Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 33,441 to 33,460 of 33,519
Language of Description: English
  1. Velika żupa Pokuplje Karlovac

    • The Greater County of the river Kupa region Karlovac
  2. The Mordechai Friedman Collection

    The Mordechai Friedman Collection is comprised mainly of copies of documents Friedman gathered from American archives (Jewish and public) that served him in the course of the preparation of his doctoral thesis and his various studies in the context of the reaction of American Jewry to the Holocaust of the European Jews.

  3. Općina Dubrovnik

    • The collection of Dubrovnik administration unit
  4. Kotarski sud u Dubrovniku

    • The Dubrovnik County Court
  5. The Relico Collection: Documentation of the Committee for Relief of the War-Stricken Jewish Population, World Jewish Congress, Geneva

    The Collection contains documentation regarding the activities of the Committee during the war as well as its post-war activities. In the Collection from the war period, there is correspondence between Committee members and Jews living under the German regime and correspondence with family members living in the free world and trying to help their Jewish relatives living under the German regime. In the letters sent from ghettos and camps there is information regarding the condition of the Jews. Sometimes these were the last letters of the Jews who perished afterwards. Included in the documen...

  6. Kaelter Collection: Documentation from the estate of David and Judith (Edith) Kaelter, residents of Germany, who emigrated to Eretz Israel in 1939

    The material includes: - Details regarding David and Judith Kaelter's families (File 1); - Personal documents belonging to David and Judith Kaelter and their families, including a few rabbis among their relatives (Files 2, 3, 7, 8, 10);- Documents regarding the professional activities of David Kaelter (File 4); - Testimony and memorial booklet regarding the Kristallnacht riots (File 5);- Memoirs and summaries written by David Kaelter regarding his life and the organizations and institutions in which he was active (File 6); - David Kaelter's professional activities as a teacher in Israel (Fi...

  7. Munich Municipality: Documentation regarding the treatment of the Jews, 1933-1942

    Documents dealing with the persecution of Jews during the Nazi period, mainly in Munich, but also in Frankfurt am Main, Ansbach and some of the other cities in Germany. The collection also contains the personal files of Jews from the Munich Welfare Department.

  8. The Testimony Collection gathered by the Central Historic Committee of the Liberated Jews in Munich, 1946-1948

    During the three years of its existence, the Central Historic Committee (CHC) gathered approximately 2,550 testimonies from Holocaust survivors from different countries within occupied Europe. The testimonies deal with the fate of the survivors in various countries during the Nazi occupation.

  9. The SS Members personal files from the Berlin Document Center

    This collection includes personal files of SS officers above the rank of Untersturmfuehrer has been kept at the BDC. In the files there is varied documentation, and in certain instances, the BDC personnel have added documentation regarding a specific officer from other collections in the BDC archive. A large number of files regarding the SS officers were created from questionnaires concerning the personality of the officer. In addition to general data, there is also psychological and medical information and information regarding the officer's outlook on life. In the SS personal files there ...

  10. Documentation of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAF) in the Soviet Union

    Description of the collection : Official Committee documentation, testimonies of survivors, Red Army soldiers, underground members, lists of Jewish victims, notices and announcements, investigative reports against Nazi criminals, survey reports, letters, radio broadcasts, articles and photographs. There are three main collections in the records group:A. Documentation regarding the Holocaust from the"Black Book", including valuable testimonies, diaries and memoirs that were processed for literary presentation and others that were only published partially, testimonies and memoirs regarding th...

  11. Documentation of the Kulturbund der Juden in Deutschland (the Cultural Organization of German Jewry)

    This Record Group is the private archive of the director-actor Fritz Wisten, who was one of the organization activists. The documentation that arrived at Yad Vashem consists of photocopies of the original documentation in the archive, which is housed at the Stiftung Akademie der Kuenste Archive in Berlin. Most of the documentation in this Record Group is in German, dealing primarily with the Kulturbund activities after 1938. The Record group contains documentation of all the Kulturband activities:- Discussions with Hans Hinkel; - Organizational activities;- Surveys of organizational activit...

  12. Documentation of the Dachau concentration camp

    In the collection there is administrational documentation including a few files kept by the camp administration. In many of the files there are forms for payment and insurance of the inmates.In other files there is personal documentation such as passports and photographs of inmates as well as the central card index file of the camp inmates (along with a separate card index file of the Jews from Hungary who arrived at the camp). In the collection there is also personal documentation of citizens from various countries which has been entered in the files beginning with File No. 501 (these file...

  13. Documentation of the Central Historical Commission (CHC) of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the American Occupied Zone, Munich

    The Central Historical Commission in Munich began collecting historical documentation in Germany in December 1945. Much work was invested in involving Jewish survivors of concentration camps in Germany in the collection activity, and the response was great. It could be that the survivors' response was an expression of their spontaneous desire to perpetuate the memories of those who perished and document the terrors of the Holocaust. The 50 CHC branches established in the American Occupied Zone in Germany filled an important role. Indeed, much documentation arrived at the CHC in Munich via t...

  14. Collection of Hansi and Joel Brand, activists in the Relief and Rescue Committee in Budapest during World War II

    In the Collection there are 97 files containing original documentation mainly regarding the following subjects: A. The history of the Jews of Hungary during the Holocaust;B. Efforts of the Relief and Rescue Committee in Hungary throguh which Hansi and Joel Brand conducted their activities, 1942-1944; G."Joel Brand: Die Geschichte eines Geschäfts"(Joel Brand, the Story of a Businessman), a radio play written by Heinar Kipphardt based on Joel Brand's life. C. The roles of various Jewish institutions which were active in the Free World whose goal it was to rescue the Jews of Hungary;D. Documen...

  15. The Itzhak Katzenelson Collection

    The collection contains the works of poet and educator Itzhak Katzenelson, based on periods in his life and crucial events from the early 20th C. through and including the Holocaust. Materials include manuscripts of plays, prose works, and poetry; his correspondence with figures in the spheres of culture, education and literature; his letters to family members; and more. Scope: The collection has four chronological divisions: (a) his pre-war writings and correspondence; (b) his Warsaw ghetto works; (c) his Vittel camp works; (d) correspondence about the fate of Katzenelson and about his wr...

  16. Documentation collected in preparation for the Eichmann Trial, 1933-1962

    The Office 06 investigators gathered the material from Nuremberg Trials documentation, documents from the German Foreign Ministry and other sources. Due to this fact, the collection also contains documents known from other sources. There are also original documents, such as opinions collected in anticipation of the trial regarding Eichmann's activities and protocols of testimonies recorded by the 06 investigators. The Record Group contains approximately 1,700 documents. In general, most of the material consists of copies that have been duplicated on duplicating machines with the 06 Unit Log...

  17. Jan Karski Collection

    The documentation in the Collection: Correspondence, memos, government documentation, bulletins, reports, research, texts of speeches, printed matter, photographs, newspapers and newspaper clippings, journals and microfilm regarding the events and the living conditions in occupied Poland during World War II, the German occupation and the Soviet occupation, the attitude towards the Jews and activities of the Polish underground.

  18. The German Academy of Science: Lexicon regarding outstanding economists (not including Jews), 1930-1941

    This Collection contains pre-World War II files of the German Academy of Science in Munich, including documentation for a lexicon of outstanding German economists and industrialists (Deutsche Wirtschfsfuehrer), since 1801 excluding Jews. The files contain correspondence about the project and the files of the project itself as well as an information page with a few lines regarding each person, arranged alphabetically.

  19. The German Emigrants Card Catalog expatriated by the Nazis (Ausbürgerungskartei)

    In the Collection there is a card catalog of German emigrants whose citizenship was revoked due to their emigration from Germany; these former citizens are regarded as enemies of the regime. Included in the card catalog are the names of many Jews as well as leftists, including artists, authors and journalists.