Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 12,341 to 12,360 of 33,370
Language of Description: English
  1. Farming in central Poland

    Man herds cows, man herds sheep, a woman helps. MS of a young boy and girl in traditional dress, posing in the field, each holds a stick used for herding the animals. They smile shyly for the camera. Other children play in the field, run down a hillside. MCU of the couple. Cut to a country road, man drives a horse drawn carriage loaded with hay; a woman walks along the road. Several shots of the road, a lake, and thatched roof house.

  2. Country life in Zakopane, Poland 1936

    Scenes of country life in Zakopane, Poland, staged for the camera. Peasants cutting bread and vegetables, interior of a house, woman cooking, weaving, man enters the house and makes the sign of the cross, all are in traditional folk dress. VS, inside a church, CUs of icons. The subject shifts to a different scene: MLS, following a man in the woods, out to hunt birds with his rifle over his shoulder, camera pans up to bird's nest. A woman meets him under the tree- the man talks to her about a gun as they sit on a bench under a tree, there is a religious icon hanging on the tree. The couple f...

  3. Kaufbeuren institution

    Men and women, presumably patients, perform agricultural tasks such as cutting and stacking hay in a field, blacksmithing, gardening, tending to livestock (ducks, pigs, beehives, others). This section opens with landscape scenes and milk being delivered to the institution on a donkey cart. Signs affixed to a tree identify the Birkenried and Kaufbeuren asylums. There are occasional close-ups of the animals.

  4. Zinc refinery in Katowice, Poland, circa 1936

    Scenes from the Giesche Zinc mine and refinery in Katowice, Poland, circa 1936. VS, INT near the furnaces, women sorting ore before it is smelted, the conveyor belt from the mine shaft, the molten ore being poured into molds. 01:02:06 Workers' jackets hanging from the ceiling of the factory near the light fixtures. EXT, LS, workers exiting the factory, some get on their bicycles others leave on foot. Many workers are young, and smile for the camera. INT, workers filling the molds used for the molten zinc ore. EXT, LS of the countryside in south central Poland. VS of the rural village and th...

  5. Scenes from the port city of Gdynia

    Workmen hauling lumber around a lumber yard. Furniture, bundles of wooden café style chairs loaded into crates. A women in a fur coat counts some packages or bundles on the ground. Man in uniform observes them. Crane with the bundle of chairs. Back to the lumberyard, several workmen moving and hauling wood around the yard. Crane comes down from the deck of a ship.

  6. Warsaw ruins

    Horse with cart in street, snow-covered ruins of Warsaw ghetto. Pan, WS. Various views.

  7. Jeno Klein postcards

    The Jeno Klein postcards consists of three postcards writen by Jeno Klein (maiden name Szerena Reich), addressed to Tibor Klein, written two days before and on the day of deportation from Budapest (23 Beniczky Street, Ujpest), in July 1944.

  8. Airship construction

    Airship construction. Workers gather in circle.

  9. Animated maps and titles for the film "Poland - the Country and the People"

    An animated map of Poland, designed by Philip Stapp. Features the outline of the country of Poland, a drawing of a King with a sceptor, an indication of the location of Krakow with an accompanying image of the city, and a coat of arms-style sign in the middle of the map of Poland that reads: Union of Poland-Lithuania and Ruthenia. From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937.

  10. Staged scenes of domestic life and folk dancing in the region of Katowice

    Staged scenes inside a peasant couple's home. Women cooking apples, cutting bread, men eating. All are wearing traditional Polish peasant dress. VS of men and women performing folk dances, mainly circle dances. These shots are alternately over and under cranked, making the actions of the dancers exaggeratedly slow or fast. From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937.

  11. Hitler's butler's home movies; Oswald Mosley, BUF in London

    1938 color home movies of Kannenberg family in Germany. Two young girls (nieces) with Arthur Kannenberg and shiny black Mercedes flying small swastika. Intertitle: "Unser Vater an seinem 73.ten Geburtstag (Our father on his 73rd birthday) 21.6.38." Grandfather, grandmother, 3 young girls bring flowers. Family scenes, including storefront "Villa Luise." [1944 police document identifies Inger Poulsen of Elbingerode, niece of "Hausintendant Kannenberg", born 5 March 1923 in Kopenhagen, Denmark] 01:02:26 "Corporate Films Ltd. Present" "East London Blackshirt Rally" "Victoria Park 7th. June 1936...

  12. Floral patterned crocheted doily given to a Jewish Hungarian woman by a friend

    White crocheted doily made for Berta Weisz by a friend in her home town, Nyzhni Vorota (in Yiddish, Veretski), Czechoslovakia (now Ukraine), which was annexed by Hungary in May 1939. In August 1941, Berta, 22, her husband Samuel, their infant son Moshe Tomas, and her brother Jonas were expelled because they were Jewish. They were sent to the Kamenez-Podolsk ghetto. They escaped and fled to Budapest. On February 24, 1943, Berta’s husband and brother were shot by the Hungarian Gestapo in Hidegseg, Hungary. Berta, who was pregnant, had false papers as a Christian and returned to her mother Reg...

  13. Antisemitic propaganda of Jews in the Warsaw ghetto

    *The film was transferred backwards. Refer to the same film properly transferred on Film ID 2257. Street, Warsaw ghetto inhabitants, men with armbands. Pan up to "Fotografia" facade. CU, police officer with Ordnungspolizei armband, directing traffic, smiling (seems staged). Group, woman with tickets, wicker basket. Pan up, EXT of tram building. Open doors. Group of ghetto inhabitants on open cart, awaiting transport. CU, old man with crutch, boy. CU, Star of David armband. INT, shop with piles of garbage/hay, empty bottles, jam, man purchases laboratory tube at counter. Two children s...

  14. Animated map and graphics of Poland for the film "Poland - the Country and the People"

    Animated map of Poland showing the industrial region of Silesia and its factories. The map serves as a transition from this region of southern Poland to the northwestern region of Poland and the port city of Gdynia. This map was created by Philip Stapp. From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937.

  15. Portrait of a fellow inmate in Terezin ghetto created by Bedrich Fritta

    Ink wash painting of Wilda Petschau created by Bedrich Fritta in 1942 in Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp where both men were imprisoned. Petschau was killed soon after the portrait was completed. The drawing was hidden in the walls of the ghetto and recovered after liberation in May 1945. Fritta, a Czech Jewish cartoonist and graphic designer, was deported to the camp from Prague on November 24, 1941. He was assigned to head the Graphic Department. Fritta was part of a tight knit group of artists determined to secretly document the wretched conditions of daily life in the camp. In summer 1...

  16. Russian Christian Orthodox church service

    EXT, LS of unidentified factory, quickly cuts to an INT scene in an orthodox church whre people receive communion, exact location and date, as well as the reason for the service are unknown; images of Russian iconography. EXT, church procession, large crowds are gathered outside the church. This is a different location and church than the church featured in the first scene of this story. 01:07:23:25 CU of a bearded Russian Orthodox priest reading from a book of scripture outside the church, the pages of the book are blowing in the wind. VS, several angles on the priest and the congregation ...

  17. Touring Europe; mountains

    Tourist photography of mountains, family in the FG posing next to their car. Hikers prepare for trip in snow-topped mountains. More shots of mountains, landscape, hiking. Farmers.

  18. German capture of Vinnitsa, Ukraine

    Map showing Vinnitsa, Ukraine. Ukrainian citizens and German soldiers work to repair roads destroyed by the Soviets. German military vehicles attempting to drive down muddy roads; a large van slides along the road and must be pushed by a number of German soldiers. More street repair and muddy roads. The narrator announces the fight for Vinnitsa. German soldiers in a field; sound of gunshots. Destroyed bridges and vehicles, with some corpses visible. Germans marching through Vinnitsa after capturing the city. German soldiers greeted by a Hungarian officer.

  19. Touring Paris

    Family footage of the Herz family vacation in Europe in 1937. Footage shows images of Jewish-American life before World War II with its European roots. LS, Versailles. Plaza, park in Paris, horse and buggy. Woman running towards the camera. Paris street scenes and shots of the Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower. Crowds.

  20. During my childhood Gouache created postwar by a former inmate of a people in a transit camp being loaded on a truck

    Multi-colored gouache created by Maurice Rosen based upon his experiences as a prisoner in Pithiviers transit camp in France.The painting depicts men and women standing on the flatbed of a truck located in front of a barbed-wire fence with soldiers standing nearby.