Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 33,401 to 33,420 of 33,519
Language of Description: English
  1. Documentation regarding the Holocaust from archives in the Netherlands, 1930-1950

    The documentation deals with persecution of the Jews of the Netherlands, anti-Jewish orders and directives, the German authorities in the Netherlands during the war, Jews in camps in the Netherlands and the East, the Joodse Raad (Jewish Council) of Amsterdam, Jewish education, Jewish children, Jewish property, social welfare, Jewish culture, rescue, the Amsterdam police, betrayal of Jews, the Dutch government-in-exile, testimonies, trials of war criminals, reparations and restoration of Jewish property.

  2. Documentation from the State Archive in the Odessa Region, 1939-1945

    In the collection there is official documentation from the Romanian regime in Transnistria, including the decision made by Marshal Ion Antonescu regarding Romanian military officials in Transnistria and a list of names of the government officials. Additionally, there is documentation regarding the deportation of Jews to camps in Transnistria, lists of Jews deported to Transnistria and where they were located in 1942, prepared by the Jewish Center, lists of Gypsies deported from Romania to Transnistria, documentation regarding the transfer of funds from the Romanian Jews to the deportees, re...

  3. Documentation of the UN Committee about War Crimes

    This Record Group contains documentation created by the UN Committee about War Crimes, 1944-1949. The job of the Committee was to assist the various governments in bringing World War II war criminals to trial by collecting documentation, conducting investigations and giving legal counsel. The Record Group reflects the work of the Committee and its sub-committees and includes protocols and reports of the committees'meetings, documentation collected by the Committee and reports regarding the trials of war criminals held in the various countries. The Record Group also contains lists of the nam...

  4. Documentation regarding the Holocaust from the Federal German Military Archives in Freiburg, 1936-1945

    There is diverse documentation from the Wehrmacht (German Army) regarding the Jews, Jewish communities and the fate of the Jews during the Holocaust in the collection, including reports, memos, telegrams and personal documents, encompassing a wide variety of organizations and units that worked within the Wehrmacht framework. The files cover different areas of activity and organizations: partisan activity, administration of the occupied areas, activities of combat units, cooperation between the German Army and the Einsatzgruppen (Task Forces), activities of the German Military Police and the...

  5. Documentation from the Von Mannstein Trial, 1949

    The Records Group contains transcripts of the trial which was conducted in Hamburg, 23 August-19 December, 1949. A transcript of the court session for each of day of the trial can be found in each of the 62 files in the Records Group.

  6. Documentation from the Trial against Bovensiepen and others

    The Record Group contains files from the trial conducted against the heads of the Gestapo Headquarters in Berlin during the final years of the war, as well as files prepared during the collection of evidence for the trial, including information regarding Nazi crimes which took place in other locations in and out of Germany. The files also contain testimonies and much information regarding the Jews of Berlin during the final stage of the persecutions against them and their destruction. There is information concerning deportations, the many detention camps in the city, Jewish community activi...

  7. Documentation from archives in Lithuania, 1941-1945

    The documentation includes records groups from the following archives: Gebietskommissar Wilno-Land (the District Commissioner of Vilna), Oberfeldkommandatur 396, Gebietskommissar Stadtkommandant Wilno Kaunas, Wilno Stadt und Land SS, Wilno Sipo und SD, Sipo und SD Kommandant Kaunas, the SD prison in Stadtkommandatura Marjampol, Vilna and more. In the collection there is also documentation from various organizations, including lists of members of the Judenrat departments in the Vilna Ghetto, lists of the Jewish police in the Vilna Ghetto, food cards belonging to the ghetto residents, documen...

  8. Documentation from the State Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF), 1939-1960

    In the collection there is documentation from the following organizations: - The Council for Religious Affairs of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union, 1943-1953, and the Council for Religious Affairs of the Government of the Soviet Union, 1943-1954The documentation includes protocols, official correspondence and reports concerning religious life and the Soviet Jewish communities during the war and afterwards, the fate of the Jews during the Holocaust, statistical data regarding the Jewish population and the Jewish communities and the antisemitic policy in the Soviet Union; -TASS (t...

  9. The Benno Kaufmann Collection - Documentation of the Aid Council for Jewish Refugees from Germany, Basel, 1939-1947

    Correspondence of Benno Kaufmann from Basel, Switzerland, regarding aid to Jewish refugees from Germany, 1939-1947. The collection contains personal letters belonging to the persecuted detainees in the camps in France, such as the Gurs camp.

  10. Documentation regarding the Holocaust from Archives in Serbia

    In the Record Group there is archival documentation photocopied from the Central Archive of Serbia, the Military Archive, and the Foreign Ministry Archive. Included in the Record Group:- Documentation of the Yugoslavian Government-in-Exile including the Foreign Ministry, from the World War II period and afterwards; - Documentation regarding rescue activities of Jews in the areas of Yugoslavia during the war period;- Investigations conducted by the German police against the Jews of Belgrade; - Documentation of the Commission for the Investigation of Crimes of the Nazis and their helpers;- Li...

  11. Documentation of the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland (Reich Association of the Jews in Germany)

    There are three main sections in the Record Group: I. Organization and AdministrationIn this section there are administrative and financial files of the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland, including protocols of administration meetings, Nazi orders and ordnances, contacts with the Gestapo, statistical data regarding the Jews of Germany and files related to the sale of property belonging to the Jewish communities and their evaluation. There are also several Reichsvertretung der deutschen Juden files in this section. II. Emigration and Deportation - administration of the worth of the ...

  12. The Documentation Center of the Central Union of Jewish Communities in Bratislava

    There are 190 files in the Record Group including documentation from the Jewish Center, Slovakian institutions that were involved in the persecution of the Jews, the Nazi party in Slovakia, anti-Jewish legislation and decrees, documentation regarding forced labor camps, documentation of trials against Nazi criminals and more.

  13. Documentation regarding the Jews of the Baltic States, mainly during the Holocaust period

    In this Record Group there is personal documentation of inmates of ghettos, survivors, partisans and Red Army soldiers. The documentation includes telegrams, private letters, documentation from yeshivas, statistical reports and survey reports from the State Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in the Soviet Union (ChGK) regarding the persecution of Jews and the murder of Jews, survey-reports regarding the deportation of Jews from German occupied countries to German occupied areas in the Soviet Union and their murder in its boundaries, a list of Jews who received vis...

  14. Documentation from archives in Latvia, 1918-1946

    In the collection there are files selected from the Latvian State Historical Archives in Riga and other files received from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington. Description of the collection: Included in the documentation from the Latvian State Historical Archives in Riga is correspondence between the educational establishment in Latvia with various bodies regarding budget, salaries of the teachers and matriculation exams, 1921-1940. In the collection there is documentation of the Association of Latvian Jews for the Advancement of Settlement in Eretz Israel, correspond...

  15. Documentation from archives in Estonia, 1941-1946

    A. Documentation from the Estonian State Central Archives (ERA) in Tallinn, Estonia Examples: - Collection of the autonomous leadership regarding Jewish culture in Estonia; - Collection of the Valga Juudi Spordiselts Makkabi (Maccabi Sports Association) in Valga; - Collection of the Tartu Akadeemiline Juudi Ajaloo ja Kirjanduse Selts ülikooli juures (Association for Jewish Culture and History) in Tartu; - Collection of the Tartu-Juudi üliõpilaste Kassa (Jewish Students'Fund) in Tartu, 1887-1928; - Collection of the Tartu Juudi Usuühing (Religious Jewish Community of Tartu), 1861-1940; - Col...

  16. Denmark Collection: Documentation regarding the Jews of Denmark during the Holocaust period

    In the Record Group there is official documentation and personal documentation including testimonies, letters and personal documents on subjects related to the history of the Jews of Denmark and Norway during the Holocaust period, including displays of antisemitism, smuggling Jews out of Denmark, deportation of Jews from Denmark to Theresienstadt, rescue of the Danish Jews and lists of Jews deported from Norway. The Record Group also includes a collection of thank you letters sent to Cecilia Pels from Copenhagen by Jewish deportees who received food parcels from her in the years 1941-1943.

  17. Collection of Anti-Jewish Legislation - the World Jewish Congress

    Included in the Record Group: A. Collection of anti-Jewish legislation enacted in various countries, organized in files according to the countries. Sometimes the law is quoted as it was published in the law books of that particular country, and sometimes there are surveys regarding the law or newspaper clippings with a description of the law.B. Correspondence between the World Jewish Congress (including with the United Nations) regarding anti-Jewish legislation such as laws regarding emigration, the status of refugees and displaced persons, reparations from Germany and more.

  18. The Collection of Nathan Schwalb, the representative of the World Center of the Hechalutz movement in Geneva, Switzerland during World War II

    Schwalb spent World War II in Geneva as the representative of the World Hechalutz movement, serving as contact person and a financial welfare source for the Jews. He corresponded with hundreds of people in the occupied countries and was active in many areas including the sending of parcels via the Red Cross, mainly to Poland, and transferring funds via messengers whom he drafted for this purpose. The Collection contains correspondence, reports, newspaper clippings and more.

  19. Collection of Max Lowenthal who served in the Department for Jewish Restitution in Germany, Headquarters of the US forces in the US 0ccupation Zone in Germany

    The collection contains: Postwar documentation from the time of the US occupation of Germany regarding reparations for Jewish cultural property looted during World War II, 1945-1947.The main documentation: - Monthly reports by the Offenbach Archival Depot, Office of Military Government, Greater Hesse, Economics Division, regarding Jewish cultural property that was collected;- Letters, memos, reports and similar documents regarding questions concerning the restitution of Jewish cultural property collected in the US 0ccupation Zone in Germany; - Correspondence between Max Lowenthal (as US Gov...

  20. Collection of Ottó (Natan) Komoly, Chairman of the Magyar Cionista Szövetség (Hungarian Zionist Organization), 1941-1944

    Most of the collection is original and can be divided into two parts: A) The first part is Komoly's documentation from the period before World War II to the end of the war (Files 1-48). - Lectures and research papers prepared by Komoly in his professional area as an engineer and his activities as a Jewish Zionist leader;- Correspondence with Jewish organizations from Hungary and other countries, public figures and the Hungarian authorities regarding the rescue of the Jews of Hungary; - Eleven volumes of the work appointment book conducted by Komoly in Budapest, 1934-1944;- Newspaper clippin...