Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,561 to 4,580 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Pastor Paul Vogt papers Nachlass Pfarrer Paul Vogt (1900-1984)

    Private papers of Paul Vogt (1900-1984), Swiss pastor and a refugee aid worker. Consists of manuscripts, press articles, honors, diaries, obituaries, notes by Sophie Vogt-Brenner and Annemarie Vogt, photographs, interviews and publications. Records relate to Paul Vogt's commitment and leadership for charity and assistance to refugees, his work towards understanding between Christian and Jews, and his support for the existence of the State of Israel.

  2. Rezső Rudolf Kasztner collection

    The Rezső Rudolf Kasztner collection comprises letters, documents, certificates and protocols given to Holocaust researcher Dov Dinur by the Kasztner family that document Kasztner’s activities as a member of the "Vaad Ha-Ezrah veha-Hatzalah be-Budapest " (Aid and Rescue Committee of Budapest). Letters, reports, and an aide mémoire from July-August 1944 pertain to the early stages of negotiations Kasztner conducted with Adolf Eichmann, Kurt Becher, Hermann Krumey, and other senior Nazi leaders on behalf of the committee in an attempt to secure the liberation of hundreds of Hungarian Jews. In...

  3. Rose and Max Schindler collection

    Contains documents and photographs illustrating the experiences of Rose Schwartz Schindler and Max Schindler, Holocaust survivors who met and married in the United Kingdom after World War II. Max’s family was deported from Cottbus, Germany to Poland in October 1938; Max, his father Benjamin, and brother Alfred performed slave labor in numerous concentration camps including Płaszow, Litoměřice, and Theresienstadt, where Max and Alfred were liberated in 1945. Rose and her two sisters, Helen and Udka, were deported from Seredné, Czechoslovakia, to Auschwitz. They survived together and returned...

  4. Chaim and Sarah Levitan papers

    Contains documents, identification cards, and certificates related to the experiences of Chaim and Sarah (Skirsky) Levitan. Contains a membership card for the Union of Jewish Students in Grenoble, France issued to Sarah Skirsky (later Levitan), dated December 15, 1927; a French identity card for Sarah Levitan, bearing stamps of Le Havre, France and noting Lithuanian citizenship, dated 1930; a French identity card for Chaim Levitan, noting Lithuanian citizenship; an identification card from the University of Grenoble, France, dated 1928; two certificates from a students' organization of Ghen...

  5. Historical Committee of the Temporary Social Insurance Board in Warsaw Komisja Historyczna Tymczasowej Rady Zakladu Ubezpieczeń Społecznych w Warszawie (Sygn.158)

    Questionnaires and analyses of the Historical Committee of the Temporary Social Insurance Board in Warsaw. The Committee conducted special surveys directed to insurance workers. The collection contains the responses of the insurance workers to the questionnaire on the fate and activity of social insurance during the occupation and its summary and analyses. Answers to the questionnaire concern the following data: place of work and the position of the author of the answer; organizational changes in insurance investments; staffing; healthcare; property and financial matters. Included are worke...

  6. Wedding; picnic celebration with local Greek Jews; marketplace

    Title card: “A Wedding in Kastoria.” A band walks towards the camera and down a set of stairs (not visible) for this Jewish wedding. Wedding guests follow behind in a procession, including Lena Elias and Allegra Confino. Everyone is nicely dressed. Brief shot of the synagogue with a sign in Hebrew above. Guests. Title card: “Picnic in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Bocko Mayo tendered by Mr. & Mrs. Calif H. Elias at Mavryotsas.” Adults dance the hora. Others relax on the grass. People sitting at a table toast, celebrate, and smile for the camera. Large group poses for the camera. Title card: “...

  7. Lavoslav Schick (Šik) collection

    Personal papers of Lavoslav Schick (Šik). The collection consists of several hundred of his manuscripts, articles, speeches, reports, and extensive correspondence with individuals and organizations throughout Europe. Lavoslav Schick was a prominent Zagreb lawyer, killed in the Jasenovac concentration camp. He was a Zionist, but of the kind who did not wish to actually leave for Palestine themselves, and a well-known public figure in Zagreb’s inter-war period. Zagreb’s Jewish history cannot be told without talking or examining of his work.

  8. Selected records of the Embassy of the Polish Republic in Berlin Ambasada Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Berlinie (Sygn. 474)

    Reports, statistics, correspondence, and press clippings issued by Polish diplomatic agencies operating on German territory since 1933, relating to the condition, persecution and emigration of Jews, incidents of arrests and beating of Polish Jews on German territory, interventions by the Polish Embassy and Polish diplomatic agencies on Jewish matters, and legal assistance for Polish emigrants in Germany. Also includes texts of speeches by Hitler, 1935, and German propaganda. Also included are records relating to the organization and activity of the Federation of Polish Jews in Germany, info...

  9. Tallit

    Tallit found in German home by Manfred Hohenemser, an American GI who was a German Jewish refugee. After his unit liberated the Ohrdruf concentration camp, they moved on to the town of Eisenbach near the Austrian border. Manfred was ordered to conduct a house to house search, and while doing so, he saw the tallit being used as a tablecloth in one of the homes. Furious, he ripped the tallit off the table and took it with him.

  10. Fonds Serge Klarsfeld (MDCII)

    Personal archives of Serge Klarsfeld, including are correspondence (personal, legal, administrative, telegrams), handwritten and typewritten notes, administrative documents, partial or complete reproductions of works, colloquia, collections of documents, collection of original or reproduced testimonies, collection of press articles and photos gathered by Serge Klarsfeld, and his research on the deportation of Jews from France. The collected administrative documents were themselves produced by the different organs of the Reich, its occupying authorities in France, the administration of the V...

  11. Archive of the Culture Congress. Confederation of Jewish Culture Archivo del Cultur Congres. Confederación Pro Cultura Judía

    The collection consists of institutional records of the Confederación Pro Cultura Judía. Records relate to the arrival of survivor artists, cultural activities and publishing projects of survivors, as well as photographs, newspaper clippings, and organizational records.

  12. Personal papers of Francisco Wichter Archivo personal de Francisco Wichter

    Papers of Francisco Wichter (born Faivel Wichter), Holocaust survivor. The collection consists of Wichter's correspondence, documents, newspaper clippings, certificates, and photographs related to his post-war experiences. He survived several ghettos, concentration and forced labor camps, including Bełżyce, Poniatowo, Budzyń, Mielec, and Wieliczka, and was chosen to work for Oskar Schindler's factory complex in Brünnlitz. After the war, Wichter and his wife settled in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The collection includes photographs and documents depicting Wichter's activities as a member and o...

  13. Selected records of the Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Legations of the Polish : Consulate in Nice Konsulat Honorowy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Nicei (Sygn. 508)

    Diplomatic correspondence and the invitations of the Société Israélite to the Polish Council in Nicei to honor work of Jewish poet and novelist, Sholem Asch. In 1932 he was awarded by the Polish Republic's Polonia Restituta decoration.

  14. Torah ark curtain

    Ritual tablecloth /veil for the Torah box from the Gherla synagogue. The Gherla synagogue was used in 1944 as a short-term detention place for Jews before they were interned in the Gherla brick factory which was used as a ghetto. At this point, the Gherla Jewish community is made up of one person, eighty-year-old survivor Zoltan Blun.

  15. Oral history interview with Arthur Danziger

  16. Private papers of Eva Michaelis-Stern (A440)

    Personal papers of Eva Michaelis-Stern (1904-1992). The collection consists of articles, notes, newspaper clippings, correspondence, manuscript and narrations of Eva Michaelis-Stern concerning her work for the Youth Aliyah in Germany and England; correspondence between Eva Michaelis-Stern and various people, mainly private; agreement between Michaelis-Stern and war veterans organization; newspaper articles, pictures and letters, notes, various booklets, guides and printed material from the Keren Hayesod, the Central Zionist Archives and the Council for Social Services and Voluntarism, inclu...

  17. Otto and Régine Heim papers Nachlass Otto H. und Régine Heim (1896-1978/1907-2004)

    Private papers of Otto Heim (1896-1978) and Régine Heim (1907-2004), a Jewish Swiss aid worker for Jewish refugees. The collection consists of biographical documents as a marriage certificate, testimonies, speeches at private and family occasions, among others, the speech on 70th birthday of Otto H. Heim, the farewell address of Edi Braunschweig, the report on a trip to Israel 1950, documents on the family history of Otto Heim and his wife Régine Fraydenraich [Freidenreich]; articles, essays, among others: "The confessional and national structure of the population of Switzerland"; a speech ...

  18. William Schneider collection

    Immediate postwar photographs of the removal of corpses and reburial in mass grave at Dora-Mittelbau.

  19. 5 Schilling Austrian scrip

    5 Schilling Austrian scrip issued in 1944 by the Alliierte Militarbehorde. Serial number 17H 143310.