österreichen Zionisten, which was the Austrian branch of the Revisionist Movement, and of accompanying organizations, such as the Brit HaKanaim Youth Federation; the correspondence was with the Austrian authorities, the Jewish community in Vienna and with Jewish and Zionist organizations. Among other items in the collection, there is correspondence with the police regarding permission to hol...

  3. Documentation of the comittees of the Communist party in the Brest region, 1939-1941 and 1944-1947

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 12791262
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1944-1947
    • List of candidates List of Communists List of lecturers List of managers List of propagandists Official documentation Protocol Questionnaire

    Documentation of the Soviet authorities in the Brest region, 1939-1941 and 1944-1947 Included in the collection: - Personal cards of Jewish Communists, 1940-1941; - Appeals to the [Communist] Party authorities by residents of Kobrin; - Protocols of the regional committee of the Party; - List of jurors in the regional Court of Law in Brest, 1941; - List of Communists from Brest and the Brest region; - Documentation of Jews, regarding their acceptance to the Communist Party, 1940-1941; - Documentation of the Communist Party district committees; - Lists of propagandists and Soviet activists; -...

  4. Documentation from the Landratsamt St. Ingbert (St. Ingbert district authority) in the Saar region, 1900-1955

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 11662093
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1900-1955
    • Financial accounts List of Jewish residents Newspaper Official documentation Orders Questionnaire Record of deportees Record of murdered persons Record of persecuted persons Record of survivors Survey report

    Documentation from the Landratsamt St. Ingbert (St. Ingbert district authority) in the Saar region

  5. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Heftziba

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Heftziba Testimonies/ interviews: 1. Ilana Aviel; 2. Shmuel Shfudi Almog; 3. Pnina Gavish; 4. David Fuchs; 5. Moshe Felsenstein; 6. Sara Felsenstein; 7. Hinda Chapnik; 8. Moshe Chapnik; 9. Zila Sharon; Eulogy: Edmund Meir; Yechezkel Grinbaum; Articles: 1. Moshe Felsenstein, "Pages from the past: 30 years since our aliya ("Bederech" group - "Babayit" ["On the way" group - "At home"], "Bakibbutz", 02/07/1976; 2. Sara Felsenstein, "The woman wh...

  6. P.23 - Lucie Begov Collection: Correspondence and newspaper clippings regarding Jewish life and antisemitism in Austria, 1927-1960

    P.23 - Lucie Begov Collection: Correspondence and newspaper clippings regarding Jewish life and antisemitism in Austria, 1927-1960

  7. Collection of Riga House Committee books

    Collection of Riga House Committee books In the collection there are House Committee books arranged by street.

  8. M. 57-Kulturbund der Juden in Deutschland (the Cultural Organization of German Jewry)

    M. 57-Kulturbund der Juden in Deutschland (the Cultural Organization of German Jewry) History of the Organization Following the Nazi rise to power in 1933, the Jews were forbidden to attend cultural performances or to be employed in cultural institutions in Germany. Kurt Singer, the Director of the Berlin Municipal Opera (who was dismissed in 1933 because he was Jewish), decided to set up an alternate Jewish organization with the goal of arranging cultural activities for Jews. The new organization was also meant to solve the unemployment problem of the Jewish artists and workers who had bee...

  9. Documentation regarding the Jewish community of Leipzig

    Documentation regarding the Jewish community of Leipzig Card files of members of the community: Card file of members of the community in 1935 (the main part of the collection), card file of deportees, and card file of members of the community after the war.

  10. Collection of Het Comité voor Bijzondere Joodsche Belangen - The Committee for Special Jewish Interests in the Netherlands, 1933-1939

    Collection of Het Comité voor Bijzondere Joodsche Belangen - The Committee for Special Jewish Interests in the Netherlands, 1933-1939 Het Comité voor Bijzondere Joodsche Belangen – The Committee for Special Jewish Interests in the Netherlands was established in the Netherlands in 1933, in order to promote the matters of the Jews in the Netherlands; David Cohen and Abraham Asscher stood at its head; following the influx of Jewish refugees who arrived to the Netherlands shortly thereafter, a sub-committee named the Het Comité voor Joodsche Vluchtelingen was established; Included in the collec...

  11. Documentation from the Preussische Bau und Finanzdirektion in Berlin, 1933-1943

    Documentation from the Preussische Bau und Finanzdirektion in Berlin, 1933-1943 Following the dissolution of the regional government in Berlin by the Prussian State in 1821, the Ministerial Militaer und Baukommission was established, which fulfilled the functions of the regional government in the Prussian State for the city. These functions included the administration of military matters, the construction of public works, the administration of state lands, and other similar functions. Following the end of World War I, the military functions were cancelled; despite this, however, financial m...

  12. Documentation of the Committee for State Security (KGB), regarding residents who returned from German captivity in the Mogilev region, 1942-1945

    Documentation of the Committee for State Security (KGB), regarding residents who returned from German captivity in the Mogilev region, 1942-1945 Included in the collection are investigations [interrogations] of Soviet residents who returned from German captivity.

  13. Documentation of the Credit Union Bank in Tallinn, 1934 - 1940

  14. Documentation from the mayor's office in Grodno, 1941-1944

    Documentation from the mayor's office in Grodno, 1941-1944 The Collection contains reports of the situation in the city of Grodno under the German regime, clarifications and instruction by the mayor regarding the use of the city's budget, correspondence between the Judenrat and City Hall, a list of Jewish workers in the Construction Department of the Grodno municipality and budget estimates for the Jewish workers' salaries.

  15. Collection of passports of Jews, submitted to the prefecture of the city of Riga, Latvia during 1919-1940

    Collection of passports of Jews, submitted to the prefecture of the city of Riga, Latvia during 1919-1940 The passports were submitted to the local authorities for the purpose of renewal or for receipt of Latvian citizenship; the passports contain personal information, including passport photos of the Jews.

  16. Documentation of the municipal branch of the (Nationalsozialistische Frauenschaft) National Socialist Women's League in Grodno, 1943-1944

    Documentation of the municipal branch of the (Nationalsozialistische Frauenschaft) National Socialist Women's League in Grodno, 1943-1944

  17. Data from the "Minority Census" in Germany (Volkszaehlung 1939), from materials of the Reichssippenamt, May 1939

    Data from the "Minority Census" in Germany (Volkszaehlung 1939), from materials of the Reichssippenamt, May 1939 The collection includes personal data of Jewish families that was collected during the population census. The Record Group was located in the State Archives of East Germany in Potsdam, under Archive signature 1/82. Following the reunification of Germany, this Archive was added to the Bundesarchiv (Federal Archive) in Berlin. The Reichssippenamt materials have been included in the R 1509 Record Group in this Archive. The data is listed alphabetically more or less according to the ...

  18. Collection of lists of members of various movements, refugees in the DP camp in Vienna, prepared before aliya to Eretz Israel

    Collection of lists of members of various movements, refugees in the DP camp in Vienna, prepared before aliya to Eretz Israel

  19. Files of the Wuerzburg Gestapo

    Files of the Wuerzburg Gestapo

  20. Documentation of the German State Ministry for Bohemian and Moravian Affairs (Deutsches Staatsministerium fuer Boehmen und Maehren), Germany, 1938-1945

    Documentation of the German State Ministry for Bohemian and Moravian Affairs (Deutsches Staatsministerium fuer Boehmen und Maehren), Germany, 1938-1945 The Ministry for Bohemian and Moravian Affairs was established following the occupation of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis and the establishment of the Protectorate on the majority of its territory. Konstantin von Neurath, appointed as Governor of the Protectorate by the German authorities, was, in effect, ousted from his position by Hitler, on September 1941, for introducing policies that were not harsh enough in the eyes of the Fuehrer. Wilhel...