Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,361 to 4,380 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Heinz Dieter Menge papers

    The collection documents the World War II-era and post-war experiences of German Luftwaffe fighter pilot Heinz Dieter Menge, who was a prisoner-of-war in Australia from 1941-1947 and later immigrated to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Included is biographical material, correspondence, clippings, immigration documents, two guest books with personal inscriptions and signatures by Menge's guests from the 1950s to 2000s, and photographs. There is also material pertaining to the German POW camp Dhurringile in Australia and reunions of former POWs, including over 50 group photographs. Many of these phot...

  2. Film projector

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn617796
    • English
    • a: Height: 12.000 inches (30.48 cm) | Width: 7.250 inches (18.415 cm) | Depth: 13.500 inches (34.29 cm) b: Height: 10.500 inches (26.67 cm) | Width: 11.000 inches (27.94 cm) | Depth: 6.250 inches (15.875 cm) c: Height: 5.250 inches (13.335 cm) | Width: 1.250 inches (3.175 cm) d: Height: 5.250 inches (13.335 cm) | Width: 1.250 inches (3.175 cm) e: Height: 5.250 inches (13.335 cm) | Width: 1.250 inches (3.175 cm) f: Height: 1.310 inches (3.327 cm) | Diameter: 1.000 inches (2.54 cm) g: Height: 1.060 inches (2.692 cm) h: Height: 23.750 inches (60.325 cm) | Width: 16.750 inches (42.545 cm) | Depth: 9.250 inches (23.495 cm)

    Film Projector “Olympia” projector manufactured by “Kinotechnische Werkstätten” or Cinematographic Workshop Walter Knetsch in Breslau, Germany, a company that was established in 1919. Also included are a heater, three bulbs and the box that contained the projector and the above-named parts.

  3. Scroll

    Scroll given to Kaiser Wilhelm and his wife on the occasion of their Silver wedding anniversary by The Central Committee of the Zionist Organization of Germany in Berlin. Discovered after the war by Soviet Army Sergeant Marc Shapiro, one of the first to reach Hitler's bunker, who discovered the scroll in the Reich Chancellery.

  4. Szklaniewicz family collection

    Contains correspondence and postcards from Aaron Lazar and Manya Szklaniewicz [donor's grandparents] in the Warsaw ghetto to their son Naftali Szklaniewicz (Sklan) [donor's father] and also to Moritz Hanemann in Amsterdam and London. Also includes translations of the letters.

  5. Marshall W. Minard photographs

    The Marshall W. Minard photographs consist of 14 photographic prints and postcards documenting the Buchenwald concentration camp immediately following liberation and the Dachau death train. The Buchenwald photographs are captioned “Buchenwald Stalag” on the back. The images depict survivors, victims, skin with tattoos, exterior and interior of buildings, an effigy of Hitler, and American soldiers. The Dachau photographs depict victims inside and next to the open railcars of the Dachau death train.

  6. Bergen Belsen liberation photographs

    Contains ten photographs of the Bergen-Belsen concentration taken camp after liberation, including images of corpses in an open grave.

  7. Franz Reisz painting

  8. Registers of the judgments delivered by the court of justice of the department of the Seine Registres des arrêts rendus par la cour de justice du département de la Seine (Z/6/2001-2056)

    Consists of handwritten ledgers relating to the trials of French citizens accused of serious collaborationist crimes: policemen, police inspectors and commissioners who were part of the Special Brigades 1 and 2 responsible for tracking down "terrorists," Communists and Jews, and others. French citizens were accused of espionage, treason and furthering the cause of the enemy. The handwritten ledgers contain a summary of each case tried by this court in chronological order, from October 17, 1944 to January 31, 1951 (File of May 1948 is missing.) The ledgers do not include cases of individuals...

  9. Cimmerman family papers

    The collection contains prewar photographs of the family of Bronia Cimmerman Bronkesh in Sarny, Poland (Sarny, Ukraine), including the Cimmerman and Passman families; postwar photographs in the Neu-Freimann displaced persons camp; and a "Certificate in Lieu of Identity" issued to Elka Zimmerman by the American Consulate General in Munich, March 7, 1947.

  10. Judenrat in Bochnia Kolekcja dokumentów z gett i obozów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 1939-1944. Judenraty Rada Żydowska Bochnia (Sygn. 257)

    Records of the Judenrat in Bochnia, Poland. Consists of two certificates issued by the German Criminal Police to Ms. Grubner and Mr. Leib Strum, Argentinian citizens, to allow them to live outside of the Jewish ghetto, July 3, 1943. Both documents have the attached person's photographs.

  11. La Comunidad Judía en Uruguay Uruguay - Jewish Communities and Organizations

    Files of the Comité Central Israelita del Uruguay (1940-1975), the Organización Sionista del Uruguay (OSU) (1954-1975), Sociedad israelita Hungara del Uruguay" (SIHPU) (1933-1962), Keren Hayesod (Campaña Unida pro Israel) del Uruguay (1948-1964), Keren Kaiemet LeIsrael (1948-1976), WIZO (1938-1959), the Congreso Judío Mundial en Uruguay (1941-1970); files of the various Jewish communities (1920-1972), the Vaad Hajinuj del Uruguay and various Jewish schools (1939-1975); youth, social and other organizations (1908-1972) in Montevideo as well as many periodicals and publications (1942-1979).

  12. Abraham Kopec photograph collection

    Photographs illustrating the postwar experiences of Abraham Kopec, who was born in 1933 in Govorovo, Poland and as a child was deported to Siberia with his family, where his mother died. Includes images taken in displaced persons camps in Germany, including Wetzlar.

  13. Documents from the occupation of Belgium

    Collection of printed items and handwritten documents from World War II in Anderlecht and Brussels, Belgium. Includes a broadside published on behalf of "Association des Juifsen Belgique" of 1941, announcing an order to concentrate Jews in Mechelen transit camp; four tickets, printed and completed by hand, for compulsory insurance for old age or early death (Carte D'Assujetti), issued for Alta Szajndla Frysz; two "certificates of good conduct" (Certificat De Bonne Conduite, Vie Et Moeurs) issued for Alta Frysz and Chia Percikow; and three handwritten letters, one in the original envelope wi...

  14. Judenrat in Zwierzyniec Kolekcja dokumentów z gett i obozów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 1939-1944. Judenraty Rada Żydowska Zwierzyniec (Sygn. 271)

    Records of the Judenrat in Zwierzyniec. It contains card files of persons employed by the firm Vowinckel & Richtberg in Zwierzyniec as a notification to the Social Insurance Institution in Zamościu.

  15. Selected records of the County Repatriation Office. Provincial Branch in Warsaw Powiatowy Urząd Repatriacyjny. Oddział Wojewódzki w Warszawie (Sygn. 556) : Wybrane materialy

    Correspondence and other documents relating to searching for families in Warsaw district, and bringing repatriate families from the USSR to Poland. Includes also compensation cases.

  16. Helga Freeman McNair photographs

    Consists of two loose album pages of photographs depicting Germany in the immediate postwar period, including scenes of Buchenwald shortly after liberation, German prisoners of war, and civilians.

  17. Gauselbstverwaltung der Reichsgaus Daniz-Westpreusen Namiestnik Rzeszy Okręgu Gdańsk-Prusy Zachodnie (Sygn. 263)

    Selected records of the office of the Governor of the Reich of the Gdańsk-West Prussia District (Namiestnik Rzeszy Okręgu Gdańsk-Prusy Zachodnie: Gauselbstverwaltung der Reichsgaus Daniz-Westpreuse). Consist of internal regulations and orders, correspondence, lists of cities and districts with Polish and new German names, and the organizational chart of the office of the Governor of the Reich of the Gdańsk-West Prussia District.

  18. Judenrat in Piotrków Kolekcja dokumentów z gett i obozów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 1939-1944. Judenraty Rada Żydowska Piotrków (Sygn. 263)

    Records of the Judenrat in Piotrków. Consists of Polish identity card and German Registration Card for Jews (Meldekarte für Juden) issued for Jojne Chaskiel Tarkowski vel Tarko in 1942.

  19. Selected records from collections of the Neamt branch of the Romanian National Archives

    Contains records from the Mayorship of the town of Piatra Neamț (Reels 1-7), including correspondence relating to elections within the Jewish community, subsidies for Jewish schools, revision of Romanian citizenship, and various requests relating to citizenship of Jews, lawsuit between the Jewish community and town relating to the exchange of land, goods and belongings of Iron Guard organization, expropriation of Jewish goods, anti-Jewish measures, confiscation of Iron Guard properties, lists of Jews for forced labor in Piatra Neamt, orders of the Ministry of Interior relating to awards for...

  20. Selected records of the County Starosty in Ostrów Mazowiecka Kreishauptmannschaft Ostrów Mazowiecka Starostwo Powiatowe w Ostrowie Mazowiecka (Sygn. 489) : Wybrane materialy

    Circulars and ordinances of authorities, official correspondence, reports on activities, quota reports, sending people to work, minutes of meetings, materials on the population policy of the occupant, censuses, lists of employees of the office of the starost, materials on the Polish resistance movement, reports of gendarmerie, interrogation of Jews in cases of illegal border crossing, correspondence with the Judenrat from Wegrów, matter of control of correspondence, daily orders, certificates, receipts, documentation related to the implementation of the antisemitic exhibition entitled "Jued...