Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 33,461 to 33,480 of 33,519
Language of Description: English
  1. The Jewish Press Agency in Switzerland- JUNA - newspaper clippings collection, 1936-1965

    The collections consists of newspaper clippings, mainly about the condition of the Jewish people in Nazi occupied Europe.

  2. The Matilde Finzi-Bassani Personal Archive , Italy

    The Collection contains Matilde Finzi-Bassani's personal documentation as well as much documentation regarding the anti-Fascist underground in Italy.

  3. The Ludwigsburg Collection: Documentation regarding Nazi war crimes, collected by the West Germany legal system

    The collection contains important information regarding many Nazi war crimes reported by the groups that actually carried them out, mainly SS units, the police and the gendarmerie. Additionally, the collection includes both documentation and testimonies gathered by local judicial systems in the eastern European countries. There are also many reports of German units from the field providing information regarding murders of Jews that they carried out, dates, places where the murders took place and the number of Jews murdered. The collection also contains recommendations for the awarding of ci...

  4. The Kurt Grossmann Archives: Documentation regarding Kurt Grossman's activities as an advisor to the Jewish Agency and documentation regarding reparations

    In the collection there is documentation primarily regarding the background to Grossmann's activities as a press officer after World War II, along with documentation regarding the negotiations conducted between Israel and Germany concerning the reparations. The documentation includes mainly German publications regarding German legislation concerning reparations and reports of Grossmann's trips to Germany. More than half the documentation consists of press clippings.

  5. Kulka-Jaeckel Collection: Nazi reports regarding public opinion in Germany

    The Collection includes reports regarding the Stimmungsberichte (atmosphere; mood) among the members of SD units, the Gestapo, the Nazi Party and local authorities throughout Germany. The reports in which there is information regarding the Jews served as the basis for the book,"Die Juden in den geheimen NS-Stimmungsberichten 1933-1945"(The Jews in the Secret Nazi Atmosphere Reports, 1933-1945), Kulka, Otto Dov and Jäckel, Eberhard, eds., Droste Verlag, Düsseldorf, 2004.

  6. The Kulka-Hildesheimer Collection: Documentation of the Reich Representation of German Jews, 1932-1938

    Included in the documentation is a huge number of documents regarding the organization starting from the preparation stages for its establishment and through its dissolution, protocols of meetings held by administrative bodies and organization committees, documents and letters, letters received by the organization from Jewish communities and organizations and documents about the Reich Representation, clippings from the Jewish press concerning the organization, documents of Jewish communities regarding implementation of the guidelines of the Reich Representation and more.

  7. Kriegsverbrecherreferat (War Criminals Department), Central Committee of Liberated Jews - Munich

    In this collection there are files containing much documentation regarding criminals according to the places where they were active, in camps or in ghettos.

  8. Memoirs and diaries from the Holocaust period collected by the Central Jewish Committee in Poland

    Memoirs and diaries submitted to the Jewish Historical Insitute in Warsaw and catalogued in Records Group 302. In the collection there is a great variety of diaries and memoirs regarding the Holocaust in Poland, Nazi Germany and other countries. Most of the documentation is in Polish; some of the material is in Yiddish and other languages.

  9. Menachem Kaufmann Collection: Documentation regarding Communities in Germany, mainly in Hessen

    The files include information regarding the Jewish communities,mainly in the Hessen area, (including Jewish community-owned property) and the lives of the Jews.

  10. Reinhard Strecker Collection: Judges and Trials in Nazi Sondergerichte (Special Courts)

    Included in the Collection: - Microfilms JM/1750-JM/1752: Verdicts from trials held in special courts in Germany, Poland and the Protectorate; the trials usually were conducted against non-Jews, and in most cases, the sentence was death. Besides the verdict and verdicts rendered for appeals, in some instances the collection also contains correspondence regarding the carrying out of the sentences, including official notification that the verdict has been carried out;- Microfilm JM/1753: Reports regarding the executions carried out in the Brandenburg prison, 1943-1945; - Microfilm JM/1754: Fi...

  11. Rabbi Eli Munk Archives: Correspondence regarding the situation of the Jewish refugees in Germany during the early post-Holocaust years

    The Record Group includes correspondence with relief and welfare organizations in Britain and Germany during the Nazi period and after the war, reports regarding the activities of these organizations and reports from visits of Jewish leaders in Germany after the war, including much information concerning the situation of the Jews living in various places in the country.

  12. Questionnaires completed by Landraete (Districts) in Germany regarding the Jewish communities throughout Germany, 1946-1947

    The Central Historical Commission (CHC) of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in Munich distributed questionnaires among the regional and municipal authorities, mainly in the American Occupied Zone in Germany. The purpose of these questionnaires was to gather information regarding the number of Jews living in various places in 1933 and during the Nazi period, as well as the number of Jews who perished. The questionnaires also contain questions regarding Nazi concentration camps in those areas.

  13. Questionnaires filled out by children in the Foehrenwald DP camp, 1945-1946

    The questionnaires include questions concerning the names of family members, their places of origin and the general background of the children. On the reverse side of each questionnaire there is a short report regarding the history of the child from the day s/he was deported to the ghetto, the camps to which s/he was deported, when s/he was separated from his/her family members and places where s/he was from after the liberation until his/her arrival at the DP camp.

  14. Personal Archive of Dr. Heinz E. Samson

    The documentation deals with a part of the estate of the Samson family, originally from the city of Norden in Northern Germany. There is pre-war documentation on tax issues and the assets of the Samson family, pre- and postwar correspondence with German authorities, personal documents and certificates, documents on the restoration of the Norden Jewish cemetery supported by the Samson family after WW II, the dedication of a memorial on the Norden Jewish cemetery, charity work, brochures and magazines related to the history of the Norden Jews.

  15. Київська штадткомендатура, м. Київ

    • Kiev Stadtkommandatura

    Fond 2353, Opis 1, Delo 1: Instructions of the Chief of Staff of the German armed forces and the commander of the troops of Ukraine on celebrating Christmas and on the spiritual education of the troops. Military-political overview Nos. 5 and 6 for 1941. 1941. 152 pp. Fond 2353, Opis 1, Delo 2: Lists of Ukrainian employees of the Stadtskommandatura who received allowances in November, December 1941. Lists and German and Ukrainian employees. 1941. 31 pp. Fond 2353, Opis 1, Delo 5: Orders of the Stadtskommandant for August-December 1941. 1941. 59 pp. Fond 2353, Opis 1, Delo 6: Orders of the Ge...

  16. Українська республіканська надзвичайна комісія зі встановлення збитків та злочинів, заподіяних німецько-фашистськими загарбниками, м. Київ

    USHMM has copied from this fonds and describes the copies as follows: Opis 1, Ukrainian Extraordinary State Committee to Investigate German-Fascist Crimes Committed on Soviet Territory Folder 31: Lists of people killed and damages inflicted upon population, for the Stalino oblast. Folder 48: Lists of people killed and damages inflicted upon population, for the Poltava oblast. Folder 51: Lists of people killed and damages inflicted upon population of various villages in the Ukraine. 1943. Folder 52: Lists of people killed and damages inflicted upon population, Oleinik. Folder 53: Ostarbeiter...

  17. Управління німецької жандармерії, м. Київ.

    1. Administrative orders dealing with organizational matters for the city of Kiev 2. List of gendarmerie/police services in the Kiev general district and staffing schedules with the distribution of positions in the various services 3. List of members of the Kiev gendarmerie staff and geographic maps/plans
  18. Valtiollisen poliisin I arkisto

    • Archive of the State Police I

    The archive includes personal cards, personal files, interrogation protocols, case files, reports, photos, and journals, among other things. The Holocaust-related records are only a small part of this vast collection. They are described as child collections.

  19. Ulkomaalaisia koskevat erityiset Suomeen tulokysymykset

    • Special issues concerning foreigners willing to enter Finland

    Correspondence, reports, and newspaper clippings concerning foreigners willing to enter Finland in the years 1920s-50s. The material includes records concerning Jewish refugees from Austria and Germany in the late 1930s, as well as Polish and Baltic Jewish refugees in 1940.